An alert from the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Take two actions for...
  1. Tell Congress to Reduce U.S. Military Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  2. Register for the November 21st Report-Back by WILPF Members at COP 26 in Glasgow
At the 26th UN Conference of Parties in Glasgow – COP 26 Summit – that just ended, world leaders, international delegations, and big business converged on Glasgow for two weeks. Outside the closed negotiation doors, activists from around the world spoke on panels, campaigned, and marched. November 4 was Climate and Military Day, but in the end – with all the focus on the fossil fuel industry – the world’s military once again escaped being held accountable for it’s carbon bootprint.
So please…
1. Tell Congress to Reduce U.S. Military Greenhouse Gas Emissions!

Ask your Congressional Representative to Co-Sponsor House Resolution 767 – Recognizing the Duty of the Department of Defense to Annually Report All Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Progress on Reduction Targets
On November 3rd, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), as the lead sponsor, introduced House Resolution (H R) 767. This Resolution declares that it is the duty of the Department of Defense to monitor, track, and report greenhouse gas emissions from all its operations, with the aim of reducing such emissions. The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is estimated to emit more CO2 than over 120 separate countries. H R 767 calls for the DoD to reduce the overall environmental impact of all military activities and emissions in accordance with science-based emission targets set out in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022. To learn more about how militarism fuels the climate crisis, read this

Immediately, twenty-six House Members quickly stepped up to be H R 767 co-sponsors. And in support, WILPF US joined with 120 other organizations to endorse H R 767.
Now, let’s increase the number of co-sponsors and co-signers to influence the House Armed Services Committee, to which this resolution has been referred.
Then, use this Veterans for Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project form to
  • Send your Representative a thank you note for already being a co-sponsor, or
  • Invite you Representative to sign-on as a co-sponsor by sending this letter. The more House of Representative co-sponsors and signers we recruit, the more we can count on support in the Senate when H R 767 is introduced there.
2. Register for November 21st Report-Back Webinar by the WILPF International Members at COP 26 in Glasgow
10 am-noon PST / 11 am-1 pm MST / noon-2 pm CST / 1 pm-3 pm EST

Register for this November 21 Women Mobilizing for Climate, Justice, Gender, Equality and Peace Webinar here to hear from WILPF International’s Environmental Working Group, other WILPF members, and CODEPINK staff who were at COP 26 on their experiences, analysis and next steps.

Please help increase our public outreach, education, and mobilization! Join with the Earth Democracy Committee and our Climate Justice+Women+Peace Campaign.

Thank you,
Nancy Price and Randa Solick
Co-chairs Earth Democracy Issue Committee
For more information, please email
Your support helps WILPF reach farther and be more effective. Consider a donation to WILPF today to demonstrate your solidarity with our work.
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
Friends House | PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 |

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