A community of learners over 50
October 2021 | Vol 1, No. 12
There's Always Something New At OLLI!
As we enter the new month of October, I’ve heard some people say this is their favorite month. We are beginning to have cooler weather, moving out of the peak of hurricane season, and finding many restaurants, arenas, theaters and other venues opening more fully than they have in a long time.
The government’s decision to offer the COVID booster gives more confidence to many of us to get out more. It’s exciting to watch Tampa Bay carefully coming back to life. I went to the reopening of the Straz last week, with its many safety protocols, new COVID-fighting air handlers, and people full of enthusiasm and most wearing masks.
Our OLLI is moving into new territory, too, thanks to a lot of work and creativity by the staff, board, committee members and many hard-working volunteers.
We have to follow USF policies, and we didn’t get a final decision on whether we could have in-person classes until shortly before the fall term began. Until then, we had to prepare to offer virtual classes only and also for the chance to have some in-person ones.
The final decision allowed classes in person, so now we have 37 face-to-face courses, 108 virtual courses and lectures, and one hybrid course where students can choose to come in person or stay home and participate virtually.
I’m taking an in-person course, and it’s lovely to be right there with the teacher and other people and get to talk with them at breaks and ask questions easily. But it’s also nice to have the choice to take virtual classes because many of us have come to like their advantages, like not having to drive anywhere, being close to and really hearing the teacher, and being able to stay in our pajamas and not be seen!
Our OLLI also changed our operating system right before the fall term started. The new system, Lumens, manages everything from our registration to our records. So this is a new bold leap, too. This system allows us to be able to accomplish more things, and to do them easier. Members of the staff, the board, and committees seem pleased and are busy learning more about Lumens. There's more info for you to read about Lumens in the article below.
There’s always something new going on at OLLI. For example, the Membership Committee has some new plans and is seeking volunteers to help mentor new members, work on events for our current members, provide community outreach to bring in new members, and much more. Read about this in an article below.
May you each find some things that bring you joy as we travel through October together!
As always, if you find something you think would be interesting to your fellow OLLI members, please share it by sending an email to ollinewsusf@gmail.com.
Lumens Lights Up Registration!
We did it! We successfully converted to Lumens, our new registration system, in time for the fall term. Many of you are telling us how much easier it is to register online. Instructors like how they can better manage class communications and rosters, and this is just the start of what Lumens will be able to do for us.
All notifications about the classes you register for, including receipts, registration confirmations and emails from your instructors, are being sent through the registration system using the NEW email address, OLLIRegistration@usf.edu.
To prevent important info from going to your junk/spam/promo folders please add OLLIRegistration@usf.edu to your list of email contacts or safe senders list. (DO Google "safe senders list" and your email provider for specific instructions.)
If you have registered for classes and have not received confirmation details check your spam/junk/promo folders.
Send Us Your Pictures and Articles
The OLLI newsroom is requesting photos and articles about OLLI members' activities. Tell us about a group you're active in, or send pictures taken in classrooms, at gatherings or meetings, during recognition of someone who has done something special, or just of members having fun!
We would like to share your pictures and articles in OLLILife so members can see what exciting things are happening within our organization.
When sending the pictures, please include a short description and names of people in the photo, if possible. And please don’t stop by submitting just one picture or article; keep them coming!
How Did We Get Here?: Annual Report Tells OLLI's Story
This past year brought many challenges for OLLI, but we rose to meet them, emerging stronger and wiser in the process. How did we do it? What did we learn along the way?
Hot off the press (virtually, of course), OLLI's 2020-21 Annual Report looks back on the past year and forward to the next. You can read all about it, by clicking here.
Ask Us Anything...About Volunteering!
Do you love to write? Are good with budgets or strategic planning? Enjoy being creative? Adore social media?
Follow your passion and volunteer with OLLI.
How do you get started? You can ask us anything about volunteering with OLLI by emailing the Ask Team. Or you can attend the next free volunteer information and orientation session on Friday, Nov. 5, at 3 p.m.
To learn more about volunteering and to register for the next session, click here to email the Ask Team.
Join The OLLI Membership Committee
Are you looking for an exciting place to do gratifying work with other OLLI members?
Our OLLI Membership Committee is working on an assortment of interesting projects. We would love to have you join us.
The following are areas that need assistance.
- Be a mentor to new members, helping them navigate the organization.
- Help organize and run new member open house meetings, virtually, and eventually, in person.
- Design promotional material and invitations to membership events.
- Learn to use data mining tools to analyze members’ activities and involvement in OLLI.
- Work in community outreach — distributing catalogs and other material to libraries and assisted living facilities.
- Revitalize the Speakers’ Bureau by contacting social organizations to offer programs featuring OLLI to their members.
- Interact with other OLLI committees, groups and SIGs to assist in their efforts to engage members in activities.
Whether you are a “people” person, a communicator, a techie or an organizer, the Membership Committee has something you will enjoy.
New OLLI Volunteers
Congratulations to our most recent volunteers who participated in the September 17th Volunteer Information Session and Orientation.
A special thank you to Board Members Bruce Gobioff, Elissa Henderson, and Joan Weaving, who provided additional insight.
Pictured above are, top row: Ed Rivenburgh and Linda Tournade; bottom row: Kit Ingalls
The Fragile Future of Democracy:
OLLI Symposium Coming UP
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln will hold its 2021 fall symposium, “The Fragile Future of Democracy,” from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 23, at the Nebraska East Campus Union. The event will feature experts from Nebraska, the University of Texas and the U.S. Department of State.
The symposium, which is open to the public, is being held in-person and streamed live on Zoom. The Zoom event is $15 per person. Registration is required in advance and can be made at olli.unl.edu or by calling OLLI at 402-472-6265. The registration deadline is Friday, Oct 15.
In the early 1990s, after the Soviet Union's collapse, there was a widespread view in the United States that liberal or constitutional democracy had a bright future. The civil and political rights that are the foundations of liberal democracy looked firm. The U.S. and its democratic allies had won the Cold War, and American democracy in particular looked stable with apparently tolerable levels of inequality and continuing upward mobility, along with steady overall economic growth.
In recent years, however, American democracy has undergone a number of threats and challenges. It now looks fragile in many ways. Disturbing trends in the U.S. are being repeated abroad in other former liberal democratic countries such as Hungary and Poland. Many view liberal democracy as an endangered species.
This year’s speakers are:
John Hibbing, Foundation Regent University professor of political science, Nebraska — Hibbing will share his recent research on political views in the United States affecting democratic stability. American political attitudes will then be compared with political trends in other countries.
Patricia Davis, director, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, global programs, U.S. Department of State — Davis will talk about the bureau that she directs. This organization has long manifested a democracy promotion program, and it monitors specific civil and political rights abroad. She will talk about the organization's recent efforts and the levels of congressional support across different administrations.
Zoltan Barany, professor of government, University of Texas at Austin — Barany will discuss problems that must be overcome in a variety of countries if liberal democracy is to be protected, restored or stabilized. He will also talk about how military regimes or military impacts sometimes remain powerful — as in Burma, Egypt and Brazil — and how autocrats manipulate the media.
David Forsythe, professor emeritus of political science, Nebraska — Forsythe will moderate the panel, who will explore common perspectives as well as differences.
Book Lovers’ Happy Hour is Back!
When: Tuesday, Oct. 5, 4–6 p.m.
Where: Zoom
Moderator: Linda Feeney
A SignUp Genius will be sent out two weeks prior to the meeting.
Please contact Robyn Cheung to be added to the invitation list.
We hope to see you there!
Conviviality and Celebrations
OLLI members and guests met recently for lunch at Jasmine Thai Restaurant in Brandon to enjoy Conviviality and Celebrations.
This group resumed meeting a few months ago. In keeping with COVID restrictions, everyone wore masks when entering and leaving the restaurant and were very COVID-conscious.
The next monthly luncheon is scheduled for Thurs, Oct. 14, at 1 p.m. at Yummy House, 2620 E. Hillsborough Ave. All are welcome to join in the fun! Contact Kat Hanscom for more information.
SIGnificant Events for October 2021
For more info on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Most SIGs are meeting on Zoom; a couple are starting to organize small group outings. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below.
Community of Readers and Writers
Fri, Oct. 22, 7 p.m. Zoom opens at 6:30 p.m. for socializing. A discussion of the short debut novel by Ladee Hardee, The Talented Ribkins, praised by writer Toni Morrison. Email Community of Readers and Writers
Food, Glorious Food!
Mon, Oct. 25, 10 a.m. Autumn Flavors and Holiday Previews! Join us for a discussion and recipe swap for all things Autumn. Think Halloween Diwali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas Kwanza. Think apples, pears, pumpkin, pork, turkey, latkes, pomegranates. We love this season that brings new and old taste treats to mind. Becky Heimstead will lead this session and our members will be invited to offer suggestions. For further information contact Jane Applegate.
Ici on parle français!
Thurs, Oct.14, 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, contact Kathy Palmer.
German Conversation
Write Time for Poets
Thurs, Oct. 14, and 28, 2 p.m. Email Cath Mason for more information
OLLI Outdoors
Thurs, Oct. 14, 9:30 a.m. Mystery hike!
Fri, Oct. 29, 3 p.m. Bats: Myth & Reality, presented by Shari Blissett-Clark and live bat friends. Online social and program.
If you missed our program about the Florida Environment and Natural History Special Collections presented by the awesome USF staff, the recording is available by clicking here.
A few slots are open for private tours of the Special Collection at the USF Library. Email us for availability. For more information, email OLLI Outdoors.
Will meet next in November. Email Bill Sapper for more information
Sat, Oct, 9, 9 a.m. Meet at the Ybor Saturday Market to take photos followed by lunch at the Columbia Restaurant. For more information about this event, contact Jeanne Nixon.
Talking Movies
Fri, Oct. 15, 1:30 p.m. Watch the movie Eat, Drink, Man, Woman on your own and then get together to talk about it. For more information, contact Kathy Palmer.