Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"… Now AFESP is returning to Washington, DC to help lead and unify participants in the nationwide push for legislative reform to ensure children have equal access to fit, willing, and able parents, regardless of marital or relationship status of the parents. … "
By Warren Farrell - Washington Examiner
"… The bad news is that this has left many boys with a “purpose void.” As boys with a purpose void have become less-motivated men, more women are interested in having children without having “just one more child I have to support.” Additionally, more children of divorce are raised without dads. …"
By Lauren Vinopal - Fatherly
"…New research suggests that divorced men become better caregivers when their custodial arrangements don’t push them out of their children's lives.…"
By Monidipa Fouzder - Law Gazette
"… Campaigners for shared parental rights have called for a presumption in law that children will spend roughly equal time with their parents following a separation or divorce, after a YouGov survey suggested the majority of the public agrees. …"
"… Historically, child-support case workers had access to a limited set of punitive measures when parents were noncompliant — confiscated vehicles or driver’s licenses, garnished wages, or, in extreme cases, jail time. “It was a one-size-fits-all approach,” said Steven Golightly, director of the L.A. County Child Support Services Department (CSSD), which employs 1,500 people. “Someone who missed the occasional payment would be hit with the same enforcement tools as someone who never paid.” …"
“New data suggests Generation X and millennials are putting more focus on their own careers, and are being more selective about who they want to marry.” 
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