Honoring Leaders and Celebrating Achievement
We are extremely proud and excited this week to focus the spotlight on some outstanding individuals and to highlight the industry leading safety performance of many of our AGC of Minnesota member firms. In a year of challenges and often difficult and soul-crushing developments, we need to remember how much good remains to be celebrated both on a personal level and within our industry.
To wit, the annual AGC Awards Recognition event took a markedly different approach in this pandemic year. We pivoted to a virtual platform concept which helped amplify the visibility and awareness of our honorees’ accomplishments by leveraging the power of technology and social media. The stories of these outstanding individuals and the accomplishments of the firms recognized as Jensen Safety Award winners and CHASE Program participants are told in compelling videos punctuated with fun celebrity personality “drop-ins.” In case you missed it, I encourage you to spend a few moments viewing each of these incredible videos:
Lifetime Achievement Award:
Mark Ryan
Skill-Responsibility-Integrity (SRI) Award: Dale Forsberg
Jeff Jensen Safety Awards
& CHASE Recognition
The week began celebrating our Lifetime Achievement Award honoree – Mark Ryan, President of Carl Bolander and Sons. Mark’s life’s work in the construction industry is a legacy gift of giving back and elevating others while building Bolander into a recognized industry powerhouse. The AGC Skill, Responsibility, and Integrity (SRI) Award honoree - Dale Forsberg, President of Watson-Forsberg - was celebrated mid-week with a tribute to the many ways Dale has embodied the characteristics of the namesake SRI Award.
We continued our week of celebration by acknowledging the ever-present role safety and safe workplace practices play in the success of AGC members. The Jeff Jensen Memorial Construction Safety Excellence Awards honored the top performers in safe hours worked – Atlas Foundation, Park Construction, and Rachel Contracting.
We ended the week on a high note by spotlighting the outstanding work of the AGC/MnDOT Bridge Award recipients Ames Construction, Eureka Construction, Redstone Construction, and ICON Constructors, and celebrating the future leaders of our industry – the graduates of our AGC Leadership Blueprint Program and Supervisory Training Program (STP).
Congratulations to all the 2020 top safety performers and award honorees. We stand united through the AGC brand and salute your service, commitment, and contributions in helping build a better Minnesota and Minnesota construction industry.
Congratulations to Ames Construction on winning the AGC/MnDOT Bridge Award in the category of
"High Cost Structure (over $5M)!" Ames' winning bridge project is over the Mississippi River in Winona.
COVID-19 Updates for the Construction Industry
AGC of Minnesota received communication from the MN Department of Labor and Industry regarding Executive Order 20-99 announced last night (Nov. 18). In addition to a four-week “pause” on some businesses such as gyms and restaurant dining outlined in the executive order, there are additional updates for industries that remain open, such as construction, in an attempt to quell the rate of the COVID-19 spread. The latest order is effective at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, November 20th and runs through Friday, December 18th.
AGC of MN reviewed the updates to the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan requirements/guidance for the Construction sector. They reflect the requirements under the most recent Executive Order, as well as preceding Executive Orders 20-74 and 20-81 issued this summer. Pages one and two contain new language that applies to most sectors. The remainder of the document (pages 3-18) mirrors the exact Requirements Guidance issued earlier.
For the next four weeks, the construction sector will operate under the following provisions:
- Meetings and training sessions shall be held virtually whenever possible.
- In-person meetings and training sessions shall be limited to workers only, shall involve as few workers as possible, and shall not to exceed ten workers at one time.
- Workers who can work from home must do so.
- Sectors commonly available to workers may be paused or limited during the four-week time period, such as restaurants.
- To the extent activities are not paused by EO 20-99, the provisions in the “Preparedness Plan Requirements Guidelines – Construction”, continue to be applicable to those activities, unless revised by the above provisions, and the construction sector must continue to comply with them.
All employers should actively message to their workforce the importance to not venturing out unless necessary. Avoid gatherings of any sort. Ensure physical distancing is practiced. Face-coverings are worn whenever out in public.
Congruent with the Governor’s announcement, Minnesota’s healthcare infrastructure is in a “Code Red” status. ICU capacity is becoming scarce, healthcare facilities are experiencing a significant reduction in the availability of healthcare workers, and first-responders are experiencing reductions in available personnel. Our success in recovering from these circumstances is dependent on the vigilance of everyone.
If you have specific questions, please reach out to the following resources:
- MN OSHA Enforcement at 651.284.5050
- MN Workplace Safety Consultation at 651.284.5060
AGC Legislative Committee Meetings
The AGC Legislative Committee will virtually meet two times in the next month to develop 2021 legislative policy recommendations to the AGC Board of Directors. Please contact Laura Ziegler for the Zoom information.
First week in December TBD
Thursday, December 17th at 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Utility Infrastructure Div
In preparation for the 2021 MN Legislative Session, the Utility Infrastructure Division will be meeting on Wednesday, December 9th from 1-2 p.m. via Zoom.
AGC members can click here to register for the online meeting. Discussion items include:
- Member discussion on 2020 construction season, specifically on communication with facility operators and Gopher State One Call
2021 Utility Infrastructure legislative policy recommendations and strategies for AGC. Click here for the current Worker Safety and Underground Damage Prevention policy.
If you have agenda items or would like to talk to prior to the meeting, please contact AGC government affairs team members Laura Ziegler or Lisa Frenette.
Carpenters' Pension Fund (Northern MN)
Last week we posted that the trustees for the Carpenters’ pension fund for agreements that cover parts of Wisconsin, Northern Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota voted to adopt a Lifetime Income Benefit fund design. We are gathering further information and trying to set up a video conference with representative trustees to explain the changes. We are waiting on Carpenters for a date and time. Please contact Mike for more information.
Laborers' Revised Contractor Directory
The Laborers have created a great new tool to identify and solicit bids from qualified contractors in MN and ND markets, helping both general and specialty contractors. Click here if you need to update your company's information!
AGC 2020 Annual Business Meeting
- To approve the December 11, 2019 Annual Meeting Minutes.
- To ratify and approve the acts of the Association’s Officers and Directors.
- To approve the Treasurer’s Report.
- To receive the Nominating Committee’s Report and to elect Directors of the Association.
- To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.
Interactive Seminar: "Taking Care of Ourselves, Others, and Our Future"
Immediately following our brief annual business meeting, AGC members will hear from presenter Brent Darnell on the timely topic of managing stress.
In the best of times, construction is a highly stressful industry. Even before COVID-19, the industry was starting to see the effects of managing high stress situations. Now, due to incredible uncertainty and fear, there are even higher levels of stress. Participate in this seminar and learn how to navigate through VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) times. Gain insight into managing stress in a positive way and staying connected with our network during these unprecedented times. Is there a way to innovate for the future? This highly interactive seminar will cover it all!
2020 Electrical Code
The Minnesota Board of Electricity adopted the 2020 National Electrical Code (NEC) effective November 17, 2020. Significant changes include revised service disconnect rules, power over ethernet, and conducting load calculations.
Twin Cities Multi-Family and Industrial Sectors Remain Strong
Last week I moderated an online forum in which three recognized experts in various segments of the real estate industry shared their respective crystal balls as we close out 2020 and look ahead to 2021. Learn more
By Peter Coyle, Larkin Hoffman
New GSOC Start Time Policy
Gopher State One Call (GSOC) will be implementing a new start time policy for excavators and facility operators on web submitted e-tickets. The new policy starts on December 1, 2020. It is important that you review the new policy so that you and your company don't have delays in your projects.
Your Trusted Resource
Associated General Contractors of Minnesota
525 Park Street, Suite 110 | St. Paul, MN 55103