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In This Blast...

  • Book Fair All Next Week
  • PTA General Meeting (Thursday)
  • Spring Music Concert
  • Family Time Recommendations



The Baruch Book Fair is back and better than ever!*

*A portion of the proceeds goes to the MS104 PTA.

WHEN: March 13-17, during lunch hours

WHERE: MS104 Room 307 and online.

We set it up today and there are a lot of really great books from many categories. Students will have an opportunity to shop throughout the week.

Purchases can be made in person or online. There are also donation and gift card options available on the website. Just click below and please share the link with your family and friends.


And please please PLEASE come down and help us out if you can.



PTA General Meeting

The next PTA General Meeting will be held Thursday, March 16th at 9:00am on Zoom.

Please join the MS104 PTA Executive Board and Principal Rocco Macri for an update on all the latest happenings at Simon Baruch Middle School.

Minutes for all past meetings can always be found on

You MUST pre-register for this meeting.


If you have any specific questions for Principal Macri, please submit them in advance.



Spring Music Concert

It's time once again for the Baruch Community to come on down and support the arts!

The MS104 Band Students have been working very hard all year, and are eager and excited to show everyone what they've learned! 

Mr. Williams' music classes will be performing for us in the auditorium, Thursday, March 23 at 5:00 pm

There will be cash-only concessions and our fabulous MS104 Merch available (cash or card). So... I guess bring cash and a card. ;)


Family Recommendations

Here's a new idea we hope will be helpful and fun: just a few suggestions for simple ways to spend non-study time with your kids.*

* Not a paid advertisement. ;)

PLACE: Small Is Beautiful. I'm planning to take my son to this soon because he loves this kind of stuff. Also, it sounds very cool...

"an incredible journey and a unique experience that offers behind-the-scenes access to small-scale universes full of artistry and poetry, whose only limit is the creative vision of their authors."

PODCAST: The Puberty Podcast. A friend turned me on to this recently and I'm glad she did. I'm sure there are plenty of other resources out there for this topic, but this is a good one for both mothers and fathers who, like me, don't pretend to know exactly what their kids are going through or about to go through.

Please email us at with your own suggestions for shows/movies to watch, places in NYC to visit, games to play, etc., so we can pass it on to our Baruch Community.

Thank you!!

With Gratitude,

The MS104 PTA

Contact Us:

For school related inquiries, please email

For PTA related inquiries, please email