6 May 2022
Resources for Veterans and Military Family Members
Important Dates and Events

Chesapeake Shakespeare Company: The Spring 2022 CSC Vets Class (Basic Training) will run on Saturday’s, 9am-12noon (EST), through June 18th.
This is a hybrid class: in-person, and/or online! This class is FREE for U.S. Military Veterans!
Please join fellow veterans to discover how Shakespeare’s text allows us to share the powerful, the personal, and the beautiful.
“My moods, thoughts, emotions, and life in general are far better for being part of this program.” D. – veteran of U.S. Marine Corps
Working with CSC Teaching Artists, the ensemble will explore Shakespeare’s text for personal connections. This program will culminate in a performance sharing for friends, family, and invited guests.
Once you register, you’ll be sent a ZOOM link/password to join the Saturday sessions.
Join us in-person at The Studio (CSC) 206 E. Redwood St. Baltimore, MD 21202 ($5 garage parking), if you can!
410.244.8571 x113
·      May 10 - Howard County Veterans Collaborative, 9:30AM. Register here
·      May 10 – Central MD Veterans Collaborative, 1pm. Register here
·      May 11 - In-person CI or FS Poly Cleared Job Fair, 2pm – 6pm EDT at the DoubleTree BWI. 
·      May 15 - Bloom Where You Are Planted - Military Spouse Appreciation Lunch (farm to table experience at a historic restaurant) Registration for this event will go live on 18 April and we are hosting 30 military spouses and have invited the CSM spouse from Fort Meade. Donations to assist with centerpieces, offsetting the cost of lunch are appreciated. Amazon has donated 30 sets of gardening tools and 30 books on gardening
·      May 17 - Navigating Your Child’s Mental Health Journey Presenters Candace Ball from Howard County Local Children’s Board & Leah Bulka, Howard County Health Department, 7-8pm, 8-8:30pm Q&A. Free Virtual Workshop
Whether it is knowing the best ways to support your child’s social emotional health, having concerns about your child’s behaviors or feeling like something is seriously wrong, knowing where to go for answers is a top issue for parents. Those first steps to navigating mental health supports is a challenging and daunting task. Come to this presentation to learn about the stages of mental health and local resources and supports that will help guide your understanding, provide you with choices, and help you learn the steps to start helping your child even in the early years. You will leave with tangible tools for education and intervention as well as where to go for assistance if you hit road blocks to services.
·      May 30 - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Memorial Day Ceremony will take place at The Wall in Washington, D.C. at 1:00pm EST.v They are proud to announce the line-up of speakers for the ceremony:
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: SEC Chuck Hagel & COL Edward L. Hubbard, USAF (Ret)
FEATURED WOMEN’S MEMORIAL SPEAKER: CAPT Jane McCarthy, USA (Ret) and former member of the Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs
SPECIAL REMARKS: Jan Scruggs, Founder and President Emeritus of VVMF
To learn more about our speakers, RSVP to the event, or learn how to watch live that day, visit
·      June 1 - Summer of Self-Care, 6pm (PT). Summer of Self-Care kicks off with Introduction to Meditation on June 1st. If you struggle with worrisome thoughts, want to manage anxiety & stress, or just curious about meditation, then this is for you. Learn to lower anxiety, reduce stress, increase focus, and improve relationships through free monthly mindfulness & meditation courses, plus vouchers for virtual Zumba. Register Here
·      June 1 – Military and Veteran Resource and Wellness Fair, 12-3pm at Miller Library in Ellicott City
·      June 6 (1st Monday of the month) - Virtual Veteran Support Group, 6-7pm.
·      June 8 – MDVA 2-Day Annual Womens AppreSHEation Panel Discussion, 10am-12pm and June 9, Conference, 10am-2pm.
·      June 9 - Howard County Commission for Veteran and Military Families Meeting, 7pm. Dept of Community Resources and Services 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive Columbia, MD. Email
·      June 17 – Veterans Conference at The University of Baltimore School of Law is hosting an all-day veterans conference at UB. Registration is free and open to the public. Conference registration and the agenda is available here:
·      June 19 - Small Business Resource Information Session, 5:30-7:30pm. If you’re an entrepreneur just starting out, or an established business hoping to scale, you need a business strategy that you can count on. Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA)’s Small Business Resource Information Session will help you plan and grow with confidence.
This two-hour, free session held at HCEDA is packed with information and motivation for local entrepreneurs. The presentation format is supplemented by Q&A and one-to-one sessions to discuss topics specific to attendees.
Each session will include presenters from the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Howard County Office of Purchasing - Procurement, and HCEDA-Business Development/Catalyst Fund
·      Now – Free Web Based Financial Workshops, Counseling, First Time Buyers (in Spanish)

Recurring Events/Programs

·      Monday thru Friday - Veteran Virtual Kiosk, 10am-3pm EST. A daily virtual office where you can connect to our employment professionals and get help with MD Workforce Exchange and find out about available resources. Contact Mr. Anthony Butler Sr.
        Phone—+1 516-268-6742 PIN: 748 066 507 #
Register for Maryland’s Workforce Exchange by visiting
·      1st Tuesday of every month - Virtual Tai Chi for Veterans, 12-1pm.  
·      2nd Tuesdays & 4th Saturdays of every month, Virtual Toastmasters for Veterans and Military Communities, Tuesdays at 7 pm & Saturdays at 11:30 am. Please register with Bernadette Garrett at
·      2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month thru December 22, 2021 - Virtual Mindfulness and Gentle Yoga, 5-6pm.
·      Every Thursday 9am-1pm, 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 9am-1pm and other days/times by appointment - The Perry Point Veterans Museum at the Grist Mill with guided tours available to all visitors. Behind the scenes, however, museum volunteers have been busy for several months, researching the history of Perry Point and assembling new displays. Before the pandemic, members of the Archaeological Society of the Northern Chesapeake combed through boxes of materials unearthed during an archaeological dig at Perry Point nearly 40 years ago. The artifacts they uncovered and identified – including native American projectile points, clay pipe pieces and assorted pottery sherds – make up some of the new displays.
The museum is housed in the historic grist mill at Perry Point, which was built around 1750. The three floors of the grist mill cover the rich history of the Perry Point peninsula. The land was once used as the hunting grounds by the Susquehannock Indians, served as a large estate for early settlers, and was occupied by Union soldiers during the Civil War. The U.S. government purchased the land in 1918 and used it briefly to manufacture explosives for World War I. When the war ended, Perry Point started its long history of serving the health care needs of Maryland’s veterans.
The museum is staffed by volunteers and the hours are subject to change.
The Perry Point Veterans Museum at the Grist Mill is located on the campus of the Perry Point VA Medical Center on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay and the Susquehanna River at the end of Sixth Street.
Please call 410-642-2411 ext. 26071 or email to verify the current hours or to schedule a visit.
·      4th Tuesdays of every month - Virtual Creative Writing Workshops with Community Building Art Works, 12-1pm
·      2nd Thursday of the Month - Veteran Small Business & Entrepreneur Check-In, 3pm EST. A monthly outreach and support event which brings together vet friendly businesses, small business service organizations and aspiring veteran entrepreneurs to share opportunities advice and resources. Contact Mr. Anthony Butler Sr.
        Phone—+1 385-645-7116 PIN: 158 654 013 #

·      Last Thursday of the Month- Veteran Career Club, 11am EST. A monthly outreach and support event which brings together veteran job seekers, career guides, JVSG employment professionals and veteran service organizations to provide job/career options, information on apprenticeships and training opportunities and share tips and techniques for success. Contact Mr. Anthony Butler Sr.
        Phone—+1 316-778-8309 PIN: 237 445 104 #\

·      NAMI Support Groups
Connections Veteran Support Group, 1st Monday of each month, 6-7:30pm
Parent Support Group, 2nd Monday of each month, 7:30-9pm
NAMI Connection Support Group, 2nd and 4th Monday of each month, 6:30-8pm
Transition Age Youth Support Group, 3rd Thursday of each month, 7:30-9pm
Family Support Group, 3rd Friday of each month, 7:30-9pm

·      Howard County Tax Credits - This month, our Department of Finance will be visiting three of the County’s DCRS Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) 50+ Centers to discuss the many tax credits available to residents. The dates are as follows: Tuesday, April 19th from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the Bain 50+ Center, Thursday, April 21st from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the Ellicott City 50+ Center and Monday, April 25th from 11:00 a.m. to noon at the North Laurel 50+ Center.

·      Please use the tools below to share MD Dept of VA resources:

·      Elizabeth Dole Hope Fund gives financial relief to all eras of military and veteran caregivers through grants that provide high-impact financial assistance to prevent or address a significant crisis or to improve the quality of life of the family.

·      The Veterans Consortium (TVC) CLIENT SERVICES (Nationwide)
Our TVC Client Services team liases with the Court, our veterans and VSOs to ensure appeals are filed in a timely manner. We operate a national helpline for pro se appellants at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims to help veterans understand the Court’s processes. Client Services also provides forms and other documents for representation, as well as resources and referrals as needed. Contact:
This pro bono program provides representation for veterans and their families appealing the unjust denial of their VA benefits from the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA) to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). TVC trains & mentors volunteers to represent them to regain eligibility for benefits. Contact:
TVC manages two regular pro bono legal clinics for veterans at the DC VA Medical Center. One clinic is available exclusively to women veterans and staffed by female attorneys; the other clinic is for all veterans. In addition tothese regular clinics, TVC also hosts pop-up specialized pro bono legal clinics to meet the increase need for legal assistance across various areas of law such as family law, employment law, and wills/estates law. Contact:
This pro bono program serves veterans who have received an Other Than Honorable Discharge due to conductrelated to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Military Sexual Trauma (MST)and/or other mental health issues. Contact:
In addition to managing the Pro Bono Legal Clinic for Women Veterans (one of only 3 in the nation), WVLAP focuses on outreach and education to women veterans and organizations that support them. WVLAP trains female volunteers to support women veterans with their Military Sexual Trauma (MST) claims through a culturally competent approach, which informs them of their rights and the legal avenues available for their unique legal needs and challenges. Contact:
VNAP assists veterans applying for naturalization through military service. TVC volunteers are trained to assist veterans with their naturalization applications which involve gathering evidence, writing defenses when needed, and ensuring applications are properly completed. Practicing Immigration attorneys serve as Mentors to volunteers when needed. Contact:
·      New VBA online appointment scheduling system that was launched in January.

·      Self-Help Meetings and Resources


·      Veterans Yoga Project - Creating Space for Recovery: A webinar for veteran caregivers by Dr. Daniel Libby
The events in Afghanistan are just the latest “trigger” that has many veterans dealing with significant mental, emotional, physical, sleep, and substance use challenges.
The webinar, hosted by VA-trained Clinical Psychologist, and Founder of VYP, Dr. Daniel Libby, will present an easy-to-follow model that will help you to create the space needed to support your loved ones as they recover from extreme stress or trauma.
This will provide an overview to the Mindful Resilience approach to trauma recovery, stress management, and the path from posttraumatic stress to posttraumatic growth. Participants will leave with an understanding of how recovery from posttraumatic stress happens, and concrete ways that they can support the recovery of their loved ones.
During this session, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers from Dr. Daniel Libby, as well as learn about the resources and tools Veterans Yoga Project offers to caregivers.

· Understanding Medicare - Our newly updated resources on Medicare in Maryland help guide seniors through all of the available Medicare plan options and provide a list of helpful community organizations across Maryland that can further support seniors with choosing a plan that meets their financial and medical needs. You can view our comprehensive set of guides here: 

Employment Opportunities

·  The Veterans Curation Program in Alexandria, VA is currently looking for post-9/11 applicants for their next five-month session beginning May 2, 2022. This paid transition program is part- or full-time and provides transferable skills while veterans work with managers to care for archaeological and archival collections from the US Army Corps of Engineers. Veterans will also receive paid time to work on their resume and cover letter, complete job searches, and work with managers to further their career goals. Applications and FAQs can be found at

·    Amanda Trice  - Workforce Development Veteran and Military Liaison 
·      Max Outreach - or by phone at 1-800-274-8582 ext 185