Weekly Wednesday Update

The Importance of Gratitude

Gratitude is simple appreciation and acknowledgement of the goodness that surrounds us. In these sometimes troubling times, it’s often easier to focus on problems – and things that we don’t have – than to practice gratitude for all that we do have.

Simple gratitude has a lot to offer. It helps us build character, feel more positive emotions, enjoy good experiences, improve our health, deal with anxiety or adversity, and build stronger relationships both in and outside of school.

There are literally thousands of ways to practice gratitude with your class, your family, or individually. Whether your school builds a “wall of gratitude” with sticky notes, creates a new rock garden with rocks that depict words or pictures of all that they’re grateful for, journals or writes a letter to someone they appreciate, or writes that letter to their “future self” ... here’s one more fall tradition that can help us all think about and document all the things that we are grateful for.

Create a Thankful Pumpkin. Every day for the month of October, gather as a class (or family) and add a few items to your Thankful Pumpkin. This activity can generate a lot of positive discussion about gratitude and thankfulness. And at the end of the month, someone could have a meaningful (and beautiful) Thanksgiving decoration!

Enjoy these glorious brisk fall days… and don’t forget, GRATITUDE ROCKS!