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Green Button News & Updates
Energy Data-Access Initiatives Continue to
Progress, Support Climate Goals
Exciting energy data-access initiatives, as part of grid modernization efforts, continue to move forward in the United States. Innovative plans are also increasingly taking distributed energy resources (DERs) and renewable energy into account in support of grid resiliency and broader state climate goals. Stakeholder knowledge and participation in workgroups, and their resulting recommendations, are often the forebearer of future-forward policies.
On 8 June 2020, the Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (PSCDC) announced (pdf) the approval of the next set of grid modernization recommendations for the District of Columbia stemming from its PowerPath DC stakeholder process. The recommendations include enhancing energy data access for all residential customers through Exelon subsidiary Potomac Electric Power Company’s (Pepco's) Green Button Connect My Data platform. The order, PowerPath DC (Case No. 1130, Order No. 20364) (pdf) helps to align the PowerPath DC grid modernization vision with Washington D.C.'s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2032.
In March 2020, the New York State Department of Public Service (DPS) announced (pdf) a proceeding to expand the strategic access to, and use of, energy-related data in order to meet the state’s clean energy goals. In addition, access to system and customer energy-usage data is key to New York's Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) energy strategy, which is guiding the state toward a cleaner and more-resilient electricity system. On 29 May, 2020, DPS staff published two whitepapers on the strategic use of energy-related data. The first paper, regarding the development of a Data Access Framework (pdf), defines the process for access to energy-related data; recognizes customers’ right-to-consent to share their energy-usage data; and standardizes the necessary privacy, cybersecurity, and quality requirements for data access. The second paper, regarding the creation of an Integrated Energy Data Resource (pdf), proposes a statewide, centralized platform for access to customer and system data. Stakeholders are providing comments for consideration by the DPS. If adopted by the Commission, the Data Access Framework would guide the requirements and process for access to energy-related data in New York.
In February 2020, H.R. 5796, the “Access to Consumer Energy Information Act” or “E-Access Act”, was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. The E-Access Act enhances consumer access to electric-energy and natural-gas information to allow for the adoption of innovative products and services to help consumers manage their energy usage. In June 2020, the E-Access bill was included as part of a 9-bill Climate Crisis Action plan, released as a staff report, that would assist in guiding the U.S. toward net-zero carbon pollution by 2050.
In August 2020, Illinois’ “Putting Consumers & Climate First” (pdf) energy policy proposal outlined eight principles in support of moving the state toward a clean and renewable energy economy. Expanded access to energy data for customers and customer energy-management partners to enable customers to more easily and effectively manage their energy consumption is called for within the policy proposal. Working groups consisting of Illinois energy stakeholders are expected to reconvene.
To read more about these and other data access initiatives, please hover over the "Happenings" menu item on the Green Button Alliance website for a list of links to more information.
You’re Invited!
Green Button Alliance’s 2020 Annual General Meeting & 5-Year Celebration
The Green Button Alliance's 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and 5-year Celebration will be held online on Thursday, 22 October, from 1:00-3:00pm EDT. Digital utilities, energy-efficiency innovators, regulators, governmental agencies, research institutes, and industry organizations are invited to attend this special celebratory edition of GBA's AGM to learn the latest on the industry's Green Button Energy Data-Access and Secure Data-Sharing Standard, innovative solutions and the path forward. The meeting will include:
- A Celebration of Green Button 5-year Accomplishments
Green Button Connect My Data Technical Update
- Green Button 2020 & Look Ahead
- Innovators Showcase & Awards
GBA members and non-members are invited to Register to Attend the GBA's 2020 Annual General Meeting & 5-Year Celebration via web on Thursday 22 October, 2020 from 1:00-3:00pm (EST). Simply click the button below to register to attend:
buildee® is an award-winning cloud-based software platform that enables cities, commercial building owners, operators, service providers, and utilities to identify, prioritize and realize energy-efficiency investments across a portfolio. With over 1-billion square feet of real estate on the platform, buildee is a Building Relationship Management (BRM) system that brings all data and point solutions into one place for 90+% faster decision-making for an owner.
The buildee platform includes a curated database of measures, utility programs, manufacturer equipment data and calculations that connect to best-in-class field mobility tools that standardize and accelerate data collection, analytics, and reporting. Additionally, the platform includes an API that allows customers to connect to third-party data and applications for better project analysis. buildee enables owners to make informed decisions to monetize their building data, reduce costs, improve value, and be stewards for environmental change.
buildee and Green Button Data
buildee is working with the Green Button Alliance to collaborate with utilities and facilitate the rapid integration and analysis of energy and water data. Easy access to accurate energy-consumption data is essential in order for building energy managers to understand and manage building energy usage, drive efficiency programs, and meet increasing mandates for reporting building energy consumption. buildee and GBA are working together to minimize the barrier to access energy consumption data which will enable stakeholders to identify and implement energy saving projects in their buildings.
Looking Forward - Improved Collaboration, Expanded Reporting, New Integrations
buildee recently released updated modules which provide deeper analysis, improved tools, and expanded reporting capabilities to streamline sustainability efforts and compliance.
● buildee Virtual (pdf) - Building on our transformative collaboration capabilities, off-site teams can engage with on-site facility managers through buildee’s peer-to-peer video integration by collecting data on equipment and assets in a building which are then reviewed and analyzed by off-site staff who make ECM project recommendations.
● buildee Portfolio - Offering improved analysis and optimization of spend, buildee Portfolio is leveraged for running portfolio or segment wide “what-if” scenarios and supports portfolio-wide reporting.
● buildee Reports - buildee Reports auto-generates data collected from building surveys, benchmarks, virtual or field audits that are organized and populated into a pre-formatted report including charts, notes and photographs.
“Owners continue to face the 'data - to - decision' challenge and the industry at times makes it more complicated. buildee is designed to facilitate this process by connecting data from the field to the front office. Being part of the Green Button Alliance accelerates data accessibility and product value,” said Oliver Davis, buildee CEO and Founder.
buildee’s BRM has integrated with platforms from utility data providers and facilities management systems to project management tools and CRM databases. Interested in connecting your tool to buildee or curious if a tool you use is connected to buildee? Please reach out at inquiries@buildee.com. Follow buildee on LinkedIn or on Twitter @gobuildee.
SVCE’s Data Hive Energy Data Exchange Pilot with UtilityAPI Now Offers Customers 80 Clean Energy Solution Providers to Choose From
In March, Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE), a community energy choice agency, launched Data Hive, its flagship energy data exchange pilot project with GBA member UtilityAPI. To date, 80 clean energy solution provider companies have registered to be able to request data free-of-charge from customers in the cities surrounding San Jose, California, and registration continues to be open to any company wanting to try out the free data access service. SVCE customers can select a solution provider and instantly authorize the company to securely access their standardized Green Button energy usage and billing data and automated utility data. By streamlining data access and sharing, Data Hive empowers customers with choice and enables them to accelerate the deployment of clean energy projects.
SVCE’s Data Hive powered by UtilityAPI’s energy data exchange platform leverages the Green Button Connect standard and demonstrates a scalable smart energy ecosystem. Energy efficiency, solar, EV and energy storage companies interested in participating in the Data Hive pilot are encouraged to register as a third party. Follow UtilityAPI on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Entegrus Certified Green Button Download My Data Compliant
The GBA congratulates member utility Entegrus, headquartered in Chatham-Kent, Ontario, Canada on its successful completion of the Green Button Alliance’s Green Button Download My Data (DMD) testing process and certification as Green Button Download My Data compliant. The GBA issued Entegrus the “Green Button Certified DMD” mark denoting the utility's DMD implementation complies with the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) REQ.21 Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) version 3.3 standard.
Entegrus customers can now go to their 'My Account' online portal to access, compare, and download reliable, standardized Green Button energy-consumption data.
Utilities and energy service providers who have existing Green Button DMD or Green Button Connect My Data (CMD) implementations, or who are in the process of developing Green Button offerings, can apply for Green Button certification here.
Virimodo Simplifies Clean Energy Subscriptions for New York City Residents
Derived from the Latin “viridis” meaning “green” and “modo” meaning “now”, GBA member Virimodo’s name means “Green Now”. Based in New York City, Virimodo is a carbon reduction intelligence company committed to reducing greenhouse gases in cities globally. The free, subscription-based Virimodo app simplifies consumer clean-energy subscriptions to three steps by enabling consumers to: easily upload their energy bills or authorize secure access to their energy data; customize their clean-energy subscription; and track and reduce their energy usage and carbon impact. The new Virimodo app offers a choice of three free clean-energy plans, fun community incentives, and the company plants a tree for each new customer that joins the service. New York residents can register here for free.
Virimodo partners with utilities to utilize real-time data to measure and monitor customers’ carbon impact and leverages artificial intelligence and personalized energy analytics to assist customers in reducing their carbon footprint. Virimodo will soon offer a tool which will inform users of their home energy usage and potential costs of off-peak and on-peak usage. Virimodo adheres to the highest standards of customer data protection and has adopted the U.S. Department of Energy’s DataGuard Energy Data Privacy Program. Virimodo is a registered public-benefit corporation. Follow Virimodo on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Green Button Alliance Meetings
GBA’s Upcoming All-Member Meetings
The GBA’s next All-Member Call will be held via dial-in and web today, Tuesday, 01 September at 2:00pm EDT. All members are invited to attend. Participation logistics will be emailed to GBA Members.
The GBA hosts the OpenADE Task Force technical meetings following the GBA’s monthly All-Member Call. The next one-hour OpenADE Task Force meeting will be held today, Tuesday, 01 September at 3:00pm EDT. GBA members and non-members are invited to attend. Visit the GBA’s online calendar for logistics.
Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO)
27-29 October 2020
© 2020 Green Button Alliance
The Green Button Alliance (GBA) is a North Carolina nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation