Separate Yet Together Families Are Forever
Meet Our Newest Advisory Board Member, Gordon E. Finley!
Gordon E. Finley received a B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology from Antioch College and a Ph.D. in Social Relations from Harvard University. Prior to his present position as Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Florida International University, he taught at the Universities of British Columbia, Toronto, and California at Berkeley (as a visitor). He publishes empirical research, family policy articles, op-eds, and letters-to-the-editor. His writings focus on fatherhood, divorce, family law reform, and the status of boys and
men in contemporary society. 
"... There could soon be more cases of 50/50 custody for children of separated parents in Missouri. ..."
“Children deserve consistent love and care from both parents, but all too often our judicial system does not treat fathers fairly in custody decisions. Senate Bill 157 encourages a much-needed shared parenting arrangement, allowing children to benefit fully from having an involved mother and father in their life.” ..."
"... An emerging mental health issue in which one parent turns a child against the other parent could be added to the international standard for diagnostics next month. ..."
"... The senate bill asks judges to grant joint physical custody when joint legal custody is awarded. Physical custody means where the child lives. Legal custody means who makes decisions for the child. ..."

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Family Reunion helps to assure that healthy families are the foundation of communities and society.  
Educational Videos
Family Reunion has 7 educational videos on a variety of family related issues. Check them out on our website.
Family Reunion | 661-829-6847 | [email protected] |
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