Welcome to Quilting News
April 2022
Message from Lisa
As we welcome April I come with mixed emotions. First I'm still blown away with a great retreat we had in Kill Devil Hills, NC in the Honor House. This house was just as I anticipated and more. We had plenty of room and more if we needed it. The weather was a mix of just about everything. We shopped, we ate, we walked the beach, we played games and had our own Tour-de-quilt show. Looking forward to retreat #5 for 2023. As I returned home, I was quilting away and my machine suddenly stopped. I have reported my problem to Gammill and I'm just waiting for a repair person to be near me so I can get back up and running. I have a few ladies who need quilts quickly and I have those at the top of the list. I appreciate my customers so much for having patience during this difficult time for me. I know the help desk will be glad when my machine is fixed. I call every two days to leave them nice messages. So I have been trying to keep myself busy during this slow time.

Several of my customers have been on my heart lately. My dear friend Bonnie Butz , and her son Brian Medsker, will be leaving this week to move to Idaho. Trixie is very sad and I am for the distance they are going. We will keep in touch through facebook. Drive safe and stay healthy! George's husband had open heart surgery and is recovery still in the hospital. Delma Kemmet and Merci Kessler have both had breathing issues. We continue to lift them up for healing. Jeanette Reames has shoulder issues. Phillie has been dealing with leg issues and my knee is getting better and stronger. It seems that we are more than a quilt group, we are a support group for healing also.

April brings us Easter and spring breaks. So I don't have too much to report. The two classes I was trying to get together didn't. So I will revamp them and try again later. So for now this might be sweet and simple. Sorry for no classes, but I will have a "Sip and Sew" Saturday so we can get together. I do have two spots left for the West Virginia get away if you are interested. I can take names up to the first of June.

So until you see me in person, Keep on sewing and I will see you soon.

Save the Date:
April - 2022
4-6 - OPEN
7 - Quilter's Daycare
9- Country Piece Makers
11-13 - OPEN
14 - Quilter's Daycare
18-20 - OPEN
21 - Quilter's Daycare
23 - Sip and Sew from 9 to 3 PM
25-27 - OPEN
28 - Quilter's Daycare

May - 2022
2-4 - OPEN
5 - Quilter's Daycare
9-11 - OPEN
12 - Quilter's Daycare
14 - Country Piece Makers
16-18 - OPEN
19 - Quilter's Daycare
23-25 - OPEN
26 - Quilter's Daycare
30 - CLOSED for Memorial Day

June - 2022
2 - Quilter's Daycare
6-8 - OPEN
9 - Quilter's Daycare
13-18 - CLOSED (Away in West Virginia)
20-22 - OPEN
23 - Quilter's Daycare
27-30 - CLOSED (Lisa's Vacation)

Memories from Retreat
Retreat is about relaxing and getting to know your quilters on a new level of friendship. We laugh a lot, sew some, eat a lot and shop. I feel like my retreats are pretty fun, affordable and exciting. Hope you get to join us one year! We will start in August booking our trip for 2023. Where will we go?

What do you have new on your machine?
Well, I just loved what Jean Roop and Mary Ellen Carhart were working on at retreat. These are paper pieced blocks that finish at 3 inches. Yes, I can get smaller. This is 365 blocks for the year of 2022. I think that the deadline for signing up has ended. But I have had so much fun taking my scrap boxes and using my small scraps to make these fun blocks. I didn't have to buy any fabric. But maybe for the sashing. I'm keeping my brain busy while I wait for the repair man for my machine.
West Virginia Quilt Show
Several of us will be traveling back to Springfield, WVA in June for a quilt show. I have two spots left in a house, if you want to go. We are traveling June 14-18, 2022 and will be sewing and shopping and attending the quilt show. If you want info about this trip, call me for cost and details. Or you can make plans to attend the show while we are there.
Quilters Daycare Group
Quilter's Daycare s a Thursday sew group. We have more ladies joining us. So please make sure that you slide over and make room for everyone that wants to sew. We will have an overflow room in my old office if you would feel more comfortable in there away from the larger group. We want everyone to feel welcome and we have missed many of you. Your $5 covers your seat charge each Thursday. See you soon! Reminder the door opens at 9 am.
Thank You!
I now offer payment through Zelle (which is from your bank to mine) or VENMO. If you use one of these payments types, you can now pay me directly. Just inquire and I can give you my account info.

Please continue to bring a bag with your project when leaving it for quilting services!

See you soon! Trixie and Lisa