“My first exposure to Family Outreach of Amherst began over twenty years ago. We had just moved here and were barely settled in when my husband, Bruce, went to a Rotary luncheon meeting and heard FOA Director, Laura Reichsman, speak about FOA and the amazing work it does. She also mentioned a family that was in desperate need of a bed. 

We didn't know many people here at the time, but we did know a couple who wanted to get rid of a bed. So, we borrowed a truck and delivered the bed to the family. The apartment was sparsely decorated, with only a television and two chairs in the living room and not much else in the bedrooms, besides one mattress.

It turned out that the young son in the family was in my daughter's class in school. Being new to town, we had no idea that there were so many families struggling in Amherst and that FOA was there to help them. I loved the fact that they worked locally, tackling serious issues, and helping build healthy families. I was hooked.”

Betsy McInnis
Advisory Board Member
Family Outreach of Amherst

P.S. Betsy was a recent recipient of the Amherst Area Chamber of Commerce Lifetime Achievement Award for her leadership of 20 years as an FOA Board member. Her compassion and commitment to FOA makes a real and lasting impact on the many at-risk families we serve in our community. Congratulations, Betsy. Your recognition is well-deserved!