Symphony Notes

July/August 2021
Whilst Wielding the Baton

Jean-Baptiste Lully was a scheming, nasty, arrogant and altogether unpleasant ‘piece of work.' Some say he solicited, even committed, murder to secure his place as the indispensable court composer to the Sun King, Louis XIV of France.

If that is true, then Lully, who perfected the art of sucking up to and manipulating the king, at the end got his own self-inflicted lethal comeuppance, though we have to thank and give him credit for putting French Grand Opera on the world map forever.

Note-Able Person -

Kate Altman,
Our Business Manager

You may think we have an army of staff. We don’t! It’s our good luck to have Kate, who for more than a decade has kept things running: ticketing, bookkeeping, grant proposals, musician contracts, payroll, working with City Hall. You name it!

She is also the voice you hear when you call the Symphony office and the face you see at our ticket desk. This month, we get to talk to Kate about all she brings to the table.
Prior issues of Symphony Notes may be found under the NEWS tab on our website.