Welcome to all our new and returning families! We are finally moving forward with finalizing our practice schedule. Our parent orientation is set for Tuesday August 3rd, 6:15 pm at the Santa Clarita Valley Sports Centre. This is the best way to learn about the upcoming season.
Our first practice will be Thursday August 5th at West Creek Park in Valencia, behind Rio Norte School. We will be updating our calendar with practice days and location after this week.
Regular practices will be held every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6:00 pm - 7:15 and Saturday mornings at 8:00 am . Starting Saturday August 7th tentative weekly schedule:
Monday - West Creek Park,
Tuesday - COC,
Thursday - Central Park
Saturdays- Central Park
This is still subject to change but we hope COC will finalize our permit next week.
Registration is now open!
Cross Country age groups and racing distance:
Sub-Gremlin - birth year - 2016 & 2015 - 2k
Gremlins - birth year - 2013 & 2014 -2k
Bantams - birth year - 2011 & 2012 - 3k
Midgets - birth year - 2009 & 2010 -3k
Youth - birth year - 2007 & 2008 -4k
Young men & women -birth year - 2006 thru 2003 - 4k
Tuesday August 3rd Parent info meeting - This is the best way to learn about our season. We hope to have all practices confirmed and meet dates. You can pick up your uniform and purchase Storm spirit merchandise. We will also have Fleet Feet shoe store there with running shoes. There is a sever shortage of children running shoes, they are working on getting us a good supply.