What Do the Frogs Say?
Reviews are coming in, but I'm still waiting for my toughest critics
Booklist calls it "a book to savor and reread." Publishers Weekly deems it "a blissful appreciation of nature." What do the green frogs think? They are some of the many recurring characters in my new book Wildscape, but I can't ask them for their reviews yet because they're still safely ensconsed at the bottom of the pond. The wood frogs made an appearance yesterday during a quick spell of high temperatures, but their ducklike clucks were all too brief before they went back into hiding under the leaves. My conversations with them will have to wait until spring brings warmer days.
Upcoming Events
"Wonderful presentation. Your energy throughout was captivating.”
Irene Bader Calotta, attendee at Native Plant Society of New Jersey's fall conference
I miss the voices of the frogs and my other hibernating wild friends, but as we wait for spring to settle in, they're letting me do most of the talking. A week ago, I presented my keynote presentation on Wildscape for the first time at the Prince William Native Plant Symposium in Virginia, and this coming week I'll be giving the virtual keynote for the Ecological Landscape Alliance. See below for details, and be sure to check Humane Gardener Events for more updates!
February 22, Keynote, Ecological Landscape Alliance, Winter Conference: “A World of Discovery: How Science and Heart Can Make You a More Ecological Gardener,” Virtual, 6:30 p.m. Register here.

March 25, Keynote, Watershed Stewards Academy Conference: "Maintaining Momentum: The Motivation All Around You," Annapolis, MD. Register here.
Plants, Not Guns
Real solutions to habitat loss and destruction start with plants
I opened my Washington Post this morning to find yet another tired tirade about deer that was long on rants but short on solutions. Titled “I Bought a Gunand I Intend to Use It,” the column acknowledged humanity's role in disrupting ecosystems. But the writer never once mentioned any positive action he would take toward preventing or mitigating his own contributions to habitat loss and destruction.

Do deer, rabbits, and other mammals eat plants at the Humane Gardener headquarters? Absolutely. Do I shoot them? No. I don’t shoo them away either. And yet the plants still grow, each year inviting an increasing number and variety of birds, butterflies, and other animals. Our oasis even hosts threatened native bee species.

We follow a number of different strategies to coexist with deer, nurturing habitat that sustains them and also safeguards young plants. Logs and stumps create natural barriers around vulnerable wildflowers and saplings; chemically defended species limit herbivory on more tender plants behind them; and thorny shrubs serve as prickly protectors and nurse plants of young trees.
In Wildscape, I explore the importance of some of these lost natural features and highlight interviews with scientists like ecologist Richard Broughton, whose research has revealed that thorny plants such as blackberries and hawthorns enable oaks and other trees to escape browsing even in areas with high deer densities. You can find the full Q&A with Broughton on my website, as well as an article about how brambles have protected vulnerable trees in my habitat (like the volunteer redbud, shown here, that sprouted among black raspberries). See also my piece on gardening with deer, which includes a handout listing recommended plant species and resources:
About Humane Gardener
Plants are the solution to everything. That’s the driving concept behind the Humane Gardener website, book, presentations, and probably any conversation you’ll ever have with me (you’ve been warned!). Whether you’re trying to resolve conflicts with wildlife or immersed in efforts to save local fauna, you’ll be more successful if you let plants lead the way. You can find inspiration and practical advice for getting started on my social media channels below and on my website,
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Photo of Nancy Lawson speaking: Will Heinz; all other photos: Nancy Lawson/