The Breslov Bridge

Purim - Ki Sisa 5780
LIVE SHIUR TODAY in Likutey Moharan - Sunday, 12th Adar I (March 8th) 4:30 pm ISRAEL, 9:30 am EST. Speaker: R' Nasan Maimon. All are welcome!
Ki Sisa : Unity Through Charity (Video, 7:39)
To renew our connection with Hashem after the sin of the Golden Calf, every member of the community donated a half-shekel to establish the Mishkan. Performing this mitzvah transforms negative tendencies in the heart into something entirely beneficial. Such charity on behalf of the community unifies the People of Israel – even today. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
“Through the observance of Purim we are protected from chametz on Pesach."
– Likutey Moharan II, 74
Every Jewish Child is Royalty...
On Purim the soul of every Jew, no matter what their age, renews its sparkle, joy, and regality.

As Hashem's special People, there are no limits to who we can be, and on Purim we celebrate that truth.

We hope you will open your heart to give generously to make sure every family in our community has all it needs for this special day.

B'ezras Hashem , through your kind donation, parents will be able to give their children a Purim meal fit for a king!