The Forum 
monthly Newsletter
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If you'd like to have an announcement published in the December 2021 edition of The Forum, please make sure to send your info to the Editor, Jennie Freiberger, at by Tuesday, November 23rd. We'd love to read what YOU have to offer!
We provide Zoom links in The Forum so you can join ALL of our events online (computer, tablet, smart phone). Additionally, if you want/need to attend the meeting/event using a phone, you can use the
following number for ANY of our events:
To join on your cell phone or land line,
please call 1-929-205-6099
and enter the Meeting ID and Password when prompted
(our worship services do not require a password).

Sunday, Nov. 7th: Good Ancestors
with Rev. Kellie & Sara Davis
(Multi-platform: in-person, Zoom, and Facebook)

Sunday, Nov. 14: UU Service Committee
with Rev. Kellie
(Multi-platform: in-person, Zoom, and Facebook)

Sunday, Nov. 21: Worship For All Ages: Stone Soup
with Rev. Kellie and Somaya Bernard
(Multi-platform: in-person, Zoom, and Facebook)

Sunday, Nov. 28: Guest Speaker
with Rev. Elizabeth Nguyen
(Zoom and Facebook only)

To attend the service on Zoom, please use the following link:

Via Phone Dial-in 
  • Call 1-312-626-6799 or 1-646-876-9923
  • At prompt, enter Meeting ID: 953 8114 7453 and Passcode: 869000
Thursdays, 6:30 PM
We continue to offer this shorter, more reflective service as a way of providing a bit of peace and comfort during these trying times. We "gather" on Zoom for music, readings, and reflection.

We do hope you'll join us by using the link below:

Meeting ID: 946 2716 9638 Passcode: 869000

One tap mobile
+16468769923,,94627169638#,,,,*869000# US (New York)
+13017158592,,94627169638#,,,,*869000# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
    +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Find your local number:

Please Note:
Worship For The Weary will be cancelled on
Thursday, November 25th in honor
of the Thanksgiving holiday.

My Dear Ones,

This new liminal space we’re learning to navigate feels a lot like the children’s book Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss. We seem to be experiencing the whole book in one season (Fall 2021): anticipation, excitement, uncertainty, fun, disappointment, fear, hope, grief, and waiting—lots of waiting. We’re experiencing this at multiple levels: in our world, country, state, local communities, our schools, jobs, and here at MVUUF. It is a lot to hold.

We started our multi-platform services in September and then had to press pause due to technical problems and understaffing. While we have found temporary solutions to some of our technical problems, we continue to have difficulties with our Internet connection (when we returned to multi-platform worship last Sunday, the Internet connection went down at the beginning of the offering). 

Also, our Production Team is still stretched very thin. If you bump into any production team members in person or virtually, please give them your gratitude. And consider volunteering to help us operate our sanctuary camera (our Production team meetings are on the 4th Tuesday night at 7pm—email for more details). Can’t blame a minister for trying. ;)

Yet, even with choppy Internet service, we had a beautiful multi-platform service for All Souls Day, an outdoor mini-concert by our choir, and an in-person opening celebration for our Miami Valley Peace Heroes Trail. Three of this year’s peace heroes attended and we awarded 10% of our fundraising to one of our local partners, the Gem City Market (over $2900). All in all, we enjoyed clear skies, fellowship, delicious cookies, our beautiful trail and campus, and peace literacy. Oh, the places we went! 

Amidst the obstacles and successes, MVUUF also is moving onto new ground, exploring a building-sharing partnership with Harmony Creek United Church of Christ. The Board held two informational Town Halls and is now accepting self-nominations to a Joint Exploratory Task Force, which will meet with each congregation’s members to learn our needs, concerns, and dreams. The Task Force will then create a proposal for both congregations to consider. Remember, the decision to share our resources is a decision of the whole congregation and will require congregational input and a vote. If you are interested in participating on the joint task force, please email by 11:59pm tomorrow night (Saturday, November 6).

I also have been asked to work with a local UU ministry student from Earlham School of Religion. In order to complete his Master of Divinity degree, he needs a part-time internship for his Contextual Ministry class. Unlike the traditional congregational internship required by the UUA for ministry fellowshipping, this internship is only 12 hours per week and explores his own ministry goals (UUA ministry internships are 20 hours per week for 2 years or full-time for 9 months and have goals specific to parish ministry). Because of our financial problems, I have made it very clear to the student and the school that we cannot offer any financial compensation or benefits. I will present his request to the Board at their meeting this Sunday, November 7 at 2pm. Stay tuned for more info if they approve the internship!

While the Close the Gap fundraising campaign is going well (a HUGE thank you to all who have already donated the $63,975 of our $95,000 need!!!), this will only solve the budget problem this year. Unless we find a long-term solution to our financial issues, we will most likely have a LARGER deficit next year. Our staff have not received raises since July of 2019, even though inflation has increased 5.9% this year alone. In addition to costs we control (staff wages and benefits, optional purchases), routine expenses are on the rise as well (5.9% inflation in action again). 

With a $95k budget deficit, a long-term solution will most likely require multiple changes—multiple big asks. These could include building-sharing with Harmony Creek, pledging congregants substantially increasing their annual pledges, non-pledging congregants beginning to pledge annually, additional fundraising, membership growth, a capital campaign to pay off the mortgage (which would save MVUUF $30k annually), a legacy campaign (large one-time gifts planned strategically), and reducing or eliminating staff positions. These are only the ideas that have been discussed so far, if you have ideas of your own, please share them with the Board. The Board cannot fix our financial problems by themselves. They need your help. In order for MVUUF to survive, longer than this year, WE need your help.

Meanwhile, some of us are facing very personal challenges—money troubles, un or under-employment, job difficulties, relationship issues, parenting burnout, loneliness and isolation, grief, chronic or new illness, and/or COVID-19 fatigue. While some share their personal difficulties with us, others keep them private, sharing them only with their closest family and/or friends. As I have been repeating since the Pandemic began, it is a lot to hold. 

When we hold so much uncertainty, pain, loss, and change, it can make us more vulnerable to harm from each other and it can make us more likely to harm one another. In times of great stress, it is normal for individuals and organizations to return to their old coping tools. Some of these tools may be unhealthy: blame, pettiness, apathy, disconnection, gossip, rigid thinking, defensiveness, and passive-aggressiveness. While it is normal, we still must be accountable for it and return to repair and rebuild our relationships with one another. This is part of our covenant as a faith community. Conflict can weaken or strengthen us, destroy or transform us. The choice is ours.

I leave you with the words of Unitarian Universalist minister Rev. Richard S. Gilbert. May you find it a gentle reminder and a loving blessing:
Gentleness in Living
Be gentle with another— 
It is a cry from the lives of people battered 
By thoughtless words and brutal deeds; 
It comes from the lips of those who speak them, 
And the lives of those who do them. 
Who of us can look inside another and know what is there 
Of hope and hurt, or promise and pain? 
Who can know from what far places each has come 
Or to what far places each may hope to go? 
Our lives are like fragile eggs.
They crack and the substance escapes. 
Handle with care! 
Handle with exceedingly tender care 
For there are human beings within, 
Human beings as vulnerable as we are, 
Who feel as we feel, 
Who hurt as we hurt. 
Life is too transient to be cruel with one another; 
It is too short for thoughtlessness, 
Too brief for hurting. 
Life is long enough for caring, 
It is lasting enough for sharing, 
Precious enough for love. 
Be gentle with one another.
I pray for your health and flourishing. I hold you in my heart 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 
With much gratitude and love,

Rev. Kellie Kelly
Mobile (847) 804-4614
Appointment Scheduler:

How and When to Reach Me:
  • I’ve gotten some feedback that it is difficult to remember when it is okay to reach me by text or phone calls. Please don’t feel stressed about my schedule. I will not hate you or shun you if you text or call on the wrong day. I just won’t reply unless it is a pastoral emergency.
  • In an effort to make my schedule easier to remember, I have simplified it to the following:
  • The best way to reach me is to text or call my mobile phone between 9am and 8pm on my office days: Monday-Thursday and Saturdays.
  • If you have a pastoral emergency on a Friday or Sunday (Sunday is my big work day and Friday is my personal Sabbath), please text me with “URGENT” as the first line. 
  • For non-emergencies, please feel free to send me an email or text reminder if you don’t receive a reply to your message in 3 days.
  • You can also schedule a quick call (less than 30 minutes) or longer meeting/visit (60 minutes) with me online:

What I’ve Been Seeing, Reading, Listening to, and Watching:
  • Washington Post 
  • New York Times (via Scribd)
  • The Atlantic
  • Dayton Daily News 
  • About Grace by Anthony Doerr
  • Free to Learn by Peter Gray
  • The Self-Driven Child by Ned Johnson and William Stixrud
  • The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende
  • All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
  • Hola Papi: How to Come Out in a Walmart Parking Lot and Other Life Lessons by John Paul Brammer
  • Lucifer (Netflix)
  • DC Legends—new season just dropped! (Netflix)
  • Truth Be Told (Apple TV+)
  • The Morning Show (Apple TV+)
  • Sex Education (Netflix)
  • Frankie Drake Mysteries (Masterpiece/PBS)
With warm weather lasting so late in the season this year, it’s hard to believe the month of Thanksgiving is upon us. I am especially thankful this year for all the people of our Fellowship who have given their energy, time and efforts to our community. In small personal gestures like cards, phone calls or just showing up and in big ways: organizing, grounds-keeping, governance, and computer/AV tech, so many people have helped hold our Fellowship together with compassion.

As Rev. Kellie so beautifully expressed in her October 24th sermon, this covenant we share is what makes us UUs. At the end of our weekly staff meetings, Somaya, Jennie, Kellie and I each share a gratitude. Mine is that through all the difficulties of this past year and a half, MVUUF is still here for the wider world but even more so, for one another. 
---Sara Davis Director of Music
Dear families,
The last two years have been so full of change and adaptations. It has shown us how resilient we can be. Even if you don't see it yet. We will get through this together. 

It has been so wonderful to see many of you in person and I look forward to seeing more of you in the coming months. With the recent announcement that the vaccine for children 5-11 is almost ready, we would like to start planning for February! (Woo!) 

If you haven't already, please register so we have an idea of who is in the program this year and are able to get information to you. 
Here is the registration link:

In the meantime we will still be having monthly events for families and the youth group. November's family event will be a family game day after the service on Sunday, November 21st. Games will start at 1:30 PM to give everyone enough time to get lunch between service and the event.

The youth event will also be another game night and the date has yet to be decided. Keep an eye out in your email for information about the event this week. 

If you have any questions or concerns, or just want to chat, please reach out. You can email me at
---Somaya Bernard, Director of Religious Education
Second Wednesday Each Month
Wednesday, November 10th, 7:00 PM
Our Children and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month and is open to ALL! Whether you have children in the CYRE program or not, the committee is always looking for people to teach classes and/or volunteer to help with family-friendly activities.

If you have any questions, please contact our Director of Religious Education, Somaya Bernard, re@

To join the Zoom Meeting online, click below:

Meeting ID: 813 5941 9144 Passcode: 385131
Sunday Mornings, 9:00 AM
If you are interested in learning about different religions, and especially in the writings from those different religions, then you should consider attending our weekly Scripture Study. They meet every Sunday morning, beginning at 9:00 AM on Zoom; you can contact John Bierman if you have any questions at

To join their Zoom meeting, use the information posted below:

To join the gathering online, click the link below---

Passcode: 720015 Meeting ID: 424 304 843
Third Wednesday Each Month
Wednesday, November 17th, 10:30 AM
Our Daytime Book Club continues to meet monthly to discuss a featured book; here's what they'll be discussing on Wednesday, November 17th, 10:30 AM on Zoom: The Night Watchman by Louise Erdrich.

In December, they'll discuss:
Wednesday, December 15th---Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese.

If you'd like to join them online, please click the link below:

Passcode: 284687 Meeting ID: 814 1095 6674
Fourth Monday Each Month
Monday, November 22nd, 7:00 PM
At a Death Café people, often strangers, gather in an accessible, respectful and confidential space to enjoy refreshments and to discuss death. Our Death Café conversations are participant-directed; there is no agenda. It is a discussion group rather than a grief support or counselling session. Groups such as this gather around the globe with a purpose: "to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives."

MVUUF holds a Death Café on the fourth Monday of each month from 7-8:30 PM; you are welcome to join us to listen and share and/or invite a friend who you think may be interested in exploring the topic.  

To join the meeting online, click below:

Passcode: 900106 Meeting ID: 851 4870 0547

For the month of November, our Soul Matters' theme is Holding History.

The Soul Matters' packet includes spiritual exercises, questions that encourage reflection on daily living, and 5-7 pages of recommended resources that help participants explore the monthly themes in more depth. And you DON'T have to be a member of a small group in order to download and use them!

Simply click HERE for this month's packet!
Sunday Mornings, 9:00 AM
This weekly group is open to all who identify as female, and they would love to have you join them for one of their interesting and thought-provoking discussions!

To join the gathering online, click on the link below---

Passcode: 042027 Meeting ID: 339 923 301

Time is running out to nominate yourself!

As we have discussed over the last few weeks, MVUUF is creating a Joint Exploratory Task Force with Harmony Creek United Church of Christ that will explore what sharing the building would look like for both congregations. This exploration will include meetings with each congregation’s members to learn our needs, concerns, and dreams. The Task Force will then create a proposal for both congregations to consider in their vote to share the building. Please remember that only a congregation-wide vote can make a decision this large. 

This Task Force will most likely require a substantial time-commitment over the next 3-6 months with the first meeting being Wednesday night, November 17th at 7:00 PM at the Harmony Creek campus. 

If you would like to nominate yourself for the Task Force, please email by 11:59pm ET Saturday, November 6th.

Earlier this year, MVUUF's congregation passed a budget with a line item for a Close The Gap campaign/endowment withdrawal of $95,802. This is the amount that the income would fall short of budgeted expenses over the course of fiscal year 22 (2021-2022).

The first of two votes was taken this past Sunday afternoon (10/24/2021) during a Special Congregational Meeting, and it was decided that up to $45,000.00 would be withdrawn from our endowment principal after the Close The Gap campaign has ended; this was less than the original goal of $95,000.00, as so far we have received $63,975.00 for our Close The Gap Campaign. Your help is STILL needed.

We are asking that, if you are able, you consider donating additional funds to MVUUF above and beyond the amount that you pledged for this fiscal year (2021-2022).

You can send checks directly to MVUUF via USPS (8690 Yankee Street, Dayton OH 45458); please write "Close The Gap" on the memo line. If you prefer, donations can also be made online through our website; please choose Close The Gap as the option under the heading Other Fundraising.

Are you feeling anxious? Worried? Sleepless? You’re not alone. Recent polls indicate more than half of adult Americans are stressed about COVID-19, politics, climate change, racism, equality, the divisiveness in our country, etc. Just about everyone you know is troubled in one way or another.

Because Rev. Kellie and all of us at MVUUF are concerned about each other’s welfare, you will likely be receiving a text, email, or call from one of our MVUUF CARES volunteers. Please know they will provide an empathetic ear if you need to talk or will try to help you meet practical needs if you ask.

Barb Weber is chairing the MVUUF CARES effort and can be reached at: 937-684-0432 or
Whether you are an “old” member, a newcomer, a long-time friend, or an occasional visitor, you are reading this because you are somehow “connected” to the Miami Valley UU Fellowship. We are glad you are here! We are trying something new to help more of us become connected to the fellowship in a meaningful way. You know we have a lot to offer, and we know you have something to offer us, but how best to find your niche? The hope is that I can help you on that journey.

Send an email to and it will magically appear in my email. If you put the word “connection” in the subject line, I’ll know that it is VERY important, and I’ll read it immediately. You may ask questions, tell me about yourself, include your phone number if you’d like to talk, and we will begin searching together. UUism can open your eyes and your heart and MVUUF is “where it’s at” in Dayton.

In the spirit,
Diane Colvin, Connection Coordinator
Wednesdays, 7:00 PM
Do you enjoy music? Do you enjoy singing with others? If so, please consider joining our Worship Choir! You can contact our Director of Music, Sara Davis, with any questions at

Unfortunately, due to the spread of the Delta variant of COVID-19, Choir Rehearsal are once again being held on Zoom (a decision made by our Board based on guidelines from the UUA); you can join us with the link below:

Meeting ID: 893 4006 6923 Passcode: 128140
First Monday Each Month
Monday, November 1st, 7:00 PM
Our PC is responsible for the following: Leading and implementing a variety of programs that bring MVUUF closer to realizing its purpose, vision and mission; Facilitating cooperation among program areas; Approving the appointment or removal of committee chairs nominated by individual program council representatives; Appointing interim members to fill mid-term vacancies on the nominating committee; Nominating one qualified candidate for election to the nominating committee each year; and Recommending policies and procedures to the board for approval and incorporation into the MVUUF policy manual. 

PC meets once a month, usually on the first Monday, and their meetings are open to ALL; look for them to gather next on Monday, November 1st, 7:00 PM, on Zoom.

To join the meeting online, click below

Passcode: 395986 Meeting ID: 845 4628 1330
Second Sunday Each Month
Sunday, November 14th, 12:30 PM
Our pagan group, Chalice of the Willow (CUUPS) has a discussion group on the second Sunday of each month, beginning at 12:30 PM. It's a great way to find out a little bit more about pagan beliefs & traditions, and to converse with others in a comfortable, non-judgmental atmosphere.

This group will be meeting (in-person only) at MVUUF; meeting dates can be found on the MVUUF calendar. You can find out more by contacting Tina Porter at
Sunday, November 7th, 2:00 PM
Our Board meetings are open to EVERYONE, and time is set aside at the beginning of the meeting to answer any questions our members and friends may have for Board members. This month, the group will meet on Sunday, November 7th at 2:00 PM.

To join the Zoom meeting, click below:

Passcode: 033710 Meeting ID: 976 9504 0775
Sunday, November 7th, 12:15 PM
Are you new to MVUUF? Would you like to know more about the Fellowship and what we have to offer?

We offer a Welcome Session monthly where you'll have the opportunity to find out more about our Fellowship and meet Rev. Kellie and other members of MVUUF.

To join the meeting on Zoom, you can simply stay on in the Zoom session for the Sunday worship (if you joined us online) or use the info below:

Meeting ID: 953 8114 7453 Passcode: 869000
Third Tuesday Each Month
Tuesday, November 16th, 7:00 PM
If you're looking for a fun way to share your love of music, may we suggest attending our Acoustic Folk Jam Session? You can play an instrument...or use your voice...or just listen and enjoy to everyone else. It's a low-key way to enjoy some human connection (socially-distanced, of course) and relax.

We've been meeting at MVUUF to share some music (without singing) & socialization. Why not plan to join us this month, on Tuesday, November 16th, at 7:00 PM?
Saturday, November 20th, 2:00 to 4:00 PM
on Zoom

Membership at MVUUF is an opportunity to declare what you already know. This fellowship is your spiritual home, your community of friends, your challenge to action, your open forum for a free expression of your search for truth, and your opportunity to live what you hold dear. If all or some of these things ring true for you, our upcoming Joining Session is just for you! 

Rev. Kellie is offering a Joining Session on Saturday, November 20th from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. At this session you will receive basic information about UUism, the opportunities afforded to our members, and the joys and responsibilities of sharing your time, talents and treasures as a member of the fellowship. This session is in preparation for the New Member Ceremony on Sunday, December 12th. Please consider joining us! 

This Joining Session will be via Zoom (however, we hope the New Member Ceremony will be in-person, online, and via phone).

If you cannot attend and would still like to become a member, please contact Rev. Kellie to make alternate arrangements:  

Join Online

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,88378816384#,,,,*076994# US (New York)
+13017158592,,88378816384#,,,,*076994# US (Washington DC)

Dial by Phone 
    +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

At the prompts, enter
Meeting ID: 883 7881 6384 and Passcode: 076994
Sunday, December 19th, during the 11:00 AM Worship Service

At this special service (held once a year), we dedicate ourselves to the nurturing of our youngest, individually and as a congregation. Typically, our Child Dedication has a wide variety of ages, from infants to middle school. We ask that MVUUF Friends considering this dedication for their child(ren) attend our Joining Session on Saturday, November 20th, and become Members in December. 

Interested families should contact Rev. Kellie by Wednesday, December 1st: or 847-804-4614.
MVUUF shares 50% of its non-pledge offerings with a human service agency or similar fund. These agencies are selected yearly by the congregation’s members under the guidance of the Social Action Committee.

Please give generously by clicking HERE to go to our online donation page and go to “SHARING OUR OFFERING.” 
About Our Current Recipient 
For the months of October and November, 50% of non-pledge offerings will be given to Evan's Pantry.

Evan's Food Pantry began in early 2020 when a teacher delivered groceries to his student who mentioned that his family had no food. Knowing other students had similar needs, the teacher asked the class if they would like to create a classroom food closet--an open spot for students to get and give food and personal care items, no questions asked.

From that simple beginning, Evan's Pantry is on a mission to get food and personal care items into the hands of those in need, while empowering youth to serve. The pantry stores items at McKinley United Methodist Church in Dayton. You can find out more HERE.
Begins Sunday, November 14th
Every year at about this time the UU Service Committee leads a Guest at Your Table (GAYT) program to raise support for and awareness of key human rights issues. This intergenerational, international program involves more than 20 countries, with over 50 grassroots partners. There are thousands of individuals involved who benefit from the work that our members make possible. The program is an opportunity to celebrate grassroots partnership, support human rights, and learn about just four of these individuals – the “guests” in Guest at Your Table.

This year’s theme is Now is the Time for Courageous Change. The injustices and crises of the past year have underscored the importance of our shared goal – a world free from oppression, where all can realize their full human rights. We must fundamentally transform the way things are, so that we do not perpetuate systemic inequities and repeat the harms of the past. Unlike many missionary approaches, the UUSC uses grassroots involvement in communities without proselytizing. They focus on women’s rights, human rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and more, helping communities find approaches that fit their needs. You can listen HERE to Executive Director Mary Katherine Morn describe it best!

We are beginning the program on Sunday, November 14th . You will be able to take home brochures that tell GAYT stories, along with envelopes to mail your checks in. We encourage people with children to take a box home for their dinner table. Perhaps with every dinner meal, children could put in the amount of money required to feed a guest at your table to show what radical hospitality looks like.

Please use the envelopes provided to make your donation directly to the UUSC, and send to: UUSC • PO Box 808 • Newark, NJ 07101-0808;
make sure to indicate you're from MVUUF! If you cannot get in to the Fellowship and would like an envelope, please contact Jennie Freiberger, Fellowship Administrator, at or 937.436.3628.

You can also donate on-line by clicking HERE
It's hard to believe but the holiday season will soon be here! That means it's time to prepare for our holiday Giving Tree program. As in years past there will be two groups accepting donations:
Pastoral Care and Social Action

Pastoral Care Giving Tree 
The Pastoral Care Giving Tree provides assistance to MVUUF members and friends who need a little extra help during the holidays. This year instead of requesting gifts for families we are requesting monetary donations. You may mail a check to the Fellowship (8690 Yankee Street, Dayton OH 45458) made out to MVUUF with “Pastoral Care Giving Tree” in the memo line, or go to the MVUUF online donation page and use the “Pastoral Care Giving Tree” line. Donations will be accepted throughout the month of November and will be used to purchase gift cards for families. Your contributions will bring cheer to members and friends this holiday season. Contact Steve Steel at if you have any questions about the Pastoral Care Giving Tree.

Social Action Giving Tree 
The Social Action Giving Tree provides assistance to community members and their families who have been affected by the criminal justice system. The Montgomery County Office of Reentry has a "Global Warming" boots and coats donation each year. The boots, coats, and other supplies go to the children of people who have recently been released from prison after serving their time. You may mail a check to the Fellowship (8690 Yankee Street, Dayton OH 45458) made out to MVUUF with "Social Action Giving Tree" in the memo line, or go to the MVUUF online donation page and use the "Social Action Giving Tree" line. Donations will be accepted through the month of November and will be used to purchase boots, coats, and other supplies for children. Your contributions will bring warmth and good will to our community this holiday season. Contact Alice Diebel at if you have any questions about the Social Action Giving Tree.
First Tuesday Each Month
Tuesday, November 2nd, 6:30 PM
If you are concerned by the conditions of our siblings living in West Dayton, please consider attending our West Dayton Action Group. They meet--on Zoom--the first Tuesday of every month, and have already developed and participated in several actions to benefit those living on the west side of town.

The group will next meet on Tuesday, November 2nd, at 6:30 PM.

You can find out more by contacting
Bob Lewis at
Second Thursday Each Month
Thursday, November 11th, 7:00 PM
MVUUF's Transgender Alliance Group meets each month on the second Thursday; the group is a supportive place of community for transgender folx and their allies. 

For more information, please email René Hick, 

To join the Zoom meeting online, click below:

Passcode: 774615 Meeting ID: 841 0786 6724
Third Monday Each Month
Monday, November 15th, 6:30 PM
Our Social Action Committee offers many different ways for you to "be the change" you'd like to see in the world: immigration action, St. Vincent lunches, improving conditions in west Dayton, literacy & tutoring projects, and the list goes on.

Feel free to join their next meeting by using the info below:

Passcode: 613674 Meeting ID: 850 2242 9356
4th Thursday of Every Month
Meetings for November & December CANCELLED
There continues to be a lot of turmoil around racism in our country, state and city. Are you a white person with questions, ideas, concerns or just want a place to have discussions about what is going on? We also welcome anyone who identifies as BIPOC.

Please note: this group will NOT
be meeting for the months of November and December.
You can live out your UU principles & help immigrants on short bus layovers in Dayton. These families are traveling from the southwest to relatives, friends or sponsors and often need food & water or socks & diapers for small children during their journeys.

Dayton Immigration Transit Assistance (DITA) gives donated water, snacks & hygiene items for about 30-60 minutes most evenings at the Greyhound Bus Station. MVUUF members Bill RossMaureen O'MearaJohn Bierman and community friends are aiding these immigrants and need more volunteers--especially Spanish speakers! 

Here's all you need to get started:
1). Read the DITA Volunteer Greeter Guide HERE
2). Sign our greeter form HERE
3). Pick a greeter time slot on our schedule HERE

New greeters serve as "Greeter 2 or 3" with an experienced "Lead Greeter," or may also sign up as “Observing” in the SignUpGenius comment space. We treat all immigrants with respect & confidentiality. 

If you cannot open the Greeter Guide, Lynn Buffington can send you info by an email or US mail. You may also reach her for questions or to sign up at, text or call 937-657-0426 Thank you!!!!

Questions? Contact Bill (, Maureen ( or John ( to learn 
more about the project.
Did you know you can donate to MVUUF at no cost to you
every time you shop at
Kroger, Dorothy Lane Market, and Amazon?
By using the affiliate groups at these companies,
a percentage (based on your purchases) will go to MVUUF.