Aug. 6, 2021
Ray-Pec community,

As we get closer to another school year, I want to make you aware of a couple of important pandemic-related items.

Communication of Positive COVID-19 Cases

During our summer school session, we began a new way of communicating positive COVID-19 cases. Instead of an email blast to all registered parent/guardian email addresses as we had done during the 20-21 school year, we invited those who wanted notifications of positive cases to sign-up for that email communication. That seemed to be well-received. We will continue to employ that communication strategy for the 21-22 school year. To receive the COVID-19 update email that includes notification of individual cases, you may subscribe here. We plan to communicate any positive cases in our schools to you starting on August 23. 

The Choice of In-Person or Virtual Education

As you know, registration is currently underway for the 21-22 school year. You have a choice for your children as to whether you plan to send them to our virtual education program or place them in an in-person learning environment at one of our school buildings. It is important to know that the choice of In-Person or Virtual Education can only be changed at the semester break. If a student begins the year as a virtual education student, there will be an opportunity to move to in-person learning at semester, or vice-versa. Entry will be based on class size and teacher availability. You must notify the home building principal by the first Friday in December if you want to change your child’s selection of learning mode at the start of second semester. 

Fall 21-22 Covid-19 Protocols

In a July 23 email from me and subsequent RP Update messages, we released the protocols that we intend to implement in our schools regarding COVID-19. The Board will review those protocols one more time before school begins. The Board will review the protocols on Tuesday at 6:15 p.m. The meeting will be broadcast in real-time at the following link: Ray-Pec Activities YouTube Channel. Because of the potential for interest and extremely limited seating, we are choosing only to broadcast the discussion so all can see and hear the conversation. There will be no in-person attendance. The full agenda can be found here. If you have comments that you would like the Board to consider about its protocols, please send an email to

Thank you for being such an outstanding and supportive parent community. We are in a much better place than we were last year at this time, and we will be ready to go on August 23.

On behalf of the Ray-Pec Board of Education, thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.

Mike Slagle

I am passionately driven by the belief that Everyone Is Created To Flourish