Weekly eNews

February 3, 2023

Invitation Sunday

This Sunday, February 5

Have you invited someone to church this Sunday? If not, you still have time. Invite them to sit beside you in worship and attend the 9:15 AM Invitation Sunday Forum with Rev. Matt for a wonderful overview and introduction to our spiritual home. All guests are invited to stop by the Gathering Space for a special gift.

Parenting Small Group

This Sunday in Chapel

9:15 - 10:10 AM

"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places." This is the centering principle of the time that we spend together during our parenting small group. This group is a way for parents to be together, share experiences, and have conversations about what being a parent looks like today. Join us on 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, & 5/7. This group was formerly known as Parent Sunday School! All parents are welcome!

ASL Interpreter This Sunday February 5, 10:30 AM

This Sunday at the 10:30 am Service, we will have an in-person ASL interpreter that will also be viewable on livestream. Upcoming ASL Sundays: March 5 & April 2 during the 10:30 AM Service.

40s & 50s Group

Dinner & Fellowship

Tonight! 6:00 PM

Are you in your 40s or 50s? If so, you are invited for fellowship, brisket, & salmon at the Wettemann's on Friday, February 3 at 6:00 PM. Can you bring a side, salad, dessert, or drinks? CLICK HERE to sign up to let Bob & Kay know you can come. See you there!

Valentine's Day

Pasta Potluck

Feb. 14 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM

RSVP Today!

Come celebrate love with your friends and a pasta potluck. Sign up to bring pasta, salad, dessert, or just come with an appetite! CLICK HERE to sign up or let us know you are coming. Questions? Contact our Potluck Hosts: Danny & Beverly Raider

How can you help?

There are numerous ways to volunteer and help. Each Sunday we need over 30 individuals to step forward to assist with Worship Services and provide hospitality.

  1. CLICK HERE to volunteer on a Sunday to help with Worship or Hospitality.
  2. CLICK HERE to donate Altar Flowers for an upcoming Sunday in February or March.
  3. CLICK HERE to join a Care Team and provide an act of service to a member in our community who is in need.
  4. Bake cookies and bring them to church for Coffee Hour or a special event. Please drop off in the church kitchen.
  5. COMING SOON - 40 Days of Giving

Congratulations new Vestry Members!

We had a wonderful Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday January 29. To watch a recording of the Annual Meeting CLICK HERE. With 125 attending in-person and 176 watching online, we had a great turn out! We also elected Russ Howell as our new Senior Warden, Mike Mapes & Danny Raider as our new Junior Wardens, Regina Winters was elected for a one-year term, Ruth Morrison to a two-year term, and Lee Kulbitski, Rod Sato, and Bob Poli to three-year terms. Please congratulate our new Vestry Members next time you see them!

This Sunday, February 5

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

Nursery Care Available for Children 5 and under 7:45 - 11:45 AM

Worship with Us

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

10:30 AM Holy Eucharist

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

- Worship Bulletin Available

Join us for Coffee Hour & Fellowship after each Service.

Education & Ministry

9:15 AM Education for Children & Youth meet in St. Andrew's Hall.

9:15 AM Invitation Sunday Forum

- Watch on YouTube

- Watch on Facebook

6:00 PM Vestry Orientation Offsite

February & March Sunday Volunteer Sign Up

The gift of Lent

Traditionally Lent invites Christians to refrain from something as to make more room for God in their life. But what may it look like if you/we approach Lent as a gift? This year during the season of Lent, St. Michael's will be focusing on the unexpected gift of Lent. We invite you to join us for opportunities that will deepen your relationship with God and explore the gifts of community and connection. Pick up a Lent Flyer of Events this Sunday. Pick up a flyer this Sunday for a schedule of activities during Lent.

“Simply Gorge-ous Concert”

Royal Gorge Philharmonic

& Daniel Foster

February 25, 4:00 PM

The Royal Gorge Philharmonic will be back at St. Michael's this month with a special concert featured Organ Soloist, Daniel Foster. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets and learn more about this special concert. Questions? Contact

Lenten Quiet Day

Saturday, February 25

Sister Hannah Winkler

Sister Hannah, an Episcopal Nun, will utilize her training and experience to guide us through two meditations that will help us deepen our spiritual journey in becoming intentional in our lives. She will explore how the Rule of St. Benedict can help us structure the hours of our days. She will also help us discover the gifts of being wrong, and how repentance and humility can help us see each other, and ourselves, in a more compassionate way. CLICK HERE to register. $20 includes lunch.

Parish Retreat & Family Camp Interest Form

This year St. Mike’s will be hosting a duel Parish Retreat & Family Camp on August 4-6 at YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. There will be activities, games, and programming for all ages! Please fill out this interest form to help us decide how many rooms we should reserve for this awesome weekend!!! CLICK HERE. Cost will range from $500 - $700 depending on family size. Questions? Email

Youth Confirmation Class

Starting February 12

Is your youth interested in confirmation? High schoolers who are entering 10th grade in the Fall of 2023 or are 15 years of age are invited to join us for Youth Confirmation Class beginning in February. These classes will be once a month and culminate with regional confirmation happening on July 9. CLICK HERE to learn more and register.

Scout Sunday, Next Week

February 12

On Sunday, February 12, we will recognize the scouts in our community and those who call St. Mike's their gathering space. All Scouts (all ages) are invited to wear their uniform. Scouts will be helping during the 10:30 service and recognized during the announcements. Girl Scout Cookies will also be available for sale after the service! Scouts can CLICK HERE to sign up. Questions?


Beginning February 19

6:00 - 8:00 PM

The Peel House

Belong Youth Collective (BeYou!) is a bold new partnership of 11 LGBTQIA+ affirming Colorado Springs congregations to create safe and welcoming space for youth to gather. Middle & High Schoolers are invited to join in large group community once a month at The Peel House on the campus of First Lutheran Church (1515 N Cascade Ave)! Email with questions.

St. Michael's Softball Team

First pitch March 14

Join the St. Mike's Softball Team! We will play weekly games on Tuesday nights at Cottonwood Creek Park (3920 Dublin Blvd) beginning on March 14. Cost is $15 per person. All are welcome! (18+) We are required by the league to have an even split of female & male identifying players. Please register accordingly! CLICK HERE to sign up today! Questions? Contact Co-Captians Brett Wandfluh or Melanie Llama

Widow Support Group

Friday, February 24

Our next get-together will be Friday, February 24, 11:30, at Mollica's at 985 Garden of the Gods Road. Please let MaryDee at know if you will or will not be coming. A general head count is needed for reservations. All widows welcome!


Altar Flower Donations

Save your date now!

Do you want to sponsor Altar Flowers for a Sunday in 2023? A $50 contributions allows you to give altar flowers in memory of a loved one, in thanksgiving, or in celebration of a special event. CLICK HERE to reserve an upcoming Sunday. Our gifted Flower Guild will purchase and arrange the flowers. Donations will be printed in the bulletin and read during the Prayers of the People on Sunday morning.

Archangel Article Deadline

March/April Edition

February 15

Regular article contributions to the Archangel must be submitted by February 15 to be included in the March/April edition. Send your documents attached in an email to

This week at a glance... (All blue links are clickable)

Friday, February 3

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

6:00 PM - 40s and 50s Group Offsite

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, February 4

9:00 AM - Kairos @ St. Mary's

2:00 PM - Caregivers Support

Sunday, February 5

7:45 AM - 11:30 AM Nursery is Open for children 5 and under. Join us for Coffee Hour after the service in St. Mary's Hall.

8:00 AM - Holy Eucharist

9:15 AM - Education for Children & Youth in St. Andrew's Hall

9:15 AM - Parenting Small Group in Chapel

9:15 AM - Invitation Sunday Forum in Church

9:45 AM - Choir Rehearsal

10:30 AM - Holy Eucharist

1:00 PM - Scouts "God & Me"

3:00 PM - Scouts "God & Family"

6:00 PM - Vestry Orientation Offsite

Monday, February 6

9:00 AM - Laundry Love Offsite

Tuesday, February 7

8:00 AM - Virtual Men's Fellowship

9:15 AM - Staff Meetings

9:30 AM - Prayer Room Reserved

3:30 PM - Girl Scouts

6:30 PM - Sacred Water in St. Mary's Hall

6:30 PM - Boy Scouts

6:45 PM - Chapel Reserved

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Wednesday, February 8

12:00 PM - Healing Service in Chapel

12:30 PM - Bible Study in Chapel

2:30 PM - Virtual Contemplative Prayer

5:30 PM - Middle School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

7:00 PM - High School Youth Group in St. Andrew's

Thursday, February 9

3:00 PM - Spiritual Direction in Prayer Room

5:30 PM - Cub Scout Den Meeting in St. Andrew's

6:00 PM - Virtual Celtic Spirituality

6:00 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal

6:30 PM - Light for the Journey in High School Class Room

8:00 PM - Virtual Compline

Friday, February 10

9:00 AM - Celtic Spirituality Group in Chapel

1:00 PM - Friday Book Group in the Prayer Room

7:30 PM - Virtual Evening Prayer

Saturday, February 11

8:00 AM - Men's Fellowship in the Chapel


Birthdays This Week:

February 5 - Carl Nesbitt

February 5 - Joy Underhill

February 7 - Jeff Smullen

February 8 - Grace Morrison

February 10 - Ainsley Trevillian


February 10 - Katy & Ryan Kolodzej

St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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