Images of Nature Beings and the Future of Our Earth

Why are images so powerful? What is it that an artist, throughout the ages, has captured that so inspires others to pause, look, and absorb?  

How do images change over time, and why do we seek the new while revering the old?

I posit it is because we trust artists to provide us with a visual coherence in our complex world. Out of the millions of bits of energy calling on us for attention, we trust the artist to isolate out the significant information, as a spokesperson for some point of view.

The craft of photography is similar, and in ways more complex, than that of the artist. The artist can pick and choose what will go into the image. A photographer is looking at a subject and figuring out how to isolate and focus on only a select subset of a broad range of frequencies. His/Her job is to use the camera, and post-processing technology, to present a coherent statement.

(Left: a tree artist's statement about human misbehavior around his home, which also houses a picnic table for humans - those clawing, scary human beings "have their head up their arse.")

The Existential Scream

How are we not all connected - intelligent, sentient life forms in all realms of being? The collaged image above shows the universal existential scream as a life form deals with its life situation. A great ape attempts to block out the sound of all the humans viewing him in his zoo prison...a human cries out in the human artist Edvard Munch's art piece "The Scream"...the spirit of a black walnut tree pictures his agony about the large and noisy farm trucks who park at his base.

The Sixth Mass Extinction

As our human technology gets more refined, the artist and the camera together can isolate very specific areas or frequencies. This ability to connect to another frequency, and present that world to our world, is easily one of the essential tools in our current human efforts to avert the “Sixth Mass Extinction.”

Where previous extinctions were caused by nature, this one is being caused by humans who through their philosophy of the rights of human dominion are causing the extinction of species and environmental disasters.

To counter this, some photographers focus on the plight of endangered animals, others on endangered plants. And a few, such as myself, focus on visually demonstrating that nature is intelligent and is deserving of respect and coordinated cooperation. 

Humans are Rats!

The image above is in a tree that borders the road loggers took carrying thousands of cut trees to a cliff-top Log Slide into Lake Michigan. It was the only form of protest this tree could make - the loggers were dumb humans who were rats for what they were doing to the tree's family.

Intelligent Nature

When you can see with your own eyes that there are complex sophisticated images and stories in trees and rocks, it gives you cause to stop and ponder the current cultural fiction that humans have the right of dominion over all “lower” forms of life on earth.

Who created the art visible in trees and rocks? These images are readily visible, to those who will pause and really look. What can we learn about the culture that produced such nature realm artists?

I hope my website, with its growing body of photographs of nature beings, give you pause to admire the skills of these artists and to consider what their existence means about composition of our one commonly-shared earth. 

Social Activism

If you are working on some area of this ecological issue yourself, please contact me to discuss ways we can work together to create greater awareness.

My photographs provide visual proof of the existence of intelligent nature, an issue so many disciplines are currently championing. Many need proof. There is the long cultural tradition of indigenous cultures that is being tapped into...there is the philosophical and spiritual understanding of this reality...and my photographs provide contemporary, visual proof.

(Above right and to the left are other views of the black locust tree that houses the scream.)

You can visit my website and its visual encyclopedia to see more nature beings. You can share your own images, and see those of people around the world, in my private Facebook group, Nature Beings Around the World.

May you walk in beauty and truth,

Atala Toy

Facebook: Nature Beings Around the World

Instagram: Atala Toy - Nature Beings