Sept. 30, 2021

Nov. 1 - 7, 2021
A Week of Remembrance & Celebration: The Dedication Of The All Saints-by-the-Sea Sanctuary

Mark your calendars now for a special week of remembrance and celebration in honor of our work to restore the historic All Saints Sanctuary. A series of activities will take place to honor our friends and family who passed away during the pandemic and to celebrate what we have accomplished to preserve and ready our sacred Sanctuary for its next century of service.

Monday, Nov. 1 at 4:30 p.m. — All Saints Day Requiem Mass
In remembrance of those who passed away during the pandemic

Wednesday, Nov. 3 — Parish School Chapel Service
Limited to School families due to COVID-19 restrictions

Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 6 p.m. — Eventide Service
Reflection on our theme How Firm Our Foundation

Thursday, Nov. 4 — Capital Campaign / Project Leadership Gathering
RSVP required

Sunday, Nov. 7 at 10:30 a.m. service — Dedication of All Saints’ Sanctuary
Blessing of our newly renovated Sanctuary by the Rt. Rev. John H. Taylor, Bishop of the Diocese of Los Angeles, at the 10:30 a.m. service; light reception to follow. The 8 a.m. service will take place as usual, with Bishop Taylor

Date To Be Announced — Introduction of All Saints’ New Johannus Monarke Organ & Concert
Concert for parishioners, neighbors, supporters and members of the community; reception to follow

All activities are subject to change; please monitor Church announcements.

Note that masks are required for all indoor activities, regardless of vaccination status.
Plans For "Donor Tribute Wall" Coming Together

As we look to the dedication of our newly renovated Sanctuary, we also turn our attention to the more than 250 families whose financial contributions made possible all that we have accomplished. On behalf of the entire How Firm Our Foundation capital campaign leadership team, we thank you for your support.

You should have received a letter from campaign assistant Alyson Eyer-Delevett confirming how you would like to be listed on the Donor Tribute Wall, which will be located in the area near the newly designed Vesting Room. If you have questions, you can reach Alyson at (805) 969-4771 x108 or at at this email address.

We had many goals when we set out together to fund the needed work on our sacred space. A leading goal was that we generate 100 percent participation by the entire parish with gifts both large and small. We know that many newcomers to the parish may want to join in giving to the Project. Please contact the Church Office or one of us if you would like to be involved in helping fund this historic effort. The deadline to ensure your name appears on the Donor Tribute Wall is Oct. 18, 2021.

Capital Campaign Co-Chairs
Bitsy Bacon
Sheri Benninghoven
Ed Birch
Memorial Chapel With Columbarium: Right For You?

The Book of Common Prayer speaks to the central role of the Church in our spiritual journey. Here we are baptized, we proclaim our faith at confirmation, we are married, we give thanks for the birth or adoption of our children and the other blessings in our lives. We gather in mystical communion for worship, formation, and the fellowship of our faith community, and we commend to the Lord the souls of our loved ones. The Memorial Chapel allows us and our family members to be interred here and to memorialize family members who are interred elsewhere.

The All Saints Memorial Chapel provides the opportunity to rest in peace within the sacred walls of the church Sanctuary, a tangible reminder of what is already spiritually true — that we gather each week in communion with the faithful who have gone before us.

If you would like to purchase a niche, which contains space to hold two urns, or commemorate a loved one on a memorial plaque, you can learn more at this link or contact Kathleen in the Church Office at (805) 969-4771.
A Chance To Own A Piece of All Saints' History

We have exciting news: the reconfigured Nave does not have room for nine of the Sanctuary’s original pews. As you probably know, what we commonly think of as one pew is actually several joined together. All of these excess pews are in excellent condition, were hand made in the early days of the Sanctuary and were lovingly touched up during our recent construction along with the rest of our pews. They would make a striking and meaningful addition in just the right spot to a home or office.

Two of these excess pews are about 4 and 1/2 feet long, five are 5 and 1/2 feet long, one is 7 and 1/2 feet long with the last about 10 feet long and which requires carpentry to restore an end leg. They are available for inspection in the Parish Hall following Sunday services. We are considering how best to offer these pews to members of the congregation, but we need to get a sense of how many Parish households might be interested in purchasing them. If you think your home or office might be enhanced by one of these lovely pieces, please email me at this email address. No obligation, just in need of an indication of interest.

Chip Nichols,
Facilities Committee Chair