February 2019
Sheer Shareables
Information & Resources for Non-Profits and Those who πŸ’“ Them  
What is a Good Success Rate for Submitting Grant Proposals?
In this article , Amy Clinton identifies success rates for grant proposals. Although Clinton doesn't site her source for the data, I found the information consistent with success rates I have experienced . It may seem cliched, but to achieve success, "you must be in it to win it"- or in other words build your pipeline with well researched funding sources . According to the  Spring 2018 State of Grantseeking Survey,  β€œonly 11% of [nonprofit] organizations that submitted three to five applications won no awards,” demonstrating that funding success increases with the more applications you submit!

Two Biggies in the Non-Profit World Merge
Foundation Center and GuideStar have become one - now called Candid. Click here to read about the joining of forces to form this new organization.

Ellyn Cohen, President Ellyn Cohen Communications
Public Speaking for Fundraisers and Community Leaders
Join the Rockland Development Council on Wednesday, February 27th at 8:30 a.m. at Cornell Cooperative Extension in
Stony Point, NY for a program on Public Speaking for Fundraisers and Community Leaders , presented by Ellyn Cohen of Ellyn Cohen Communications.
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