Dear St. John’s Parents:

Though we are disappointed that our island has not been able to move on to the next level of COVID relief, we fully understand the importance of maintaining caution as positive cases increase in number.

With that in mind, I would like to share some of the plans we have been considering for a return to school. Right now, that timeline remains August 6, but it must be considered flexible at this time. Please keep in mind that our goal is to bring our students back on-campus in the safest way possible.

The most important part of any plan that we adopt is a strong partnership with parents. It is vital that you monitor your children’s health and keep them home when they don’t feel well. The experts tell us that children may not at first have a fever with COVID19; they may not experience respiratory problems; their first symptoms could be gastrointestinal in nature. Therefore, any child who isn’t well must be kept at home.

We will do our best to support students who are ill, or are under voluntary or required quarantine, with on-line instruction. Please keep us aware of issues that arise.

While we are still in the preparatory stages, it would be helpful if parents begin at home to make children comfortable with the potential changes they may encounter. Practice with them on wearing masks correctly (covering nose and mouth) without constantly touching their faces and masks. Explain physical distancing and why it is important and practice that as well. Practice correct handwashing and have them do it often. (I personally am tired of “Happy Birthday”. Use a timer and find other 20-second songs they can practice sudsing with.)

And, do everything you can to dispel their worry about the virus in general and about returning to school. Don’t you, and don’t let them, worry about the learning they feel they have missed and how hard it will be to “catch up”. Be assured that our teachers will not accelerate the curriculum to make up for lost time. They will, as they always do, assess readiness and move forward at the appropriate rate, with support for every student.

Below are some of our plans to date:

Revised Calendar:  Actual Dates May Change

August 3 through 5 
Virtual Open House will be conducted for all levels by teachers. Teachers will notify parents of specific day and time and issue an online invitation to attend. (Presentations will include: teacher introductions, curriculum content, classroom expectations, grading methodology, and other information.)

August 6 and 7 
Orientation Half-Day for Students by Grade Level: To orient students to a new way of being safe in school. (No lunch period on this day.)
August 6 – Lower School 8:00 to 11:30
August 6 – Middle School 12:00 to 3:15
August 7 – Upper School 9:00 to 12:15

Drop Off and Pick Up
In order to reduce the number of students being dropped off and picked up at any given time, staggered arrival times and dismissal times will begin Monday, August 10.
Class Start and Dismissal Times will be as follows:
8:00 Lower School to 2:30 (Primary) and to 2:45 (Intermediate)
8:30 to 3:20 Middle School (8:30 to 8:55 will be Homeroom Class)
9:00 to 3:20 Upper School

Please Note:
  • Parents will not be able to park and leave their cars. Only students and employees will be allowed on campus. (Parents and other visitors may enter the school office under strict protocols: limited number, distancing, masks, temperature checks…)
  • All students will get a temperature check to enter campus. They will be checked again upon entry to first class and again at the end of the day.
  • Pre-K and Kinder parents may park at the pool and walk children to Lower School back entrance. (Temperature Check will be done at Pool walkthrough gate.)
  • Middle and Upper School Students who must be dropped at 8:00, will proceed to assigned area for study.
  • Specific classroom and campus rules will be explained to parents and students during open house and orientation.

(Please check the school’s website later for translations of this message.)

Tel: (671) 646-8080 | Fax: 649-6791