Microgrids, Personal Vehicle Emissions, and More!
What are Microgrids?
Microgrids refer to small electric systems where generation and consumption are colocated and controlled by a single entity. They are typically connected to the main electric grid with the capability to disconnect, or "island", when the main grid goes down. The microgrid might be used just as a backup, turned on when main grid prices are highest, or used as the primary source of electricity with the main grid filling the gaps. Sometimes, usually in rural areas, they are completely independent and serve as only source of power.
Historically, microgrids were run by diesel generators. With the rapid decrease in the cost of solar, wind, and battery storage, modern microgrids are including more and more renewable energy, with some being 100% carbon-free. They have become a microcosm of the three D's of clean energy: decentralization, democratization, and decarbonization.
Microgrids are decentralized. Decentralization increases resilience by not relying on transmission lines to deliver energy from distant generators. There are a number of examples of microgrids functioning during
severe weather events
that caused outages on the main grid, sometimes for days. Some states are recognizing this benefit and helping
accelerate microgrid projects
Microgrids are often run under local control. Universities, hospitals, local governments,
tribal governments
, and increasingly
, are able to decide how their power is generated and are often able to save money. As prices for renewable energy continue to decrease, more and more entities will find microgrids to be cost-effective.
Microgrids are an important part of getting to carbon-free electricity. They are bringing renewable energy to places where centralized generation has difficulty reaching, both in the United States and
. As they are built on a smaller scale than centralized generators, the latest advances in renewable technology can often be incorporated more quickly into new projects.
Reducing Personal Vehicle Emissions
How are we to reduce personal vehicle transportation emissions by 232 million metric tons per year (22.4%) by 2030 to be in line with the
’s 2
C goal?
Transportation is now the largest source of American emissions, with the largest share coming from personal transportation according to the
. These totaled 1.18 billion metric tons in 2017, which is 18.3% of U.S. emissions based on data from the
, the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
, the
, and
EPA mpg data
Reducing passenger vehicle emission by 22.4% is not as simple as taking away 22.4% of the 3.2 trillion miles driven in 2017, replacing 22.4% of the vehicles with electric vehicles, or improving fuel efficiency by 29%. These solutions all assume that the demand for transportation will remain flat, but the
predicts that vehicle miles traveled will increase by 1.1% per year. By 2030, we will be driving an extra 440 billion miles per year. At the current rate of fuel efficiency improvements, 1.46% per year, we will not achieve the 22.4% reduction.
Electric vehicles will need to be part of the solution. The EV Grid scenario in a recent
Vibrant Clean Energy
study modeled the carbon reductions that could be achieved by having 100% of light duty, and 80% of medium and heavy duty vehicles being electric by 2050. In total the study argues that we would avoid 561 million metric tons of carbon entering the atmosphere. Assuming a
social cost of carbon
of $44/metric ton, consumers will save $24.7 billion in reduced emissions related expenses over the business as usual scenario. In addition, consumers would avoid paying 13.1 billion dollars in fuel costs.
It is more expensive currently to use EVs over combustion vehicles, but the savings outlined above outweigh the cost. A recent
Clean Technica
study showed that median costs for plug in vehicles are $8,608 more than an equivalent gas or hybrid versions. To replace all of the
3.1 million light duty vehicles
would cost $26.2 billion dollars more than replacing them with traditional vehicles.
Technology will improve, and the cost of electric vehicles will come down. However, we must identify the set of policies and programs that will enable the EV Grid Scenario. The recent
Colorado zero emission vehicle mandate
is a good start towards widespread EV adoption but should not be the only tool we utilize.
Taking into account current EV market penetration rate of
,does not include motorcycles
Great News on Transportation in Colorado
Colorado just adopted a new rule that will speed up our transition to a pollution free transportation system. The rule, called the Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) standard, will result in car companies producing and sending more electric vehicles to Colorado over the next decade.
Electric vehicles are much cleaner than gas-powered vehicles and will get even cleaner as Colorado meets its clean energy goals.
Colorado Climate Strike September 20-29
Clean Energy Action is a supporting sponsor of the Colorado Climate Strike and Week of Action, taking place September 20th-29th. Millions of people around the world will walk out of workplaces and homes to join young climate strikers on the streets and demand an end to the age of fossil fuels. The strike is a response to requests from youth climate strikers, including Greta Thunberg, who have called on adults to join them in halting business as usual to demand that climate change be treated as what it is—a planetary crisis. For more information please see the Colorado Climate Strike
What We Are Reading
Yale Climate Survey Map
Ethiopia Plants Trees
Ethiopia planted
350 million trees in a single day
last month. This is in large part due to the Ethiopian government pushing hard to reverse the harmful effects of deforestation. The country had an estimated 4% forest coverage last decade, down from 35% in the early 1900’s. This would be the most trees planted in a single day, surpassing the previous record India set in 2016 at 50 million.
Tri-State CEO Open to Greener Portfolio
The new CEO of Tri-State Generation and Transmission (Tri-State) has recently
stated his willingness to transition to a more renewable energy portfolio
, partially in the name of reducing rates. Tri-State has been facing pressure from member co-ops, and from the economic viability of renewables, to change their sources of energy production. Tri-State is burdened with large amounts of debt related to stranded fossil fuel assets.
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