Week 4
Sunday, September 12, 2021
Dear FUHS Families,

We ended week 4 with a definite understanding that we will need to pull together and support each other as we remember how this routine works. For over a year and a half, we did not work off of a normal routine with the usual social-emotional patterns. For both students and teachers getting to know each other again, is part of our classroom plan. I would like to commend our students and teachers for being resilient and considerate of each other this year.

First Quarter Grades are turned Oct. 15th, which means that this week, our teachers will be submitting Progress Reports. Please help us support our students by checking in with them, looking through their Google Classrooms, and checking their grades on Aeries Parent Portal. Make sure to download the 2021-22 Timeline for Progress and Grade Reports so that you can continue working with us to help our students stay on top of their work.
In Memoriam - 9/11
Every year, our JROTC leads a ceremony of remembrance in honor of those who lost their lives in the tragedy of 9/11/01. We did so again this year and had a guest speaker, Alumni, Class of 1983, and Fullerton Fire Captain, Pete Gray. We celebrated 20 years this year and on behalf of FUHS, we will always remember. We will never forget.
FJUHSD Communication
Superintendent's Memo
Please click here for our Superintendent's Latest Memo to Staff, Students, and Parents regarding some COVID Updates.
COVID Protocols
COVID Entrance Procedures
Safety Procedures attending school during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • All students and staff will complete a Qualtrics COVID Safety Survey each morning (the survey will be sent to Student's school email).
  • Students will be directed to the central building breezeway as they enter campus where they will show their green checkmark from the completed survey permitting them to be on campus.
  • Students will walk through the thermal-imaging temperature cameras in the breezeway as they show their green Qualtrics survey checkmarks.
  • Face coverings (masks) are required inside and are optional while outside.
To view more information, you may go to the district website.

If you have received a COVID 19 test, do not attend school until you receive the results of that test and then only if you are negative for COVID 19. Additionally, if you have been exposed to a person who has recently tested positive for COVID-19 please stay home and contact the school attendance office.

In accordance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), CA Dept. of Public Health (CDPH), and Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA), we ask that you complete the Qualtrics survey each morning prior to arriving on campus. However, please do not attend school if you have experienced any COVID-related symptoms:
  • Flu-like symptoms such as fever of 100.4 or greater 
  • Chills 
  • Cough 
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose that is not associated with a pre-existing condition or other chronic health condition.  

If you have received a COVID 19 test, do not attend school until you receive the results of that test and then only if you are negative for COVID 19.

Further, following the recommendations issued by the CDC, the CDPH has issued guidance in support of full in-person instruction and to as much instructional time as possible. A link to that guidance is included at the bottom of this communication.

Please note that masks will be required by all staff and students while indoors regardless of vaccinated status. As an extra precaution, FJUHSD is committed to continuing the enhanced cleaning procedures established to ensure that our schools are clean, sanitized, and safe. Further, temperatures will continue to be taken each morning.
Important Announcements
ASB Video Announcements
OCTA has started a program called Youth Ride Free where they are providing free bus passes for our students that are good until Feb. 28, 2022. If you are interested in this program, please come to the Attendance Window to pick up and sign a Parental Request Form and we will be able to provide your student one of these bus passes. If you have any questions you can contact Assistant Principal, Marcene Guerrero at mguerrero@fjuhsd.org or 714-626-3818. 
The 2021/22 school year is off to a great start with students and staff members excited to see each other, reconnect with a more normal routine, and celebrate together at school activities.  

That being said, we also understand there continues to be an increased need of mental health services due to continued concerns over the COVID-19 pandemic, re-acclimating to the school environment, and other events happening throughout the country and world.

FJUHSD recognizes that these world dynamics may bring up uncomfortable emotions, questions, concerns, or directly impact their personal environments. If you or your student are experiencing difficulties affecting your wellness, please note that FJUHSD has partnered with Care Solace for this exact reason. 

Care Solace is committed to helping our students, families, and staff connect with mental health services in the community. They are experts at navigating the mental health systems so that you can access support quicker and easier. Please consider contacting Care Solace if you or your loved ones are in need of support. 

If your student’s school performance is being impacted by these world dynamics, we have a document on our district website that outlines How To Access School-Based Mental Health Services at your school site. Please review the information and consider if this may be of benefit for you. 

Lastly, our district main webpage has a Mental Health tab for your reference. The tab has our Virtual Calming Room where anyone can have access to healthy coping skills, and mental health resources for both students and parents. 

As we continue to work with our students and families transitioning back to campus, we wanted to remind you that FJUHSD is committed to supporting our students and staff holistically. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this important message, and for ensuring every member of the FJUHSD community feels supported and cared for during these unprecedented times.
Remember to go to our website FullertonIndiansAthletics.com for statistics, stories, highlights, photos, and more. Also, make sure to follow our teams on social media.
Counseling Corner
Please email your counselor if you have any questions or concerns about your future schedule.

Mr. McIntosh (A-Di) DMcintosh@fjuhsd.org

Mrs. Defries (Do-K) EDefries@fjuhsd.org

Mrs. Kim (L-Ram)

Mrs. McCarthy (Ran-Z) EMcCarthy@fjuhsd.org

Also, make sure to follow our counselors on Instagram! @FUHS.Counselors
College & Career Center
Please visit Ms. Conde in the College and Career Center for more news and information on getting ready for College!
Join PTSA!
Make sure to stay connected and involved, hear some great speakers, get updates from Principal Rubio and our ASB. Join the FUHS PTSA! Meetings are held monthly! For more information on our PTSA email FullertonPTSA@gmail.com

The next PTSA Meeting of the year is Monday, September 27, 2021 @ 6:30pm on Zoom! Please email our PTSA for more information.
PTSA Store
If you or your student would like to join PTSA, please be sure to go to the PTSA Store!
El comite ELAC
Si tiene preguntas o quiere involucrarse, por favor comuniquense con la Enlace Familiar la señora Oliva Cortes al 714-626-3812 and ocortes@fjuhsd.org
Important Dates &
Upcoming Events
September 15, 2021
Early Dismissal - 1:02pm

October 6, 2021
Early Dismissal - 1:02pm

October 20, 2021
Early Dismissal - 1:02pm

Click here for Future
Office Hours
6:30am - 4:00pm

Please call 714-626-3803 for questions or more information on anything shared in this newsletter.
Principal Laura Rubio | Fullerton Union High School