Tualatin River Environmental Education (TREE) Pilot Program
by Todd McKinney, Refuge Park Ranger
This year, the refuge’s Visitor Services Team set out on a new endeavor to build a program that does things a bit differently than in the past. Staff and volunteers are taking a community-focused approach to an aspect of the environmental education program that centers the needs of students, families, teachers, and school administrators. In this model, the refuge, staff, Friends and volunteers are a community asset, co-creating this program with local collaborators in order to support community identified needs.
Next week, the new TREE (Tualatin River Environmental Education) pilot partnership program kicks-off at Greenway Elementary School. Staff and volunteers will be co-leading a year-long program with the teachers, at the school. The focus of this year’s program is all about healthy water and lamprey. Through this approach, the refuge will have multiple interactions with these youth throughout the year. Not only will the students and teachers learn about conservation and the importance of protecting natural resources, they will also develop lasting relationships with the refuge through the continuous visits from those delivering the program.
Staff are very excited for this program to get underway. As the development of the pilot continues to unfold, the refuge has its eyes on scaling up and taking the model to other schools and classrooms in the future. This program brings with it a lot of potential to have incredible impacts on our local communities, which is very exciting. Stay tuned for more information to come as we embark on this project.
If you have any questions, or want to know any more details about this new program, feel free to reach out to the Visitor Services Park Rangers, Natalie and Todd. They are more than happy to discuss the program and share all the great things that are blossoming from its development.