Mark your calendars and plan to join us February 22 as we kick off the new year and continue to work to bring fairness and respect back to New Hampshire politics.

We're thrilled to have Matt Wilhelm, our new NH House Minority leader speaking at our meeting on February 22nd with a legislative update. Join us in person, or register here to attend via Zoom.

Other business will include electing officers for the coming year, planning town caucuses, a financial update and amending our bylaws to remove Dorchester as that town will now be included in the Mascoma region.

Grafton County Dems Listening Session

Wednesday February 15th @6 pm

The 2023 Blue Hampshire Task Force (BHTF) is tasked with providing recommendations on how to make our party stronger, and they want to hear from us. This is your chance to come together as a county as a volunteer, an activist, a candidate or an official, to hear feedback from other regions and to weigh in. 

Mark your calendar to join the zoom and register here.

If you are unable to attend, you can send any feedback you have to and your ideas will be incorporated into the BHTF recommendations.

News you can use!

The Grafton County Democrats publish a regular newsletter on legislative issues impacting our area. The most recent newsletter is here. You can subscribe yourself by clicking here.

Caucus Time!

This is the time to start organizing your 2023 town Democratic caucus. The caucus process marks the start of our work toward a successful 2023-24 election cycle where New Hampshire Democrats will work hard to elect a Democratic governor, hold the White House, send our two Democratic Representatives to Congress, secure majorities in the New Hampshire House, Senate, and Executive Council and elect good Democratic stewards of local elections!

A caucus is a meeting where a Democratic town or city committee elects

its officers and at-large delegates to the Democratic State Convention.

Town and City Committees are the roots of the grassroots organizing that drives a successful Democratic Party. These elections allow us to elect strong leaders who will build the Democratic Committee, recruit candidates to run for all levels of the ballot, and be a Democratic presence in every town. You can find contact information for your local committee here. If your town doesn't have an active committee now would be a great time to start one!

March 31 is the last day to convene a town caucus, so now is a good time to organize one. If your town doesn't have a plan to caucus earlier, time will be made available at the March PAD meeting to meet with other Democrats in your town and elect this year's officers.

PAD needs YOU!

PAD is looking for candidates to fill several positions on our executive board. If you are interested in helping out or know someone you would like to nominate, please contact Bill Nesheim.

Current nominees are:

  • Joyce Weston - Treasurer
  • Val Scarborough - Vice President

Nominations from the floor will also be accepted.

We are also looking for someone to serve as communications officer. This is a great opportunity to put your social media and writing skills to work for a great cause.

Also at our February meeting our members will be asked to adopt a change to our by-laws removing Dorchester as a PAD town. With the recent changes in state house districts, Dorchester is more aligned with the Mascoma region and will become one of the towns covered by the Mascoma Forward regional organization of Grafton County Democrats. The proposed revised bylaws can be reviewed here.

Land Acknowledgement

New Hampshire is located on N’dakinna, which is the traditional ancestral homeland of the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. Plymouth Area Democrats acknowledge and honor with gratitude the spiritual and physical connection to the aki (land), nebi (water), awan (air), olakwikak (flora), and awaasak (fauna) of the alnobak (people) who have stewarded N’dakinna throughout the generations and who continue to carry forward the traditions of their ancestors.

Plymouth Area Democrats

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