August 3, 2020
Worship and Community
Communion & COVID: Eucharistic Practices and Perspectives Webinar
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the worship landscape for every congregation. In particular, worship leaders have expressed a need to reflect on communion practices during a time when most churches are conducting virtual worship.

The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC) and the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA hosted a panel discussion on Monday, July 27 on this topic. You can watch the webinar using the link below.
Augsburg Fortress Streaming License Update
Through August 31, 2020, Augsburg Fortress is extending its temporary permission for worshiping communities to include Augsburg Fortress administered liturgy texts/music, hymns, and vocal/instrumental music copyrights in a livestream or podcast when that content is being used for worship. No reporting is required. Congregations wishing to make use of this limited time license should use the following credit line format to demonstrate that they have received permission through this announcement:

[Copyrighted element(s)] [Copyright notice]. Used by permission of Augsburg Fortress.

For more information on how to subscribe to the appropriate licenses after August 31, you can access the full article using the link below.
Virginia Synod Office of the Bishop Providing Summer Sermon Series
The Virginia Synod Office of the Bishop has started providing sermons for each Sunday lasting   through  August 30, 2020  for use in congregations. These sermons will be presented by Bishop Bob Humphrey, The Rev. Kelly Bayer Derrick, The Rev. John Wertz Jr., and The Rev. Dave Delaney on a rotating basis.

The sermons will be shared on the Synod's website at , as well as on Facebook Page each Sunday.
Virginia Synod Rostered Minister Prayer Service Gathering August 5, 2020
The Virginia Synod Ministerium will gather by Zoom for a Service of Word and Prayer on  Wednesday, August 5th at 1 PM  and following that a time of conversation with the Synod staff at  1:30 PM . In this time of physical distancing, we look forward to gathering rostered ministers together to hear God's Word and join in prayer for one another and for the world.

The link below will work for Wednesday's service as well as  all future Wednesday prayer services and gatherings .

  • Join Zoom Meeting
  • Meeting ID: 541 796 597
  • Password: 719750
  • Dial in by location:
  • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
  • +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Organ Accompaniments for Hymns for Upcoming Sundays
Below are links to downloadable mp3 audio files providing organ accompaniments for hymns for upcoming Sundays. All tunes are either in the public domain or copyrighted by Augsburg-Fortress, so there are no restrictions on playing the mp3 for your streaming worship or posting the words on your video feed or an accompanying bulletin. (Thanks to Nancy Delaney and Christ Lutheran Church in Roanoke for providing these.)

Hymns for August 2020 - 10th Sunday after Pentecost (Lectionary 19A)
Financial Resources
Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program
The Virginia Rent and Mortgage Relief Program (RMRP) is designed to support and ensure housing stability across the commonwealth during the coronavirus pandemic. Depending on availability of funds and household need, the RMRP may provide financial assistance for rent or mortgage payments for eligible households. This includes financial assistance for rent or mortgage payments past due beginning April 1, 2020 and onward. Financial assistance is a one-time payment with opportunity for renewal based on availability of funding and the household’s need for additional assistance and continued eligibility.
Rebuild VA Grants
The Commonwealth of Virginia announced a new round of grants this week for small businesses and nonprofits called Rebuild VA. While churches are not eligible for the program, you are encouraged to share this information with those in your congregation who might benefit.

These grants are aimed at assisting small businesses and nonprofits that have faced economic distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligible entities include those in the following industry sectors: restaurant and beverage service, non-essential retail, exercise and fitness, personal care and personal grooming, entertainment and public amusement, private campgrounds, and overnight summer camps .

The program will provide grants of up to three times the applicant’s average monthly eligible expenses up to a maximum award of $10,000. The application will become available on August 10, 2020
Leadership in Uncertain Times
ELCA Coaching Weekly Zoom Conversations
You are invited to join this weekly online gathering designed to provide encouragement and support for ELCA leaders across the church which takes place each Wednesday at 2 PM. Participants will hear topical presentations related to how we are called to be Church in times of crisis, as well as an opportunity to be in small group discussions with an ELCA group coach facilitating the conversation.

On August 5, we are thrilled to have Rev. Robin McCullough-Bade and Rev. Brenda K. Smith with us in "Naming our Laments and Recognizing our Resiliency."

All of this is designed to help us process our feelings in this strange and fearful time and to create a space where we can each name our next most faithful step forward in our unique context. You are welcome to share this invitation with any other ELCA leader, rostered or lay. Go to: for more information.

Meeting ID: 180 439 412
Password: 648160

Dial by your location
    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
    +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
We Are Church Together for the Sake of the World
Currently Available: Lutheran Disaster Response Grants Through the Virginia Synod
Lutheran Disaster Response has provided funding to the Virginia Synod to assist congregations as they respond to COVID-19. The first grants will be going out this week, but there are still funds available to fund ministries in the following areas:

  • Ministry with those Experiencing Homelessness
  • Direct Support for Feeding Ministries (pantry or hot meal programs)
  • New Ministries that meet a Need that has Emerged because of COVID-19

If you are responding to a ministry in a way that fits into one of the categories above, please email Pastor John Wertz: for more information on the grant.
Synod Office Contact Information
A reminder that the Virginia Synod Office of the Bishop has asked its staff to work remotely from their homes in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. We ask at this time should you need to contact our staff to do so directly via email (you can find all staff persons email contacts on our website ).

Should you need to phone either our offices, please know the Eastern Office of the Bishop plans to have phone calls received during office hours (8:00 AM- 4:30 PM) forwarded directly to Lenae Osmondson.

The Salem Office of the Bishop phone will have a voicemail message recorded directing callers to leave a message, or to call a separate phone number during office hours (8:00 AM- 4:30 PM). The number is 540-855-7455 and will be answered by Tammy Kasper. Messages left on the Salem Office of the Bishop phone will be checked as we are able to do so.

In addition, please do not plan to visit either the Salem or Eastern offices in person. Messages and mail will be checked regularly, but please be patient during this time.
We continues to update the Virginia Synod COVID-19 web page with information from the ELCA, CDC, and covering a number of  prepardness and response resources, as well as  liturgical resources.

If you have suggestions for needed resources, please contact Pastor John Wertz at