A Message from Katherine Kerr: July 23, 2021

Dear Friends,

One of my favorite childhood jokes went like this:


A little boy was at church when he heard the preacher say, in a booming voice, “GOD IS EVERYWHERE.” After considering this for a moment, the boy stood up and said, “God is EVERYWHERE???” To which the preacher responded, “Yes.”

“Is God in front of me?” the boy asked. “Yes, he is,” the preacher responded.

“Is God in that chair over there?” the boy asked. “Yes,” the preacher responded.

“Is God in my pocket?” the boy asked. “He sure is,” the preacher responded.

The boy thought about that for a minute, and then he asked, “Could you tell God not to eat the candy I have in there?”


Most anyone who seeks to live a life of faith has wondered at some point or another where God is. While we understand in some way that God is everywhere, still we can’t help but question what that really means. It is challenging to follow someone we can’t see or touch or hear, someone who can’t tell us in real-time if what we are doing is right or wrong.
And we have 2000 years of church teaching to guide us. Imagine what it must have been like for the earliest followers of Christ to try to understand what they were supposed to do once their leader had left this earth.

Thankfully, they had Paul, who devoted his life to helping people understand what it looked like to follow someone they couldn’t see.

This Sunday, we will delve into one of Paul’s passionate writings about the Christian life when we consider Colossians 3:1-11, and ponder “Where Christ Is.” I hope to see you at 9:30 or 11:00!

Grace and peace,

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