Grant Program Update for Multiple Property Managers
October 28, 2020
Dear WH&LA Members,

Just this evening the Department of Administration released additional questions and answers specifically for those who have multiple properties:

“Please note the Question and Answer document has been revised to include the following. Lodging owners applying on behalf of multiple properties are encouraged to review this information. Thank you.

Q: I wish to apply for multiple lodging properties owned by separate LLCs with unique tax identification numbers (TINs). However, the LLCs are controlled by an umbrella company. May I make one application under the name of the umbrella company, or must I submit separate applications for each LLC?

A: You must submit a separate application for each LLC based on its unique TIN. This is necessary so the State of Wisconsin may make payments directly to the principal owner of each property. Payments may not be made to management or umbrella companies for redistribution to subsidiary property owners.

Q: My company has one tax identification number (TIN) and owns multiple properties. May I submit one application including all properties owned by my company?

A: Yes. Please include the total number of all eligible rooms in the survey tool, and identify each property in Attachment A. The total number of rooms entered in the survey tool must equal the total number of rooms entered in Attachment A.”

We will continue to keep you posted if we learn any more about this program. Please remember that all grant applications are due at 2:00pm on Thursday, October 29.

King Regards,

Bill Elliott, CAE
WH&LA President & CEO