January 2023

This newsletter contains news and information of interest to Montana Science Olympiad coaches - current, past and future. For questions, please contact the MSU Science Math Resource Center.

Team registration deadline is Feb. 3

Thanks to all the teams who have registered so far -- we are going to have a great state tournament! Remember, the team registration deadline is Feb. 3, 2023.

Visit our School Teams and Coaches page for registration links for Division B and Division C or see direct links below. If you have any registration questions, including whether your team is registered or not, please contact our program coordinator Jill Joyce via

Team fees remain the same is in years past with separate prices for small teams of less than 10 members. Schools that bring two teams receive a discount on their second team (the junior varsity team). You MUST first register a varsity team in order to register a JV team.

Teams can pay by check or by credit card.

Our credit card portal is now open (and we apologize for the delay).

Division B (middle school) team registration

Division C (high school) team registration

Registration open for STEM Night at Museum of the Rockies March 7


The Museum of the Rockies hosts a free private event for all registered Science Olympiad teams.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023 - 5:30pm to 8:30pm (come anytime). You can also pick up your team registration materials at this time to save time on tournament day.


This event features planetarium shows; demonstrations and presentations by MSU faculty and student clubs; plus your chance to see all the amazing exhibits at the Museum of the Rockies including two new traveling exhibits:

COACHES: Please register on behalf of your team(s) rather than having individual students register. If you have any questions or need to change or cancel after registering, please email


The form asks approximately how many students and how many adults will attend. NEW THIS YEAR: We also ask approximately how many slices of pizza you think your group may want to purchase (Large Costco-sized slices at $2/slice; cash only). The numbers you enter are for planning purposes only.


The deadline to register is Feb. 28, 2023. 

Register here

Coach open office hours are Jan. 18 and 24

Join our Science Math Resource Center staff members online on Wednesday, Jan. 18 at 3pm and Tuesday, Jan. 24 at 10am to ask questions and share ideas about the upcoming season. You will be led by Dr. Jeannie Chipps, a former Science Olympiad coach, and Addie Rohlman, currently an MSU student and a former Montana Science Olympiad competitor.

No registration is required -- visit our Teams and Coaches page for info. The WebEx link is the same for all upcoming office hours and is listed below the dates.

These events are also on Facebook; if you RSVP there, Facebook will send you a reminder

You can also send questions at any time to

Hotel blocks now available

We have posted information on two hotel blocks that are available for Science Olympiad teams including a nice new hotel in downtown Bozeman with a reasonable rate and free hot breakfast and other amenities. Visit our School Teams and Coaches page for more information. The hotel block rate is good through Feb. 15, 2023. If you have discovered other good places to stay that you think we should post on our page, please email

STEM Looks Like Me: MSU Science Olympiad intern featured in Mountains & Minds magazine

Our Science Olympiad intern and former Montana SciOly competitor Addie Rohlman was featured in an MSU magazine article about how her SciOly experience helped light a pathway in STEM in this excellent article, STEM Looks Like Me. You'll learn how programs such as Science Olympiad help students develop STEM identities, especially in underserved populations. This was also featured in the National Science Olympiad director's newsletter!

Remember to download the rule books and (continuously) look for event clarifications

The rule book is your friend! Download the rules manuals for the 2022-23 season from the National Science Olympiad website. Encourage your students to study every aspect of the rules - especially what safety equipment is required and what they are allowed to bring with them into the contest.

Never use a previous year's rule book, even if the event has the same title. There may be subtle and not-so-subtle changes in rules and themes from year to year.

The rules clarifications page is also your friend! As questions arise, clarifications to the rules are posted here on the national website.

Do you know an aspiring Science Olympiad coach or STEM teacher interested in cool opportunities? Please share this newsletter so they can join in. Or, they can subscribe at
