Summer 2021 Issue
The Magic of Community
Passages from The Life We Are Given
by George Leonard & Michael Murphy
How can we summon up the feeling of community, of oneness with others that made
our life? Ancient stones offer testimony on campsites, tools, successful hunts, episodes
of violent death. Surviving hunting and gathering bands give clues to a way of living
that takes us back to our earliest days.
Transformation in Community
ITPI president and 20-year ITP practitioner Pam Kramer describes how and why personal transformation occurs so vividly in our global ITP practice groups. Pam also shares opportunities for joining together with fellow practitioners in the months ahead.
Spotlight on ITP Practitioner, Connie Swan
"As a longtime student of the human potential movement, I found ITP right up my alley and applied to join the program straightaway. The mastery teachers who led the sessions impressed me so much that accepting the invitation to join the local Thursday Tulsa ITP group was an easy decision. I definitely wanted to have what they were having!"

Learn more about Connie Swan and the experience and insight she's gained as a long-time practitioner and member of ITP Tulsa.
Community Spotlight on ITP San Rafael
ITP San Rafael has been an active ITP group for over 9 years. The group of 8 dedicated members have been meeting on Zoom during the pandemic, though miss their in-person gatherings at Falkirk Mansion in San Rafael. Group leader Donita Decker and fellow members Pam Kramer, Rich Sigberman, Michelle Fontaine, Autumn Wagner and Dusty Niles (Sally Mahe and Barbara Brown, also members, were not present for the conversation) share their greatest inspirations about being connected to this ITP community.

“A transformative community is a nearly indispensable launching pad for transformation.
Such a community can create the context and the confidence for a transforming journey.”

– George Leonard, The Life We Are Given
Community at Play
Experience Golf in the Kingdom
Meet Ben Kline, Shivas Irons Society Executive Director, who shares what makes Golf in the Kingdom with ITPI so special and why playing in community offers the many benefits it does. In the spirit of Michael Murphy’s novel, Golf In The Kingdom, the Shivas Irons Society is dedicated to advancing golf as a tool for personal growth for anyone interested in exploring the transformational aspects of the game.