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All interested presenters are asked to complete this simple online form.
For more information on participating in any of the above Chamber events please email Elyse Crossman or call (603) 543-1296
Member News & Notices
Merrimack Valley SCORE
SCORE offers FREE business mentoring from experienced business leaders and business owners - sign up for a mentor today!
News from Sullivan County
General Public Notice of the FY ’23 Board of Commissioners Work Session w/Executive Finance Committee, County Manager and Department Heads
Here is the FY23 Budget Review Schedule for when the Board of Commissioners convene with the County Manager, Department Heads and the Delegation Executive Finance Committee members to review the FY23 County Manager's Proposed Budget and interview FY23 Community grant applicants. You will find any schedule updates posted at the following links, as well:

Welcome to our
Newest Members!
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust Accepting Applications for 2022 Career & Technical Education Scholarships
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust is currently accepting applications from high school seniors for the Bank’s Career & Technical Education Scholarship.
The $1,000 scholarship is awarded to income-eligible students who attended a technical career program as part of their high school curriculum and are planning to attend college or a technical school after graduation. Students must reside in counties in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont where the Bank has a branch location. Applicants selected to receive a 2022 scholarship will be eligible to apply for an additional $1,000 scholarship to be used for their second year of college or technical school.
The Bank established the Career & Technical Education Scholarship in 2018 and has awarded 60 scholarships to date.
Interested students can visit for more information about eligibility and to download the application. The deadline to apply for a 2022 Career & Technical Education Scholarship is May 1, 2022.
Bar Harbor Bankshares (NYSE American: BHB) is the parent company of its wholly owned subsidiary, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust. Operating over 50 locations across Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust is headquartered in Bar Harbor, Maine and has more than $3.6 billion in assets. As a leading Northern New England community bank, Bar Harbor Bank & Trust offers a full range of personal and business banking services, as well as wealth management services through its subsidiaries Bar Harbor Trust Services and Charter Trust Company. For more information about Bar Harbor Bank & Trust, visit or call 888-853-7100. Member FDIC.
Companies interested in participating can email Nika Oakes at
Arts Education Fund & Scholarship Information
The Center for the Arts believes the arts are essential to a student’s complete education and with so many cuts in programs the CFA believes it is their mission to keep the arts alive in local schools by supporting teachers and the school administrators in their efforts to provide creative programing for all of their students.

And to that end, the Center for the Arts Arts Education Fund is available to any teacher in the twelve towns of the Lake Sunapee Region, for teacher-led classroom projects and school-wide programs.

In addition to the Arts Education Program, the CFA also offers Scholarships to talented students in our region who dream of a future in dance, music, theater, writing or the visual arts. These students are the future of the arts, and the CFA acknowledges their passion and talent by providing them financial support.

$30,000 has been awarded over the past five years and 2022 applications are currently available. Scholarships are possible for summer programs as well as for high school seniors pursuing a college education in the arts.

The CFA encourages creative students to visit the website for more information and applications.
Did you know Vital Communities has an e-newsletter?
Check out the most recent issues online here!
Business Resources
Community Information
Greater Sullivan County Public Health Network Upcoming Opportunities
1.       Alcohol Awareness Night- Keep Your Teen Safe: How to Keep Your Teen Safe During Prom and Graduation Season- May 11th, 6:30-7:30pm
a.       Target Audience: Parents and Caregivers
b.       About: This is a FREE virtual information session to learn tips and important ways to support your teens safety around substances. We will look at current trends around topics like substance misuse, safe driving, mental health, and more, and also provide support around how to talk to teens around celebrating millstones safely, the dangers of distracted driving, and tips to keep your teen safe.
c.       Registration link here

2.       Community Conversation: How Building Strong Relationships with Youth Prevents Substance Misuse- May 17th, 6:30-7:30pm
a.       Target Audience: Parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches, community members
b.       About: This is a FREE 1 hour virtual discussion around how building strong relationships with youth can positively influence their lives, build resilience, and let our youth feel heard, supported, and connected. This program will start with a quick 4 minute video around the topic, and then will dive into a deep discussion where we want to hear from you!
c.       Registration link here

3.       Connect Suicide Prevention for Educators- May 19th, 3:30-5:30
a.       Target Audience: Restricted to Educators
b.       About: This is a FREE 2 hour virtual training for educators to learn how to recognize their role as a gatekeeper and risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs for suicide in persons at risk. This training will help participants gain comfort in knowing how to connect with a person at risk, and how to connect them with available resources.
c.       Registration link hereLimited to the first 30 people.

4.       Youth Mental Health First Aid- May 24th, 9am-2:30pm
a.       Target Audience: Parents, family members, caregivers, teachers, school staff, peers, neighbors, health and human services workers, and other caring
b.       About: This is a FREE 4 hour training for the community that is designed to teach participants how to help an adolescent (age 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in both crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including AD/HD), and eating disorders.
c.       Registration link hereLimited to the first 30 people.
This is a three-session academy that includes an intro webinar, a SBDC-led small business resiliency plan virtual training and an in-person tour of NH communities highlighting small businesses and community leaders practicing the many aspects of resilience.
The Academy is free and designed for businesses, community leaders and volunteers, economic development professionals, entrepreneurs, nonprofit organizations, and anyone interested in small business and community resilience.
Session 1 Webinar - Virtual via Zoom
Introduction to Small Business and Community Resiliency Webinar
May 25, 2022, 9 am – 11 am
Session 2 Regional Training Meeting for Businesses - Virtual via Zoom
Trainings for small business resilience plan development in the Central, Southern and Seacoast Regions
June 1, 2022, 9 am – 11 am
Session 3 Walking Tour of NH Communities Practicing Resilience
June 7 | June 14 | June 16 In-person Walking Tours 9-11 am Celebrate resiliency in our communities with a visit to a local downtown.

For information: or visit us on the web: Resiliency Academy
Newsletter Content
If you'd like to have an item appear in the newsletter please email it by noon on Monday to appear in that week's regular issue.