Calling All Healthcare Providers for Pennsylvania Climate Convergence
by Tammy Murphy
We are facing a climate emergency with devastating health consequences. Healthcare providers are needed on the front lines and this message is a call to action! People need to see that the climate emergency is recognized by the professionals we all entrust with our lives and our well-being. Scientists are showing up to voice their concerns and we need healthcare providers to visibly join the cause in Harrisburg this June during the Pennsylvania Climate Convergence.
We are actively calling on healthcare providers to be spokespeople for the media, to march with us, to educate legislators, and to take part in direct actions. Some scientists and healthcare providers are willing to risk arrest in the direct actions and others are choosing non-arrestable roles in the direct actions; all roles are needed!
Fracking is Injustice: The High Human and Climate Toll of Fracking and LNG Expansion
New Compendium, analysis finds ‘no evidence’ fracking can be done without severe health, climate harms.
A major new report finds that recent national and global efforts to increase oil and gas production and liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports have dire impacts on public health and the climate. Authored by doctors and scientists, the report provides a critical accounting of the implications of fracking and related activities, synthesizing findings from over 2,000 scientific studies and government reports.
Waste Not, Want Not
by Sidney Kahn, MD, PhD
While the most environmentally and health damaging activities require major political, economic, and societal changes, individuals' personal actions can meaningfully decrease their own adverse impact.
“Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Global food production is responsible for a range of environmental harms, including about one-quarter of all GHG emissions, as shown in the following self-explanatory graphics. One of the largest contributions to overall environmental health that individuals can make is in their dietary habits. Project Drawdown ranks Reduced Food Waste third and Plant-Rich Diets fourth of the top 100 solutions for combating climate change.
When: June 18, 2022, 9:46 AM
Where: The Capitol Reflecting Pool, Washington, DC
PSR PA and the White Coat & Scrubs Contingent of the Poor People’s Campaign in Washington DC invites you to join with a nationwide contingent of fellow health professionals from across the country in a major national peaceful event advocating for social justice, The Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers Assembly and Moral March on Saturday, June 18 in Washington, DC.
There can never be health equity – can never be health justice – without social justice.
The Health Professionals meet-up is at 9:45 AM on the steps of the Capitol Reflecting Pool (toward the left side of the Pool if you stand facing the Capitol building, the North side), near the corner of 3rd St SW and Pennsylvania Avenue. See here for a mapped location.
The Rally and March start very nearby, at Pennsylvania Avenue and 3rd Street Southwest. In addition to wearing a “white coat and/or scrubs,” bring signs or banners if you can.
Sign up for transportation to DC here.
Climate Emergency Film Club: Permafrost
When: July 21, 6 to 7 PM
Permafrost, an icy expanse of frozen ground covering one-quarter of the Northern Hemisphere, is thawing. As it does, microscopic animals are waking up and feeding on the previously frozen carbon stored in plant and animal remains, releasing heat-trapping gasses as a byproduct. These gasses warm the atmosphere further, melting more permafrost in a dangerous feedback loop. With permafrost containing twice as much carbon as the atmosphere, its thaw could release 150 billion tons of carbon by the end of the century.
Physician CME: this activity is approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Pharmacy CEU: this program is approved for 1 CEU (1 hour). ACPE # 0097-9999-21-023-H04-P. Nurses who attend will receive a certificate for 1 hour at the conclusion of the program. Pharmacy and Nursing credit is only available for individuals with a Pennsylvania license.
Past Events
Climate Emergency Film Club Part I: Introduction Watch Here
Asthma Awareness Month: Clean Stoves, Healthy Families: How Indoor Air Affects Childhood Asthma Confirmation. Watch Here
PA Health Check-Up: Cooking with Gas: Health Harms from Gas Stoves. Watch Here
Fracking Impacts: Community Concerns and What the Science Tells Us
When: June 2nd from 11am-12pm
Where: Register Here - Select 'Training,' then select 'Upcoming,' and locate the June 2nd Fracking Impacts event.)
PSR PA's Medical Advocacy Coordinator, Laura Dagley, BSN, RN, is participating in a panel discussion hosted by University of Pittsburgh Mid-Atlantic Regional Public Health Training, Cancer and Environment Network of Southwestern Pennsylvania, along with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Cancer Bridges, and Young Adult Survivors United.
The fracking industry has rapidly expanded over the past decade in southwester Pennsylvania. This extractive industry has put community safety and health at risk. We will discuss how oil and gas drilling operations have impacted our community. Many families are concerned about what impacts general exposure to pollution from the industry will have, while others have already experienced health effects ranging from eye irritations to cancer.
Register Here select 'Training,' then select 'Upcoming,' and locate the June 2nd Fracking Impacts event.
PSR PA supports a number of actions throughout the year. Below are a few of the recent letters we've signed on to. Please click the titles to see the full letter.
Have questions or suggestions for PSR PA? Email us at