Streams of Awareness

Day After

December 26, 2022

Well Christmas Day is over and the gears of thought have changed.  

And the feats to get “back to normal” are being rearranged. 

We have made it through another year and a new one is on the way, 

But as we reflect on days of old, may we address the blessings of TODAY!

For Years ago, when Christ was born, he gave his greatest gift to all,

He lived his life in purity and courageously followed God’s call.  

Christ gave us life eternal, and a commitment to love us as we are,

For we are blessed to be called His children, as he guides us from afar.

So today, the day after Christmas, as we all are busy, conquering duties to be done,

Remember Jesus is to be celebrated "everyday" not just one day and we are done. 

Though the celebration day is over and we are gently calming down,

Remember Jesus is all around us and forever wears his might crown..

For just as we open a gift under the tree, The “PRESENT” is often God’s gift to challenge to you and me,

I can fuss about things not going my way, or thank God continually for His authority.  

For God never loses sight of the troubles we bear,

And he is always there as a helper with his loving care.  

Whatever we have weathered in this year 2022,

Consider it a lesson that God is using to grow me and you.

For his ways are not our ways and ones we often wouldn’t choose,

But if God's forever guiding us it's his battle and he won't lose.  

Try dutifully to watch each day, for God’s glory to show

Remember to not dismiss his truth by clouds that are sitting low. 


Always upon always, God remains faithful and true,

And he is available to help each of us in whatever we do.  

'Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. 

Today is a gift. ‘That is why it is called the “PRESENT”.

May you week between Christmas and the New Year be one that 

you take time to not only reflect on the events of the year but 

also the changes that God has given you the courage and willingness to adapt to.  For Christ has given us HIS hope for days to come, and his light to help us know the right path, as we forge forward day by day. Remember to just pray continually not just about the big things but for the little ones as well, And then be quiet and the whispers of your heart. God's ways are fresh and powerful and designed to give us strength, courage and tenacity to jump hurdles, fight fears with faith and most of all be content in circumstances we cannot change, the will to change the ones we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

May God bless you with the fullness of his continued presence and give you a steadfast peace in your heart that passes all understanding. May His grace be upon you and know that you are loved by God beyond anything you can imagine. Happy end of the year!!!! Blessings!

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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