November 17, 2021
2021-22 Annual Fund Drive Update - Thank you!

Dear Families,

Thank you for making our #WMSoneofakind Annual Fund Drive week a success! With your help, we have raised more than $19,000 toward this year's $85,000 goal! Along with the funds raised, we loved hearing why WMS is a one-of-a-kind school in your social media posts!

As we prepare for the season of giving, we're looking forward to Giving Tuesday, the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Giving Tuesday is a global celebration of giving, when donors around the world look past the commercialism of the holiday season and give back to the non-profit organizations that benefit our lives in so many ways. WMS will be celebrating Giving Tuesday with another opportunity to support our annual fund, including a classroom giving challenge and matching gift opportunities! Look for more information coming soon!

As always, we thank you for all of your support! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

Director of Advancement & Communications
Coat Drive - Now through December 10
by the WMS Middle School Students
WMS is partnering with One Warm Coat to collect gently used (clean, without holes and with functioning zippers and/or velcro) and new coats for local adults and children in need. Please help us reach our goal of collecting 200 coats! We are collecting coats of all sizes, and they can be given to a staff member at drop-off or pick-up (there are bins at every drop-off location). Donations will be collected until December 10 after which they will be delivered to The Friendship House and the Ministry of Caring, both located in Wilmington. Thank you for your support! 
2022-23 Admissions Reminders
It's hard to believe that it's time to plan for the 2022-23 school year, but re-enrollment is right around the corner! A couple of reminders:

  • The 2022-23 financial aid application is open! Apply by January 7, 2022 to be eligible for first-round awards. Your application (including your 2020 tax return) must be received by this deadline to be considered for first-round awards. Visit or contact for more info.

  • If your child has a sibling who you would like to enroll for the 2022-23 school year, please contact Paula Sharpe as soon as possible. Spaces will be limited in many programs. Siblings must apply by January 10 to receive priority for 2022-23 enrollment.

  • Re-enrollment information will be sent out in early January. We will be introducing a new admissions program, FACTS - stay tuned for details!
COVID-19 Testing: Next Results Due Tuesday, November 30 - Weekly Testing Requirement

On-Site Testing with Quidel
We have now participated in Quidel's on-site COVID-19 testing program for two weeks. Overall, it has been a great success, and we are impressed by how well the Quidel staff supports students of all ages.

If you haven't already registered your child for on-site testing, we highly recommend that you do so - this will be the most convenient way for you to meet our testing requirement once we move to a weekly testing requirement, which begins the week after Thanksgiving with a deadline of November 30.
(When registering, be sure to include your electronic signature and complete the email verification process!)

If your child participated in testing yesterday, you should have received a results notification by email and text message. If you did not receive this, please check your junk/spam folders. All results should be forwarded to

IMPORTANT: If your child is NOT registered for testing through Quidel, you will need to have your child tested off-site each week, with results due each Tuesday (starting 11/30) at noon.

Next Testing Deadline - Tuesday, November 30 - Please read the information below carefully:

  • On-site: Quidel will be on-site for testing on Tuesday, November 30. All registered students will be tested on that day. Results will be sent to parents that afternoon and must be forwarded to WMS does not automatically receive copies of each child's results on the day of testing. These results must be forwarded by 4:30 p.m. in order for your child to attend school on Wednesday, December 1.

  • Families that choose NOT to participate in Quidel testing must test off-site each week and submit results to by NOON each Tuesday, starting on November 30, in order for your child to attend school on Wednesday. If you are submitting a screenshot, please include the date tested.

  • If your child misses testing due to an absence or lateness to school, your child must get tested off-site to attend school on Wednesday. Solv Health on Philadelphia Pike offers rapid tests daily. Please plan to arrive on time on testing days - testing begins immediately after drop-off.

Thank you, and please contact the school nurse if you have any questions!

Off-site testing options:
Policies & Procedures

WMS's COVID-19 policies are based on guidelines from the CDC and State of Delaware Department of Education Office of Child Care Licensing. We continue to monitor those sources for information to adjust our policies and practices as needed.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community. 

Please send submissions to by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints. 

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Advancement & Communications.
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