March 2021
SIG Webinar
Nominations for SIG Publication Award
Recent e- & mHealth Publications
Call for Papers
Member Spotlight
ISBNPA XChange 2021, an AWESOME conference

Stay tuned
e-&mHealth SIG Newsletter
Welcome to the first e- & mHealth SIG newsletter for 2021!
Dear e- & mHealth SIG members,

Despite the bustling 31 days of snowstorms, rain, sunshine, wind, hail and frost, the month of March always promises ‘hope springs eternal’ and ushers in a sense of renewal. For me, as for all of us, I can’t wait to leave the challenging year behind and spring forward to an exciting time ahead as we prepare for an eventful 2021 for the ISBNPA e- & mHealth community.

In this newsletter, we are asking for the best paper nominations for 2021 and your most daring ideas for ISBNPA XChange. Have a peek below for news about our inspiring upcoming joint webinar with the Implementation and Scalability SIG and our research highlights.  

Finally, we thank Hannah Brown for her 2-year service to the SIG on the newsletter team and wish her all the best in her new position as a Research Officer at Everymind in Newcastle (Australia). We would also like to welcome Maria Vasiloglou who is a PhD student at Universität Bern (Switzerland) - get to know her better in our member spotlight!

With no further ado, we welcome you to read below and wish you a renewed 2021!

Your Co-Chair,
Mavra Ahmed, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Joannah and Brian Lawson Centre for Child Nutrition
University of Toronto, Canada
SIG Webinar
We are collaborating with the ISBNPA Implementation/Scalability SIG. Our webinar will showcase the scale-up and implementation of novel technological physical activity and nutrition interventions for impacting behaviour change and subsequent chronic disease risk. The joint webinar will be held on April 19, 2021 (details forthcoming) and will feature:

Corneel Vandelanotte, PhD, Research Professor at CQUniversity, Link to Bio

Alison Brown, Accredited Practicing Dietitian and PhD(c), at the University of Newcastle and Hunter New England Population Health, Link to Bio

Further details will be shared on our twitter account (so make sure you're following us @isbnpa_emh) as well as via an e-blast
Call for Nominations: SIG Publication Award
We are looking for innovative e- & mHealth papers published in 2020. Papers must be directly or indirectly relevant to diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and/or sleep. We are keen to identify papers that have strong potential to move our field forward. The impact or reputation of the journal in which it is published is not relevant. 
The award is open to researchers at any career stage.
You will be asked for the following information:
1. Your name, affiliation and career stage
2. The full reference of the paper
3. The abstract of the paper
4. A short (50 words) statement highlighting why your paper is interesting/innovative whilst focusing on its relevance to the e- & mHealth field related to diet, physical activity, sedentary behaviour and/or sleep.
We will announce the winners at the ISBNPA XChange virtual conference 2021 and in the post-conference newsletter.
To complete your nomination, please fill out the following Google form by Friday the 16th of April
We look forward to receiving and reviewing your work!
Recent e- & mHealth Publications
  • Røed M, Medin AC, Vik FN, Hillesund ER, Van Lippevelde W, Campbell K, Øverby NC. Effect of a Parent-Focused eHealth Intervention on Children's Fruit, Vegetable, and Discretionary Food Intake (Food4toddlers): Randomized Controlled Trial. J Med Internet Res. 2021 Feb 16;23(2):e18311. doi: 10.2196/18311. Link

Physical Activity
  • Evans H, Forbes C, Vandelanotte C, Galvao D, Newton R, Wittert G, Chambers S, Kichenadasse G, Brook N, Girard D, Short CE. Examining the priorities, needs, and preferences of men with metastatic prostate cancer in designing a personalised eHealth exercise intervention. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine. doi: 10.1007/s12529-020-09932-2. Online ahead of print. Link
  • Nicholas JC, Ntoumanis N, Smith BJ, Quested E, Stamatakis E, Thøgersen-Ntoumani C. (2021). Development and feasibility of a mobile phone application designed to support physically inactive employees to increase walking. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21:23. Link
  • Northcott C, Curtis R, Bogomolova S, Olds T, Vandelanotte C, Plotnikoff R, Maher C. (2021). Evaluation of the effectiveness of a physical activity social media advertising campaign using Facebook, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram. Translational Behavioral Medicine, ibaa139, doi: 10.1093/tbm/ibaa139. Link
  • Romeo A, Edney S, Plotnikoff R, Olds T, Vandelanotte C, Ryan J, Curtis R, Maher C (2021). Examining social-cognitive theory constructs as mediators of behaviour change in the Active Team smartphone physical activity program: A mediation analysis. BMC Public Health, 21:88. Link
  • Sporrel K, Nibbeling N, Wang S, Ettema D, Simons M. (2021). Unraveling mobile health exercise interventions for adults: Scoping review on the implementations and designs of persuasive strategies. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e16282. Link
  • To Q, Duncan MJ, Van Itallie A, Vandelanotte C. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity of 10,000 Steps Members and Engagement with the Program in Australia. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1):e23946. Link

  • Harrington DM, Ioannidou E, Edwardson CL, Gorely T, Rowlands AV, Sherar LB, Staiano AE. (2021). Concurrent screen use and cross-sectional association with lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial health in adolescent females. Acta Pediatrica. doi: 10.1111/apa.15806. Online ahead of print. Link

  • Yoshizaki A, Mohri I, Yamamoto T, Shirota A, Okada S, Murata E, Hoshino K, Kato-Nishimura K, Matsuzawa S, Kato T, Taniike M. An Interactive Smartphone App, Nenne Navi, for Improving Children's Sleep: Pilot Usability Study. JMIR Pediatr Parent. 2020 Dec 1;3(2):e22102. doi: 10.2196/22102. Link

  • Kepper M, Walsh-Bailey C, Staiano A, Fowler LA, Gacad A, Blackwood A, Fowler SA, Kelley M. (2021). Health Information Technology use among healthcare providers treating children and adolescents with obesity: A systematic review. Current Epidemiology Reports. doi: 10.1007/s40471-021-00262-9. Online ahead of print. Link
Want to see your new publication listed here? Email the reference to 

Podcasts of Interest
Here's what we've been listening to! Click podcast name for link.

  • TED Health, Ted talks on health innovations
  • ScienceVS, examines facts and trends through a scientific lens
  • Research Matters, pragmatic tips and tricks for academic productivity

Call for Papers

Special Issue Editors
Dr. E. Kipling Webster, Augusta University, USA 
Dr. Amanda Staiano, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, USA 
Prof. Dr. Michael J. Duncan, Coventry University, UK 
This Special Issue invites contributions from across the spectrum of health (psychological, behavioral, and physiological) to examine the relationship between screen-time and health in children and adolescents. 
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 July 2021. More information
can be found at this Link.

Member Spotlight:
Meet Our Newest SIG Committee Member!
Maria Vasiloglou
PhD Student,
Universität Bern, Switzerland

What is your current program of research?
Currently I am working in the field of innovative technologies for dietary assessment. I’m a member of an interdisciplinary team mostly consisting of engineers. I am mainly involved in goFOOD project which involves an image-based app designed for dietary monitoring and assessment. Our goal is to validate the app in different settings for chronic diseases and for lifestyle purposes. I am also closely working on exploring healthcare professionals’ and users’ perspectives on nutrition apps. I believe that in order to increase users’ app engagement, we first need to take into account their needs and preferences!
What excites you most about working in e- & mHealth?
In my opinion, advances in technology can truly improve the currently used dietary assessment methods both in clinical practice and in epidemiological studies. Overcoming barriers existing in those methods, such as utmost dependence on human memory and observation, while optimizing accuracy in the automated methods are compelling and fascinating processes. The constantly growing scientific evidence related to the field is also definitely an exciting part about working with e-&mHealth. More and more people start to realise that it is not only enough to develop great e-& m-health systems, but we also need to work together with healthcare professionals and end-users of these systems to finally create a complete and useful solution. I also deeply believe that people who do not have easy access to healthcare facilities will benefit from the advances in e-&m-Health which can substantially improve their quality of life.
Recent Publications:
Vasiloglou MF, van der Horst K, Stathopoulou T, Jaeggi MP, Tedde GS, Lu Y, Mougiakakou S. The Human Factor in Automated Image-Based Nutrition Apps: Analysis of Common Mistakes Using the goFOOD Lite App. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth 2021;9(1):e24467 PMID: 33439139 Link
Vasiloglou MF, Christodoulidis S, Reber E, Stathopoulou T, Lu Y, Stanga Z, Mougiakakou S. What Healthcare Professionals Think of “Nutrition & Diet” Apps: An International Survey. Nutrients. 2020; 12(8):2214. PMID: 32722339 Link
Connect with Maria:

Use the ISBNPA app!
Videos, webinars, newsletters and all ISBNPA related initiatives are firstly available on our app.

The app is available to current ISBNPA members. Over 390 members already downloaded the app. To learn how to use it (and download it) follow this brief tutorial.

  • Newsletters and job positions, see them first in the ISBNPA App
  • Videos ISBNPA XChange 2020

Stay tuned for all the early releases and news in the ISBNPA app.
Spread the Word!
Encourage your colleagues to sign up for our SIG newsletter! 

You or your colleagues can join this mailing list by updating your membership profile and adding the SIG to your preferences; by sending an email to ; or by accessing one of the newsletters and hitting subscribe on the footer of the newsletter.

2020-2021 SIG Committee Members
Chair: Andre Matthias Müller, SIN
Co-Chair: Mavra Ahmed, CAN
Secretary: Chelsea Mauch, AUS
Past Chair: Camille Short, AUS
Newsletter: Amanda Staiano, USA; Zenong Yin, USA; Chelsea Kracht, USA
Social Media: Claire Gough, AUS; Lee Ashton, AUS
Membership: Megan Whatnall, AUS
Awards: Maria Vasiloglou, CHE
Events: Nicole Pearson, AUS
Fellows: Corneel Vandelanotte, AUS, Carol Maher, AUS

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