Economic Development
This week Natalie Moles and Jen Czysz met with their peers across the state to kick off efforts to update the SRPC Regional Housing Needs Assessment. The project is being undertaken in conjunction with the eight other NH Regional Planning Commissions who will work in concert to update our Regional Housing Needs Assessments. The project is funded through an American Rescue Plan Act funds grant administered by the Department of Business and Economic Affair’s Office of Planning and Development. 

 This 15-month effort is commencing with development of a consistent framework, data analysis methodology and update of statewide population projections. In addition to other benefits, this effort will yield a clear idea of how the state’s current housing situation is directly impacting economic growth and overall business operations. The SRPC project team will be reaching out to our communities and residents to gain additional insight into the region’s housing challenges and what we can do to meet the region’s housing needs. 

Pieces of Interest