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Ascribe to the Lord the honor due his Name; *
bring offerings and come into his courts. Psalm 96:8
A Psalm to be Shouted!

Like quilters, those who craft mosaics to adorn walls, ceilings and all kinds of art pieces have the gift of assembly. Dark and light pieces, varied textures and shapes swirl together offering patterns and even forms and figures. The word mosaic is traced back to its root in the Muses of Greece: the goddesses who were considered the sources of literature, science and the arts.

Psalm 96 is considered by many scholars to be a “mosaic” psalm. Phrases and even whole verses taken from other psalms are found in its 13 verses. I have a note scribbled in my seminary Bible tells me that my professor believed this psalm should be shouted! Four words in the psalm shout to me today.

Ascribe: This is not a word we use often. When we ascribe something, we attribute it to a place or a person. We put it in context. Like the perfect piece of mosaic tile that helps define an animal or a planet in the sky. The physical act of writing something down means that we ascribe our thoughts and words into an account.

Honor: Here’s another word that I’ll bet you haven’t used for a while. To honor is “treat another with respect because of who they are or what they have done”. We are commanded to honor God who made us, provides for us and who gives value to our lives.

Offerings: In the Hebrew Scriptures, offerings are more than just the money to support the temple. One’s offerings were the regular return by God’s people of the gifts that God gave them in the Covenant. These gifts included the first fruits in the spring, the best of the harvest, and even ones’ firstborn children.

God’s Courts: There are many metaphors for the Great Temple on the top of Mount Zion. One of my favorites is “God’s footstool”. The Psalmist imagined a God so great, so high and mighty, that only God’s ankle rested on earth. Bringing offerings to the Temple meant coming into the very presence of the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

The dramatic swirl of Psalm 96 rallies the Jewish people, Jesus and his followers, and also you and me. “Snap out of your doldrums. Acknowledge God and all that God has done. Bring back a portion of what you have received. Gather with all your fellow believers on the edge of God’s presence”.
It’s a Psalm to be shouted. (But you just might want to alert your housemates first.)

Mark +

Almighty and everlasting God, in Christ you have revealed your glory among the nations: Preserve the works of your mercy, that your Church throughout the world may persevere with steadfast faith in the confession of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
CCPKI Directory Preparation
We are working diligently to complete and publish the Christ Church Parish picture Directory. You may receive telephone calls in the next couple of weeks to verify the information you want printed in the directory. This is a time-sensitive request and the sooner we complete this step, the sooner we can print the directory. Thank you for responding timely and special thanks to our volunteers who will be making the calls: Susie Reckord, Dottie Willson, Juanita Dombkowski, Lois Vanderbok, Liza Hamill, and Colleen Minahan, and Connie Clark.

Christian Formation

Please join Winnie and me as we learn about the importance of daily prayer, as prayer is the key to living with hope. We will introduce Jesus’s model for prayer, The Lord’s Prayer, and break down the words to better understand the meaning. It is my hope that your children learn this prayer and that you use it during your bedtime routine. Jesus said that we “should always pray and never give up.” How important that is right now as we navigate this changing world we live in. I will be joining you at the 9:30 church service on Sunday and hope to see you there.  Peace, Miss Lisa O

Follow Winnie on "Wednesdays with Winnie"

Join Winnie and Miss Lisa for Lessons with Lisa
Please pray for: Lorraine Aaron, Angela & Trent, Camp Wright, Chris, Scott & Lynn Clark, Shannon Cole, Jane Coppage, Wendy Costello, Corie Davis, Bryan Dalheim (RIP), Bob & Laura Dean, Deny, Paul Dorr, Jim Ewing, Jim Gallagher, Dave Grapes, Rick H (RIP) & Family, Rita Hadlock, Ronald Hartman, Carol Holland, Jim Hoverman, Clint Hoxter, Charles Jewell, Anne Jones, Josette, Rowan & Lyla, Jeff Kolbeins, Mike Kratzer & Family, Olivia Marguerite, Sharon McCain, Toinette McDowell, Doug McMillan & Family, Bob Meile, Faith Miller, Bob Moore, Camilla Parrott, Al Peppel, John Perkins, Gail Renborg, Rick & Christina, John Riley, Jeff Rouse, Adele & David Sadiq, Judy Schubrook, Dick Sells, Kirsten Shelek (RIP), Anna Sisson, Ian Vansant & Family, Kathy & Roger Whitehead, Candace Williams, Bob Willis, Lee Wilson (RIP), Jack Wright
This Sunday's Worship Service


We will continue to offer anthems on our weekly video services. Please consider signing up to provide music one or more Sundays. This is open to all members and friends of the congregation. Also, if you have a friend or family member who is a musician, please consider inviting them to participate. The sign up for the fall is here.. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0F45AAAD2CA1F49-christ
Pause, Ponder and Pray Returns
Tuesday Night Bible Study
Ever wonder who picks the Scriptures we read on Sundays? Ever thought about where a sermon comes from? Ever wished you felt more comfortable with your bible? Pause, Ponder and Pray is for you.
We have begun gathering around our screens and looking at the Sunday Scriptures. We talk about who wrote them down, why we read them, what they meant to the first hearers and what they mean to us. Along the way we share stories from the lives of God’s people and our own stories of doubt and faith.
Come as often as you like. Bring your questions, and an open heart and mind. If getting on to Zoom is an issue, call or email the church and one of our tech team will assist you. You can invite friends to join in. It’s an interactive learning experience!
Tuesdays 7:00 to 8:00 PM. 

**Watch for an email invitation via Constant Contact or you may contact the parish office for the Zoom link.
Daily Evening Prayer with Fr. Mark
For more than 30 years I have marked the end of my workday with Evening Prayer. During COVID, I went back to praying alone; but I now believe I can safely offer prayer in church again. We’ll meet in the Narthex (the gathering space just inside the church doors.) Come in through the Shand Hall doors. Sign in, Masks and Hand sanitizing will be required.
If you have a smart phone, please go wherever you get your apps. Download the free app from Mission St Clare. It’s really easy and will allow us to share prayer without books. If you prefer, bring your own BCP or I can loan you one of ours to carry. I hope to share the service on Facebook Live in the coming weeks, but first I need to get my rhythm back.
Join me any day Monday to Thursday at 5:00 pm for Daily Evening Prayer.
Ways to Support Christ Church

  • Electronic Giving: Click Here
  • Text to Give by texting CCPKI to 73256
  • Bank: Have your bank send a check or make an ACH transfer
  • By Check: CCPKI 830 Romancoke Rd. Stevensville MD 21666
Virtual Run 4 Shelter: October 16th – 18th
Haven Ministries will be hosting a Virtual Run 4 Shelter to benefit our Housing Programs including the Emergency Shelter and Food Pantries. This is an opportunity to get outdoors and run or walk by yourself, with family and friends or create a team and support our services!

A virtual run or walk is like a traditional run —friendly competition, t‑shirts, a finish line, and selfies! But, you pick the route and choose what time to participate!

Registration is $25 for adults • $15 for youth and includes an event T-shirt. Business and Team Sponsorships are available for $100 and includes your name on the event T-shirt. T-shirts will be available for pick up evenings October 12th – 15th from 5 – 7pm at Haven Ministries Headquarters:
206 Del Rhodes Avenue
Queenstown, MD 21658

Online registration is open through September 27, 2020. Paper registration forms are also available at Our Daily Thread Thrift Store, Hope Warehouse and Haven Ministries headquarters.
Christ Church Parish Kent Island| 410-643-5921 | office@ccpki.org | ccpki.org