At the Annual General Meeting of 29th July, ACHPER elected Russell Brown, from South Australia, to a 3 year appointment and the role of Vice President. Russell, who is already a Life Member of ACHPER, brings a wealth of professional knowledge developed over an impressive career as a HPE teacher, HPE curriculum advisor and academic at Flinders University. Russell has served on National Board in the past and on the ACHPER South Australia Board. Russell has been working with ACHPER as an appointed Board member since 2020 and we welcome him to his elected Director and Leadership position.
Adrian Fisher, from Western Australia, was elected to a 2 year Director’s position. Adrian brings a wealth of experience in sport and leisure management to the role and we are excited to continue working with Adrian, who has also been with the Board in an appointed position since 2020. Adrian is leading the Shooting Stars Indigenous player program with Netball WA and provides the essential industry knowledge and networks with whom ACHPER connects.
Dr John Williams, from the ACT, was elected to a 1 year Director’s position. John is an academic at the University of Canberra, well known for his research into Indigenous games in Australian schools.