PSR PA Statement on Today's SCOTUS Ruling
The Supreme Court decision in West Virginia vs. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
disables the EPA's mission and revokes its authority to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Clean Air Act. Congress must act to correct this misguided decision that benefits the profiteers of the fossil fuel industry while endangering life on Earth.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania must step into its independent ability to use the Pennsylvania Air Pollution Control Act (APCA) that authorizes the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to reduce both carbon pollution and the cost of energy while, revitalizing healthy employment opportunities.
Burning fossil fuels is responsible for 1 out 5 deaths globally. It is our duty in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to defy court rulings that are beholden to corporate interests and instead establish a just transition to renewable energy that is healthy for workers, families, and all life on Earth.
Tammy Murphy
Medical Advocacy Director