Join us as we celebrate Read Across America Week with a family bingo night TONIGHT, March 3! Doors open at 5:30. First game at 6:00.
Concessions will be available for sale. Registration is required. Suggested donation $20 per family includes: bingo cards, raffle tickets and a gift for each child!
88 Keys for Kids Campaign and Medway Friends of Performing Arts Annual Campaign. Medway Public Schools, in partnership with our support organizations, are excited to invite funding contributions to support the purchase of a new professional performance piano and additional performing arts department needs! For fundraising details, please click here.
Tickets are available for Medway High School's performance of the musical Peter Pan! Join us in the auditorium for three performances on March 10 at 7:00 pm, March 11 at 1:00 pm & March 11 at 7:00 pm Tickets
At the School Committee meeting that was held on Thursday, February 2, the 2023-2024 School Year Calendar was Approved. School Committee also approved the 2024 Medway High School Graduation date. Click here to view!
Kindergarten registration for 2023-2024 school year is now OPEN! Directions on how to register. Use this link to register. Please reach out to the McGovern Elementary School with questions at 508-533-3243.
SPRING FLORAL BASKET DESIGN CLASS- Learn how to create a vibrant floral basket design with spring blooms! Your instructor, Dawn, will guide you through the process to create your own beautiful arrangement.Class to be held on Monday, March 13 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sign up today!
Social Media - how is it affecting your teen? How will it affect their future?
Join us on March 7 for a "Netiquette" course run by "New England School of Protocol." Open to ages 11-15.
Do you need help with Facebook? Get the Answers you need in this class with Medway Community Education. Class is Thursday,
May 4 from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm.
A Podcast for Beginners Class is Tuesday, May 9 from 1:00 pm-2:00 pm. Register here.
Virtual Real Estate Courses
How do I sell a home? Buy a home? Invest in Real Estate?
Join Faina Shapiro for these 3 virtual sessions (March 1, 8 & 15 from 6:00 pm-8:00 pm). She will guide you through the process! Register here.
Medway's Clean Sweep is Saturday, April 29. Get your team together to clean up Medway. This annual event is from 8:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. RAIN or SHINE. More information to come as the date gets closer.
Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, May 13, 2023, rain or shine, from 9:00 am. to 1:00 pm. at the Recycling Center, 46 Broad Street. (Event is for Medway residents ONLY). Please limit your items to 25 gallons or 25 pounds. It is a free drop-off service, and all the items will be removed from your vehicle! FLYER
Do you know a Veteran who would be willing to share their life story? We are starting to plan for the 6th Annual Veterans Project and would love to meet Veterans of any age. If you are interested or know someone who is, please contact the Medway Center at 508-533-3210.
Annual Town Meeting is Monday, May 8, 2023. A special Town meeting will take place at 7:00 p.m. followed by the Annual Town meeting at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will take place in the auditorium of the High School, 88 Summer Street.
Town Election is Tuesday, May 16, 2023, from 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. at the Medway Middle School, 45 Holliston Street. More information to follow as the election date gets closer. Until then, save the date!
This weekend, the Girl Scouts will have multiple cookie booths through out Town. The community is welcome to stop by the Loyal Companion on Saturday, March 4, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm. Cookies can also be purchased online using this link:
The Town Clerk's Office would like to make residents aware to keep an eye out in their mailboxes for the census. We would appreciate it if you could return the census within 10 days of receipt. If you have any questions, please call the Town Clerk's Office at 508-533-3204.
The Town Clerk's Office would like to remind residents that dog licensing is open. First-time licensing or renewals will be available through March 31, 2023. There are a few ways to obtain a license: in person at the Town Clerk's Office, online (visit www.townofmedway.org/departments/townclerk or apply using the application or the QR code found on the back of the Census. Please note - there is a new dog licensing program due to the previous program unexpectedly closing business August 2022. OG LICENSING
There's nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Some of the wise words spoken by General Jimmy Doolittle. We are Tri-Valley Meals on Wheels and we are always looking for volunteers to help package or drive & deliver meals to our homebound elders. Our office is in Franklin & we serve the communities of Bellingham, Blackstone, Franklin & Medway. If you have an hour or two each week to help out, please give us a call at (508) 520-1422.
Nomination papers are now available for the May 16th, 2023, Town Election. To view the open seats and positions and for more information about what it means to be on a committee and the time commitment involved, please reach out to the town employee and/or board chair listed here. As always, we appreciate your time and commitment to the Town of Medway.
The Medway Lions Club will hold a sweetheart dance on March 12, 2023, from 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.in the Medway High School cafeteria, 88 Summer Street. Join us for DJ, games and refreshments!
The Medway Lions Club will hold its annual pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 2 from 8:00 a.m.-Noon in the Medway High School cafeteria, 88 Summer Street. Tim Rice Photo will be in attendance to take pictures with the Easter bunny. Come down and enjoy breakfast with us .....eggs, quiche, bacon, ham, sausage, baked beans & more!
It's a twist on the traditional egg hunt. Eggs will be filled with candy, treats, gift cards, and other surprises. Bring your flashlight and basket. This event is rain or shine on Friday, April 7, at Choate Park. -Middle/High School egg hunt starts at 7:00 p.m. and the adult egg hunt starts at 7:45 p.m. Come out and enjoy all the fun! Visit medwayma.myrec.com
Spend the morning hunting for eggs with Medway Parks and Recreation on Saturday, April 8, 2023. Tim Rice Photo will be at Oakland Park to take your picture with the Easter Bunny. Sign-up here.
Kids Charcuterie Fun! – St. Patrick’s Day themed
Grab your friends and head to the park to make a charcuterie board! It will be a great time with food, friends, and fun! Join us on Wednesday March 15 at 4pm in the Choate Park Snack Shack for the fun! For more details and to register visit: Kids Charcuterie Fun!
Puzzlers, get your family/team together and come to the Puzzlepalooza jigsaw puzzle challenge! Teams of two to five people will compete to finish a 500-piece puzzle in the shortest amount of time! Puzzle is provided. Maximum of 10 teams, so register early. There is a prize for first- and second-place finishers. Join us on Sunday March 12 at 4pm in the Medway Senior Center to be a puzzle palooza champion. For more details and to register visit: Puzzle Palooza
Are you and your grown-up ready for an adventure?! Meet at the playground at Choate Park for a Treasure Hike! Each week we will “hike” to a different part of the park and find some treasure! We will also see what nature has to offer! Join us on Thursdays in March from 11-11:45 am at Choate Park to be a treasure hunter. For more details and to register visit: Treasure Hikes
Summer Camp Registration!
Are you ready to plan your summer? Keep your kids busy this summer with our various programs. There is something for everyone whether you like sports, science, or even Slime! Registration is OPEN. To register please visit: Summer Programs
Medway Parks and Recreation is looking for an experienced, patient, knowledgeable, and energetic staff member to serve as the Head Swimming Coach Director for the Medway/Millis Summer Swim Team. Responsibilities include attending all practices and swim meets (practice times are typically 7:00 am – 8:00 am); meets are held on Tuesday & Thursday evenings. A complete job description can be found here.
The Town of Medway’s Parks and Recreation Department is looking for an experienced, patient, knowledgeable, and energetic staff member to serve as the Assistant Director for the Choate Summer day program. Assist the Director in planning all facets of the camp, including theme days/weeks, leading meetings of entire staff and campers. Camp runs from July 10 - Aug. 25. Email jsinclair@townofmedway.org. The complete job description can be found here.
Choate Summer Camp Counselors - The Town of Medway’s Parks and Recreation Department is looking for experienced, patient, knowledgeable, and energetic staff to serve as camp counselors for the Choate Summer day program. Must be 18 years of age or older, experience working with children grade K-5 preferred, CPR and first aid certification required. (CPR and First Aid Training provided during staff training). Please email your application and resume to: jsinclair@townofmedway.org or send it to Human Resource Coordinator, 155 Village St. Medway, MA 02053
The Town of Medway’s Parks and Recreation department is looking for an experienced, patient, knowledgeable, and energetic staff member to serve as the Camp Director for the Choate Summer day program. Responsibilities include: planning all facets of the camp, including theme days/weeks. Leading meetings of entire staff and campers. Responsible for the supervision and evaluation of staff. Creating activities that will be fun, educational, and developmentally appropriate for camp. Interacts frequently with parents and guardians of campers during drop-off and pick-up. Assists with organizing schedules and groups for each session. The complete job description.
Medway Area Rainbow Community. This support group is a safe and welcoming space to meet with others who have
LGBTQ+ people in their lives, including families whose children have come out to
them, friends and significant others, or those who are interested in learning how to
become a better ally to LGBTQ+ people. Join us for support, connection & education. The next meeting is March 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Medway Public Library. Flyer
The Town of Medway, Department of Public Works, seeks qualified candidates for the position of Heavy Equipment Operator in the Highway Department. Responsibilities: Road maintenance and repair; operate all light and heavy department equipment to include but not limited to front end loaders, street sweepers, snowplows and sanders, back hoes, and trucks.Submit resume to jsinclair@townofmedway.org
Our Spring & Summer Brochure is now online and will be in mailboxes soon. We are SO excited to be offering lots of new and fun programs and community events! Registration is open for Medway residents and will open on Monday, March 6 at 9am for non-residents.
Medway Community Education's 2023 Winter brochure. Check out the brochure here.
Many people have asked how they can help our food pantries: Medway Village Church Food Pantry & Mahan Circle Food Pantry.
Monetary donations are currently being accepted.
170 Village Street
Medway, MA 02053
600 Mahan Circle
Medway, MA 02053
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