FAA Making Significant Changes to DPE Policy and Practices for Airman Practical Testing
While much of the aviation industry was at EAA Airventure 2018, a FSANA lead industry task force went to Oklahoma City to meet with senior FAA staff from Washington, DC and Oklahoma City. The meeting scope was focused on the airman testing delays across the United States.
FSANA and Flight School Members Meet with FAA in Oklahoma City in July |
The FAA at the highest levels is committed to making major changes in policy guidance
to provide relief of scheduling backlogs for airman practical tests around the country. FSANA is pleased to report that changes are coming in September 2018.
Bob Rockmaker, FSANA President and CEO stated "on behalf of our members, the flight training industry and the many new airman candidates in the pilot pipeline, we are deeply appreciative to FAA leadership and staff for their dedication to helping to resolve critical pilot pipeline issues with respect to airman practical testing".
FAA leaders who have been supportive include Ali Bahrami, Associate Administrator for Aviation Safety, John Duncan, Executive Director of Flight Standard Services, James Viola, Deputy Director of Aviation Safety, GA Safety Assurance,
Deputy Director of Aviation Safety, GA Safety Standards, Larry West, Division Manager, Regulatory Support Division, Jay Kitchens, Designee Program Branch Manager along with the support team from FAA that helped make the changes required to move forward.
Policy and/or process changes include:
- Geographic boundaries for DPE's will be fully eliminated.
- CFI practical test scheduling will no longer be done by the FSDO. Airman applicants will schedule directly with DPE's who are authorized to conduct initial CFI practical tests.
- DPE oversight rides which have been triggered by 50 activities will be replaced by a risk based model.
- The National Examiner Board will be eliminated and a new National Appointment Process will be created.
- Airman practical testing for balloon, glider, sea plane and other specialty categories will be enhanced so that airman applicants do not have to wait 4-16 weeks for a test.
- Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Beta tests will be conducted in one each Part 141, 142, 145 and 147 organizations over the next 12-18 months.
- The new Designee Management System (DMS) will start to be rolled out this fall with a April 2019 completion date.
- Organization Designation Authorization (ODA) Beta test will be conducted for aircraft inspection organizations over the next 12-18 months.
- The FAA will begin a re-write of FAR Part 183 which states what the FAA can delegate.
- Develop a safety assurance system.
- FAA will review all delegation programs to insure that maximum utilization is being effected with the system.
FSANA Confident Changes will have Immediate and Future Positive Effects on Airman Practical Test Scheduling Shortages
The FAA committed to immediately address hot button geographic areas where there are severe issues with airman test scheduling.
FSANA expects places like Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,Texas, the Carolina's and areas in the Northeast to be immediate targets for additional DPE support.
As these changes are made with industry and FAA collaboration, FSANA is confident that safety will be ensured while also improving the ability to provide practical tests in a timely manner within the U.S.
Many of the changes will begin within the next 30 days.
As this happens, and it becomes effective, FSANA will update the information provided and provide notification.
These changes are the result of dedicated focus on the part of FSANA, the FAA, and industry task force representatives that shows that as the industry and FAA work together, real progress can be made that helps make the business of flight training more efficient and effective within the U.S. aviation system.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposes to adjust fees charged by SEVP to international students, exchange visitors and SEVP-certified schools.
SEVP is funded entirely by fees charged to international students and SEVP-certified schools. Although the program's fees have not changed since 2008, operating costs have increased because of inflation, expanded program operations and Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) enhancements.
If the program continues to operate at current fee levels, SEVP anticipates it will experience an average annual shortfall of $68.9 million beginning in 2019. The proposed fees help eliminate this risk and allow SEVP to continue to achieve its priorities-enhancing national security and preventing immigration fraud.
Fee Adjustments
DHS proposes an increase in the:
- SEVP school certification petition fee for initial certification from $1,700 to $3,000.
- I-901 SEVIS Fee for F and M international students from $200 to $350.
- I-901 SEVIS Fee for most J exchange visitors from $180 to $220.
- DHS will maintain the $35 I-901 SEVIS Fee for J exchange visitors in the au pair, camp counselor, and summer work or travel program participant categories.
New Fees
DHS proposes introducing a:
- $1,250 fee for SEVP-certified schools filing a petition for recertification.
- $675 fee when schools file the Form I-290B, "Notice of Appeal or Motion."
- DHS will maintain the $655 fee for an initial school site visit but proposes also applying this fee when an SEVP-certified school changes its physical location or adds a new physical location to its Form I-17, "Petition for Approval of School for Attendance by Nonimmigrant Student."
Program Priorities and Fee Analysis
The proposed fee adjustments included in this rule would provide additional funding for three SEVP-identified key program priorities: SEVIS modernization efforts, increased SEVP adjudication personnel and additional investigatory support.
SEVP is required to review its fee structure every two years. By tracing the cost of program activities, SEVP forecasted fee payments to determine an appropriate amount for each fee proposed in the rule.
The comment period closes September 17, 2018.
Changes Targeted on LSA Weight Limits that May Help Flight Training Providers
During EAA's Monday press conference at Airventure 2018, Chairman and CEO
Jack Pelton mentioned that the EAA was working with the FAA to effect an increase in gross weight limitations for Light Sport Aircraft (LSA). This is a potentially significant development that could be of interest to many flight training providers around the country.
Single engine land LSA aircraft have been limited to 1,320 lbs gross weight, a weight that has been by many considered a limitation for development and utilization that was "arbitrary" and excluded many production aircraft from use for sport pilots. Without purchasing a new production model aircraft that was specifically produced as an LSA aircraft, and many times was well over the $100,000 acquisition cost barrier, most flight training providers have found themselves unable to provide sport pilot training and/or rental to potential customers.
"If the industry and the FAA were able to work together to expand the considerations of what could be flown under sport pilot rules or the weight limit was increased so that things like Piper Warriors, Cessna 152's or other similar 2-4 seat light GA aircraft could be utilized, I have no doubt flight training providers would use their current assets to provide training to a newly accessible group of potential customers," said
Robert Rockmaker, FSANA President and CEO.
FSANA looks forward to being involved with EAA as an industry partner with the LSA discussions and is happy to provide assistance to help the flight training platform advance in America. FSANA recognizes the potential for flight training providers to use already held assets to provide training and grow the pilot population within the United States.
New Website Launched to Help Coordinate Practical Test Scheduling with Applicants and DPEs
Pilot Check Rides.com is a new business established to assist airmen practical test applicants in securing their check rides. The business provides an easy step by step process for test applicants to identify qualified DPE's who have enrolled with the new E platform.
There is no cost for test applicants, DPE's and CFI's to register on the E platform. Test applicants pay $20 to book a check ride. The E system provides various checks and balances which helps manage peoples time.
One example of this is that test applicants can only book one check ride for any given airman certificate or rating. This prevents applicants from double or triple booking DPE's for the same test.
Another example is that the applicants CFI must sign off the applicant in the system in order for the applicant to book a DPE.
ALSIM to Produce FTDs in United States
Due to continued growth and demand in the North America, as well as Latin America, Alsim will begin producing many of its simulator products in the United States (U.S.) starting in mid-2019. Alsim's new facility, to be based in the eastern U.S., will ensure quicker production and installation of its simulators with more American components. In addition to hardware assembly, the staff at the location will provide enhanced technical services and help develop software. The facility will also maintain a spare parts stockpile, if needed.
It's been a year of growth for Alsim in the region. It opened an office in Austin, Texas in mid-2017. It began recruiting personnel to help promote their flight training devices to both current and prospective customers and provide high quality customer service. Alsim has added multiple new clients in Canada and the U.S. over the past 12 months including: Adventure Aviation, Cirrus Aviation, Journey Air, Kent State University, Select College, and Springbank Air Training College. In addition, many of their older clients have purchased additional devices like Montair Aviation that now own and operate three Alsim simulators. Alsim also sold, in April 2018, its first simulator into Latin America, an AL250 to Escuela de Aviacion in Columbia.
During the same time period, the 24-year-old company has expanded their product range to include a type-specific Cessna 172 and their new Boeing 737/Airbus 320 hybrid, The Airliner, partnering with the U.S. company Aviation Performance Solutions (APS), headquartered in Arizona and leaders in Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) to help produce class leading training capabilities. A large number of these two simulators will be produced at the U.S. facility.
Mike Tonkin, Alsim's After Sales and Business Development Director, explains "We recruited Dr. Scott Firsing, our Americas Sales and Business Development Manager as the first person on the ground. We then quickly expanded the team to include a Marketing and Communications specialist, Ms. Elise Peterson, installers and technical support. Now with 20+ clients in North and South America, new devices and partners like APS, supporting airline, flight school, university associations, and more announcements to come, the next logical step was to start producing in the U.S."
Alsim is currently recruiting more sales representatives for their Austin, TX office, and more personnel for their new production facility, with operations starting in the late Spring/early Summer 2019.
About Alsim
ALSIM has been developing and manufacturing FAA & EASA certified flight simulators since 1994. Today the company has more than 300 certified flight training devices in service with over 220 clients worldwide. Visit www.alsim.com for more information.
FRASCA Debuts New AATD at AirVenture
Frasca International has launched a new, affordably priced Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) that was debuted at this years Airventure in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The new Frasca RTD™ (Reconfigurable Training Device) is designed to meet customer demands for a lower priced entry level reconfigurable device that also provides the advanced features required to meet their training objectives.
The Frasca RTD™ is easily reconfigurable between different aircraft models including the Cessna 172 and Piper Seminole and between legacy and realistic, advanced avionics which operate and function exactly as in the aircraft. The RTD™ is built using robust hardware for reliability and features a browser based Instructor Operator Station (IOS) which can be controlled by phone, tablet or desktop computer. The RTD can be configured with a single or three channel visual display system and includes digital sound simulation.
Benefits of the RTD include easy maintenance and diagnostics and a modular design that takes up minimal floor space and will fit through a standard sized door. The RTD can also be easily installed by the end user and is backed by Frasca's outstanding customer service.
Frasca's RTD provides a high level of realism that enables the students to transfer a greater amount of learning from the AATD to the aircraft. Frasca's aerodynamic models have been validated by the FAA on higher level Full Flight Simulators and include physical modeling of all significant components and effects of the aircraft class.
Pricing for the RTD starts at $58,000 and will vary depending on configurations and options.
The first launch customers for the Frasca RTD are American Flyers and Metropolitan State University of Denver (Metro State). Metro State has the largest fleet of Frasca simulators in use, while American Flyers was Frasca's first customer when the company was founded in 1958.There are several additional RTD sales in progress and Frasca expects high interest at AirVenture.
According to John Frasca, President of Frasca International, "American Flyers was Frasca's very first customer. They purchased a TruFlite™ simulator from my father (Rudy Frasca) who founded the company 60 years ago. So it is fitting that they are a launch customer for our new Frasca RTD. We designed the RTD integrating information and input gained during our long relationship with American Flyers. The Frasca RTD was designed to enable tasks that are critical for pilot training. It is also built to be highly reliable and serviceable, which is of great importance to our customers." In addition to launching the RTD at AirVenture, Frasca wil be celebrating their 60th anniversary in business. The company was founded by Rudy Frasca in 1958 and is owned and operated by the Frasca family. About FRASCA International:
Frasca International, Urbana, Illinois, USA, is a world leader in the design and manufacture of Flight Simulators, Flight Training Devices and Simulation components. Frasca has a proven reputation for delivering high quality simulation equipment and leads the industry in simulation technology such as aerodynamics simulation, flight test, data acquisition, visual systems, NVG simulation, control loading, motion systems, motion cueing, manufacturing & fabrication, electronics design and more.
Since its founding in 1958, over 2700 Frasca simulators have been delivered worldwide.
For more information, visit the company's website at www.frasca.com or contact Peggy Prichard at
Room Reservations Now Open for FSANA 2019 Flight School Operators Conference Feb 13-15, 2019
Room reservations are now open for the 2019 Flight School Operators Conference Feb 13-15, 2019 at the Rosen Plaza in Orlando, Florida.
Program Schedule Available
A preliminary agenda for the conference is now available.
FSANA is working hard to have the full program schedule available and confirmed much earlier this year so you can plan your attendance and know what fantastic content will be delivered. Take a look at this first program draft and we will update this document as more details are confirmed in upcoming months.
Please book your room now since the hotel will sell out. The 2019 conference & 10th anniversary celebration will be the place to be for anyone interested in the flight training industry.
To make a reservation, call 800-627-8258 and request GROUP RATE for Flight School Association Of North America 10th Annual Conference.
Don't Miss Out on FSANA Membership Benefits - If You are not already a member, Join Today!
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is a trade association that provides member only benefits. Benefits include:
- AeroCamp
- AeroChapters
- AeroParty
- AeroSolo
- Airport relations guidance
- Aircraft renters insurance
- Background check programs
- Career advancement opportunities
- Contact data acquisition
- Customer relationship management (CRM) software
- Discounted rates for conferences and seminars
- Email marketing software
- Flight school accreditation
- Flight school awards programs
- Flight training advocacy
- Industry advocacy
- Loss of training expense insurance
- National marketing programs to attract new customers
- Networking
- Operational assistance
- Post-secondary aviation distance learning
- Public awareness of FSANA programs for consumers
- Technical assistance
- Tenant relations guidance
- Trade association support on flight training issues
- Youth programs
Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner
FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner."
FSANA's core platforms include:
- Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
- Increasing the pilot population;
- Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
- Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
- Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
- Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
- Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.
To learn more, please contact
Debbie Sparks
, vice president, at
or 561-767-6826 or Dave Eiskowitz, development director, at dave@fsana.com or 610-737-5207.
University Air Center Flight School, Gainesville Florida
Looking for Certified Flight Instructors-Instrument for a full time busy flight school.
We fly Piper Warrior, Cessna 172 (G1000), Cessna 182 (Garmin glass), Cessna 210 and Piper Aztec. We have the option of time as flight instructor then move into the Caravan for Part 91 operations then to our Charter department flying Citation Jets. Come join the UAC team!
Flight Instructor Sought
Wanted CFI for 141 flight school, added ratings a plus, but not required. When not instructing, right seat on Navajo available for qualified applicant. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
Charter Captain Wanted
Wanted Captain for 135 charter operation in Northeast. Flying Navajos & Seneca Minimum 1500 TT, 200 MEL. Respond to Moyer Aviation, Inc. Pocono Mountains, Pa. 800-321-5890
We welcome feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Training News
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.