Committed to Excellence in Cancer Research, Education and Patient Care
September 2020
Join Our Community Webinar on Prostate Cancer
Thursday, September 24 - 5 PM
In recognition of Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Oliver Sartor, one of the world's foremost experts on advanced prostate cancer and head of Tulane's Prostate Cancer Research Program, will discuss the latest in research and treatment in a live virtual lecture on Thursday, September 24, at 5 PM.

The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. If you're interested in attending (virtually), please register at

Login instructions will be emailed once registration is complete.
Realistic blue ribbon_ world prostate cancer day symbol in november_ illustration. Poster for prostate cancer awareness month.
Prostate cancer patients and their caregivers, those with a family history of the disease, physicians and other healthcare providers, or anyone else with an interest in learning more should plan to log in.

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in American men behind skin cancer and the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer.
According to the American Cancer Society, one in every nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime, and one in 41 will die of this disease.  “This seminar will raise awareness and provide men with the information they need to be proactive when it comes to their prostate health,” said Dr. Sartor.

For more information on the webinar, please contact Melanie Cross at 504-988-6592 or

This event is sponsored by:
Patient Stories - Cyril Harvey, Jr.
When Cyril Harvey, Jr. learned he had prostate cancer, he combed through books, scholarly articles and websites for information on the best medical treatments, recommended lifestyle changes, and vitamins and supplements. He wanted to leave no stone unturned in his quest for knowledge.

His intensive research led Cyril to meet with multiple urologists and cancer experts, but he felt rushed in and out of clinics, and like the doctors weren’t really listening to his concerns. He still hadn’t found what he was looking for in a physician.
“One day I was back on the web searching and I saw an ad for a Tulane prostate cancer clinic and clicked on it,” said Cyril. After perusing the website, he liked what he saw and decided to make an appointment with the Tulane Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Clinic.

During his clinic appointment, Cyril and his wife met with multiple physicians on the same day, including radiation oncologist Dr. Kendra Harris, medical oncologist Dr. Pedro Barata, and urologist and surgeon Dr. Spencer Krane.

“They spent hours with me reviewing all the test results and records I brought with me to the appointment. Then they had a meeting about me, and came back in and gave a presentation!” Cyril said. “Dr. Harris discussed my options of radiation versus removal, and Dr. Krane actually went step-by-step through the entire robotic surgery for prostate removal. In addition to making me feel like family, they told me things I never knew – the main one being that if you have radiation and it doesn’t work, then you can’t have surgery.”

The Tulane multidisciplinary team and Cyril worked together to create a personalized care plan which included prostate surgery.

The last thing Cyril remembers before his surgery was Dr. Krane saying to him, “I’m going to take care of you now.” Cyril came out of that surgery cancer-free and made a quick and full recovery. At his post-surgery clinic appointment, Dr. Krane showed Cyril a lab report and said, “Want to see something beautiful? I believe you are cured.”

Cyril is back to living life to its fullest, but he is still humbled by his cancer diagnosis and thankful to be cured.

“Since being diagnosed, I didn’t feel at ease until I went to Tulane,” Cyril said. “I think I have truly been blessed to have been guided to them, and thankful to have found them and the whole team.”

Click here to learn more about the Tulane Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Clinic, or call the clinic coordinator at (504) 988-2342.

Tulane's Multidisciplinary Prostate Cancer Clinic allows physicians from three disciplines - medical oncology, surgical oncology and radiation oncology - to meet with patients in one convenient setting. Pictured at left are (from left) Brian Lewis, MD, MPH, and Pedro Barata, MD, MSc, from medical oncology; Kendra Harris, MD, MSc, chair of radiation oncology; and Spencer Krane, MD, from urologic surgical oncology. (Story by Sarah Balyeat; photo taken before the COVID-19 pandemic.)
NOLA Bluedoo is Canceled, BUT
Prostate Cancer Research Support is Still Needed!
Unfortunately, due to public gathering restrictions related to COVID-19, the 2020 NOLA Bluedoo event has been canceled. 
However, prostate cancer continues. And research funds are still urgently needed to assist in the search for new treatment options. 

We are deeply thankful to our previous Bluedoo sponsors, as well as the donors listed below, who have chosen to continue their support of NOLA Bluedoo and Tulane's Prostate Cancer Research Fund this year, despite the event's cancellation.

We ask that you join them by making a tax-deductible donation today! Every penny donated is immediately available to Dr. Oliver Sartor and his team as they work to continue their progress against this disease. 
To make your gift via credit card, please visit and click the link in the red box at the top of the page. 
Prefer to donate via check? Please make check payable to “Tulane Cancer Center,” reference “NOLA Bluedoo” in the memo line and send to Tulane Cancer Center, ATTN: K. Green, 1430 Tulane Ave., #8668, New Orleans, LA 70112.    

Thank you for your support!
Many Thanks to Our
2020 NOLA Bluedoo Donors...


Philip F. Lapeyre


Mr. & Mrs. J. Terrell Brown


Nick & Diane Chronis
Mr. & Mrs. J. Scott Key


Robert R. Monaco
Jerry & Rhenda Saporito
Robert L. Sebastian
Barney & Peggy Wall