Caucus Time!
This is the time to start organizing your 2023 town Democratic caucus. The caucus process marks the start of our work toward a successful 2023-24 election cycle where New Hampshire Democrats will work hard to elect a Democratic governor, hold the White House, send our two Democratic Representatives to Congress, secure majorities in the New Hampshire House, Senate, and Executive Council and elect good Democratic stewards of local elections!
A caucus is a meeting where a Democratic town or city committee elects
its officers and at-large delegates to the Democratic State Convention.
Town and City Committees are the roots of the grassroots organizing that drives a successful Democratic Party. These elections allow us to elect strong leaders who will build the Democratic Committee, recruit candidates to run for all levels of the ballot, and be a Democratic presence in every town. You can find contact information for your local committee here. If your town doesn't have an active committee now would be a great time to start one!
March 31 is the last day to convene a town caucus, so now is a good time to organize one. If your town doesn't have a plan to caucus earlier, time will be made available at the March PAD meeting to meet with other Democrats in your town and elect this year's officers.