Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
"... As per Utah's Shared Medical Costs, biological fathers will now have to pay half of the mother’s insurance premiums during the time of her pregnancy. This will also include all other medical fees, and the cost incurred during the delivery of the baby..."
"...West Virginia senators have removed a presumption of 50-50 custody from a bill that passed the House of Delegates a month ago, along with a provision to reopen closed child custody cases in which parents were not considered for equal time..."
By Ginger Gentile - Forbes
"... Collaborative family law is an out-of-court settlement which is similar to mediation with a key difference: In mediation, spouses work with one neutral third party who cannot give legal advice..."
"... The female parent is shoehorned by way of a family court order and culture to be the primary caregiver, while the male parent is most often expected to be the primary breadwinner..."
"... Sometimes the man believes himself to be the biological father but he is not, and then there is the issue of adoption and, more recently, sperm donation..."
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Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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