How are you being called to love deeply, grow spiritually and share abundantly?
July 21, 2021
Faith Formation Volunteers Needed
Fall Faith Formation opportunities are quickly approaching! Consider sharing abundantly by volunteering in the following areas:
  • Confirmation Ministry: Interested in being a small group leader? Contact Pastor Michelle Oetken.
  • Children's Ministry: Interested in helping with children's classes on Sunday mornings or Wednesday nights? Sign up online.
Women's Welcome Back Gathering
Wed., Aug. 4; 6-8pm; Great Room
You are invited to gather with Sheridan women for supper followed by speaker, Sue McLain, of Yesterday’s Lady. Sue will be sharing her expertise about beachwear through the decades. Learn how the bathing suit is reflective of the era in more ways than style. The Women’s Ministry Team is excited to host this event. The supper will be catered by Chef au Chef and our speaker comes to us through a grant from Humanities Nebraska. Wear your beach attire if you desire. Bring your friends, sisters or daughters! Register by July 31.

Note: If you paid for the Women's Brunch in March 2020 that was cancelled, you do not have to pay the $10 fee for supper. However, we ask that you still register to let us know you're coming.
Donation Bins: School Kits
Back to school sales will be starting soon! Let us remember our neighbors around the world and help provide school kits for Lutheran World Relief.

Place the following items in the donation bins in the Great Hall:
  • Four 70-sheet paper notebooks
  • One blunt-edge scissors
  • Five black or blue ballpoint pens (no gel ink)
  • One box of 16 or 24 ct. crayons

We will provide school bags. As of now, we have plenty of rulers, pencil sharpeners, pencils and erasers from previous years' donations.
Grow Spiritually at Sheridan
First Steps for Baptism Class
Sun., July 25; 11am; Conference Room
Baptism is a big event! To help prepare for this special time, parents are asked to attend this one hour class that teaches about the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, gives you an opportunity to meet other families preparing for this special day and offers some encouragement for you as Christian parents.
Confirmation Registration
Sheridan's Confirmation Ministry is for families with students in grades 6-8. We invite parents of middle schoolers to visit our website to register and select the courses their student wishes to attend during our Learning Academy. Please register by August 15.
Save the Date: Backpack Sunday Celebration & Ministry Fair
Sun., Aug. 15; 9:30am-1pm
Mark your calendars for Backpack Sunday! Bring your family to one of our worship services for a special backpack blessing followed by a celebration of community and the beginning of the school year.

We will have food available for purchase from the Waffleman™ and Kona Ice, a balloon artist, inflatables and a ministry fair to showcase all of the different ways you can get involved at Sheridan.
IN-PERSON: SUNDAY: 8:30AM, 9:45AM, 11:00AM