Issue 4
Principal's Corner
Dear parents and guardians,

We can all celebrate the fact that we are in our fifth week of school! 

Again Jesus spoke to them,saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8). I find the promise of this Gospel in the reawakening of Holy Family this school year. The hibernating school has come alive after the COVID winter in which it seemed that everything was grey and asleep. Our school has once again become filled with the color and vibrancy of life: learning, playing, growing, worshiping and celebrating. What was once so dull and cold has come alive once again; this is your school.

Education gives us hope for rejuvenation in our own lives as well. Let no darkness determine our fate. Each moment, each day is a gift to create and re-create.
God Bless,
Mr. Aubert
Order your Spirit Wear for the 2020-21 school year. Click HERE for the order form, or pick one up at the office.

Return your order form and payment to your student's homeroom teacher.
Payment options are:
  1. Check/Cash, please make checks out to HFCS.
  2. Pay online HERE and attach your receipt with the order form.
Orders are due by 3:30 p.m. on
Monday, 9/14/20
We continue to encourage students to bring their lunch from home.

Pick up an application for free or reduced lunches in the office, or get it HERE.
Make online payments for lunch, Falcon's Nest, athletic fees, etc.

Click HERE to set up your account or to make a payment.
Prayer intentions for our loved ones can be found HERE.

You may submit a prayer request by clicking HERE.
Subscribe to our school calendar and have your calendar automatically updated when a HFCS event/function is changed/added.

Copy and paste the link below in your calendar application on your phone, outlook, google, etc.


The following functions scheduled for September have been cancelled.

  • 9/15-Vision and Hearing Screening
  • 9/18-Living Rosary
  • 9/21-Community Meeting

Please update your calendar accordingly or subscribe to our calendar and have all HFCS calendar changes automatically updated for you.
Advertise in the Family Directory

Every school year, HFCS compiles each family’s contact information in a Family Directory. Only family's who gave consent while completing the online registration will have their information printed in the directory. Included in this directory are class lists and faculty and staff contact information.

The cost of printing this directory is sponsored by HFCS families who buy spots to advertise. We anticipate the directory to be ready for distribution in October.

For information on placing an ad or business card in the HFCS Family Directory, click HERE.
Please join us for Holy Family’s
5th Annual Sock Drive
Please consider donating new or gently used socks for the homeless of our community.
(Yes, even if one of your clean socks is missing a mate, we would love for you to donate it. We will find it a clean mate.)
Please only send gently used or new socks. Dirty and/or socks with holes will be thrown away. 
All donations will be given to Homeward Bound of Mesa County.
Baskets for your donations will be outside each classroom. 
The sock drive is sponsored by:
McKenna Jenson
Nate Perry
Ian Shiao
Jack Welling
Sock Drive dates:
Thursday, September 10th – Tuesday, September 22nd
We want to know what you think about your student(s) participating in running club and whether or not we should have it.

Please click the survey button below if you are interested in giving us your feedback.
Sacramental Preparation

2nd grade parents, please contact the parish you are registered at to register your student(s) for First Reconciliation and/or First Holy Communion.
Young Entrepreneurs Academy
Pick up an application for the 202-21 YEA! Program in the office or click HERE. We are still having the program, in person, with a class size limit of 10 students. The application deadline is Tuesday, September 15, 2020.