August 2021
Your monthly news & updates
NUUC Reopening September 12, 2021

NUUC will resume in-person services with our Ingathering worship service on 9/12/2021, with the following precautions:

Masks will be required for everyone. As a community we value inclusion, and we want to provide a safe and supportive environment where as many people as possible can attend regardless of their health or vaccination status. There will be a greeter at each entrance with a supply of masks for those who haven't brought their own. Due to the mask requirement, we will not be having coffee, food or drinks after the service.

While our sanctuary is far too small to accommodate social distancing between all attendees, we will attempt to make space for those who wish to keep some distance between themselves and others. The service will be screened in Fellowship Hall to provide additional seating space in case the sanctuary exceeds capacity, and there will be limited distanced seating in the chairs to the right of the sanctuary entrance.

As we greet each other in person again, please be aware that our comfort levels will differ, and obtain consent before touching others. Red stickers will be provided that can be put on name tags as a visual cue to others to keep as much distance as possible.

We will follow the recommendation of the UUA and health experts that congregations refrain from singing due to the risk of airborne spread of the Corona virus. Marlene and Wade will continue to provide music for our services, and Susan is working with Marlene about how we might begin to safely reincorporate vocal ensembles and other music into our worship. 

Please stay tuned for information about resuming RE classes at Nielsen House. We plan to offer programs in the fall but structured in such a way as to make sure that not all the young people will be crowded in Nielsen House at one time. The nursery for infants and toddlers will not be available due to the lack of adequate space for distancing. Religious Education volunteers working closely with the children will be required to show proof of vaccination. 

We will continue streaming Sunday services via Zoom for those who choose not to attend in person.

We will continue to monitor the number of COVID cases in Franklin and Delaware Counties. If the risk level becomes high, or if some other aspect of the situation changes to reflect new dangers, we will return to offering virtual services only, and reopen again when it is safer to do so.

Greeters Wanted!
We are looking for greeters for once we reopen for face to face worship. We'll have one greeter at the front door, and one at the back. Greeters will welcome people, offer masks to anyone without one, explain social distancing options, and just in general make visitors' experience more human. You can sign up to greet using this link.
Reopening Cleanup Day on Sat. Aug. 28

Mark your calendar! On Saturday August 28 from 9 AM - 4 PM we will be holding the Reopening Cleanup Day to get both the church and Nielsen House ready for NUUC’s reopening on September 12. 
All the work to be done will be outside. We'll be doing a variety of tasks including weeding flower beds, weed eating along the buildings and trees, trimming bushes, trimming the church's front hedge, and cleaning the Nielsen House's front entrance. We'd also trim some trees around both buildings, stabilize the picket fence at Nielsen House, and fix a hole in the front yard of Nielsen House. In addition, we will reconstruct the old wood pieces in the church's front flower garden.

Please consider helping on this day. You could work for a few hours, half a day, or more... whatever works best for you. Any help will be appreciated. While this event is exclusively outside for safety reasons, people will have access to the restroom. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Bob Keith, Roger Orwick, or John Rodeheffer of the Building & Grounds Committee.

Ways to Connect
Creative Fellowship
Are you longing for connection in these difficult times? Do you have unfinished craft/art/sewing/knitting or other projects that you would like to work on but haven’t? If so please join Commissioned Lay Minister Teri Cornell in Creative Fellowship! We will have a zoom meeting once a month (the first Thursday of each month from 6:30PM-8:00PM) and we can work on our projects, exercise our creativity, and talk about whatever is on our minds and hearts. No need to sign up, just drop by using the same Zoom link that we use for regular NUUC worship service (see below). Creative Fellowship will not meet in August but will resume meeting in September.

The Second Monday Morning Covenant Group, meets from 10:00 until noon via “Zoom.” For a link, contact Marty Keith at martykeith On August 9, participants plan to consider "The Concept of Fairness."

Wednesday Noon Check In
Join us using the regular NUUC zoom connection at noon everyday Wednesday for informal check- ins and chat with your fellow members. Use the regular Sunday morning Zoom login, or write for a direct link.
NUUC's Women's Group meets the last Sunday of the month at noon (next meeting August 22). Contact for a Zoom link.

Interested in the Once a Month Brown Bag Books? The next meeting is August 17, beginning at Noon, to discuss "Klara and the Sun" by Kazuo Ishiguro. Weather permitting, the group is meeting on the lawn at the church. Participants will not be entering the building. In the event of bad weather, a Zoom session will be arranged.

Soul Matters Small Groups
We currently have three different Soul Matters Small Groups virtually meeting, for regular in depth check ins, and for exploring together different spiritual themes. New members are welcome at any time, write to
Mowing at NUUC: We Need Some Help
The Building & Grounds Committee is requesting help with the mowing. They would like to get 1-2 volunteers each month from the congregation to mow just one time during the season through October. The other weeks will be handled by B&G Committee volunteers.  
We have a zero-turn riding mower, which can be used for almost all of the mowing. For a few small, tight areas, which the zero-turn mower cannot handle, we then use a self-propelled push power mower. Using a zero-turn mower is fun and allows the mowing to be done in about half the time. If you are not familiar with using a zero-turn mower, we will give you some brief training for about 15 minutes that gets you familiar enough with the mower to comfortably mow the main parts of the yard. You will still trim the edges of the yard with the self-propelled push mower. But, some people prefer to use the push mower to mow the entire yard instead of the zero-turn mower. 
Please consider volunteering to mow one time this season. If you would like to help the church handle the mowing, you can see the mowing sign-up schedule posted at this weblink: . To get scheduled, just pick a date that works for your schedule and then contact Bob Keith at or 740-369-1919. You also can contact Bob if you have questions or would like more information.

Thank you to everyone who donated items for the backpacks and wrote encouraging notes during May and June. We collected enough items to make 30 backpacks for returning citizens with a lot of extra items to donate to A Step in the Right Direction to make additional backpacks. Your kindness and generosity will be greatly appreciated by the recipients who are trying to make a successful transition from prison to restored citizen. It is a challenging and often lonely time, especially for those who have been incarcerated for many years and/or who don’t have family support. The Welcome Backpacks not only provide essential personal care items, but also send a message that there are people who understand and care
OPEN POSITION ON IACO COUNCIL: The Interfaith Association of Central Ohio (IACO) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create an interfaith community based on understanding, friendship, and trust. IACO puts this mission into action by:
Ø Educating the public about customs and practices of different faith traditions.
Ø Advocating for social justice, peace, and human dignity.
Ø Promoting interfaith gatherings and events that address local and global concerns.
Ø Partnering with other faith and peace-focused organizations.
IACO is made up of nine member faiths including: Bahá’i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Islam, Jain, Jewish, Sikh, and Unitarian Universalist. IACO’s council serves as its policy board. This group is made up of three representatives from each of the member faiths. The council meets every other month to discuss current issues to which IACO can take positive action and to plan interfaith opportunities.
Currently there are 2 UU representatives from First UU Congregation serving on the IACO Council. NUUC has provided the third representative in previous years and has the opportunity to fill the current vacancy. If you are interested in interfaith work and serving on the council, contact Pam Patsch for more information at You can also visit the IACO Facebook page to learn more about how the organization is fulfilling their mission.
IACO MAIN EVENT: Please join us in person or via Zoom for IACO’s annual fundraiser on August 22nd, 11:30-3:30. The theme this year is Responding to Religious and Racial Prejudice: Perspectives of Young Adults. There will be a discussion by young adults from diverse religious and racial backgrounds on their perception of prejudice and discrimination and the path toward social justice. The in-person event will be at First Congregational Church, 444 E. Broad Street, Columbus, OH. Due to COVID considerations, we will be at 50 percent capacity and serving boxed lunches. Registration will be via Eventbrite by 8/12/21 Payment can be made through Eventbrite ($25 in-person, $10 Zoom attendance), via check through the mail, or, for in-person attendees only, at the door. Please select the option that works best for you at check out. NOTE: Due to program costs, there will be no refunds or cancellations of reservations after August 12 - we appreciate your consideration and payment regardless of attendance after this date.
Please be sure to answer all the questions asked on the registration form. Don't forget to select your lunch option! To those attending virtually, we will send out the Zoom information the week of the event.
Interfaith Visit with the Jain Tradition: Jain dharma belongs to the s^ramana’ traditions and is one of the oldest Indian religions. It prescribes a path of nonviolence (ahimsa)towards all living beings. Practitioners believe nonviolence and self-control are the means to liberation. The main principles of Jainism are: Nonviolence; Non-absolutism; and Non-possessiveness. Join IACO virtually via Zoom at the Jain Center of Central Ohio to experience worship and learn more about the faith on Saturday, August 14,2021 – 2:00 p.m. Registration is required for Zoom event at You can also attend the event at Facebook Live@InterfaithOhio (no registration required)

If you are passionate about social justice, you will find lots of opportunities to stay current on issues in Ohio as well as actions you can take to create a more just world for all of us. UUJO offers webinars each month on upcoming state legislative bills; provides training on advocacy through letter writing, phone calls, visits with your representatives, and testifying at legislative hearings; offers informational webinars on key issues; and sponsors events such protests, marches, and testifying at State House hearings. Recent legislative threats include anti-protest bills that criminalize peaceful protests, voting restrictions, the state budget that takes away funding from programs that support low-income Ohioans, and restrictions on teaching a more neutral and accurate history in public schools, banning the death penalty, and allowing Ohioans to be exposed to radioactive waste. You can stay informed by following UUJO’s Facebook page and subscribing to email alerts. To support UUJO’s work, you can make a donation, attend events, and participate in webinars.
Job OpeningUUJO is searching for a half-time Executive Director to start this fall after Rev. Joan VanBeclaere retires. UUJO is a volunteer organization of Unitarian Universalist (UU) activists, committed since 2014 to facilitate the weaving together of individuals, congregations, Ohio communities and organizations, with the larger world to serve justice, equity, and inclusion.
As a UU state action network, UUJO identifies primary strategies, resources, and collaboration partners to act as catalysts for justice, equity inclusion and compassion in our greater world. We advocate for change at the Ohio Statehouse, create and host webinars with local and national leaders in social justice, offer education for lay people and clergy, and engage in local and statewide organizing and non-violent public witness. UUJO is on the front lines in the fight for an Ohio, a UUA, and a world community that moves toward living our seven UU Principles. UUJO’s mission is to offer education, advocacy, and action consistent with Unitarian Universalist
liberal religious principles and to witness with and on behalf of marginalized groups and individuals.
If you are interested in learning more about the position, contact Rev. Joan VanBeclaere at 


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