October 20, 2021
Turner Falls
What's Inside...

  • OML Episode 20: Mike Fina Visits With Bethany Mayor Nikki Lloyd
  • MHS Sign-Up Is Currently Underway
  • OML Announces New Corporate Partners
  • 2021 New Officials Institutes
  • Practical Guide Save The Date!
  • In Person Joint Code Conference October 26-29
Municipal Health Solutions
Sign-Up Is Currently Underway
Oklahoma Cities and Towns…are you interested in lowering your rising healthcare costs for your municipal officials and staff? If so, please consider Municipal Health Solutions (MHS) for your comprehensive health benefits. Over the last few years, it has become increasingly clear that Oklahoma cities and towns, like those across the country, are facing rising healthcare costs that present challenges to fiscal responsibility and competitive benefits.

If you are interested in joining other fellow Oklahoma municipalities in combating rising healthcare costs, please contact Nancee Morris, MHS Plan Administrator, at 405-528-7515 or email for a consultation and to receive complete plan information. 
OML Announces New Corporate Partners
As OML serves 586 cities and towns of varying sizes and government structures, we have established an OML Corporate Partnership Program which allows businesses the opportunity to showcase their commitment to these communities by being a valued partner of OML and by bringing their unique perspective to the table.

We are pleased to present two new corporate partners, Capital Plus Consulting and Dronedek.

Capital Plus Consulting is a full-service government relations firm specializing in the complexities of the legislative process. Accomplished and dedicated experts with a proven track record of developing and implementing innovation and strategic solutions to meet client needs and positively impact plans for growth and success. Capital Plus offers expert knowledge in the sectors of energy, water, transportation, health care and education. For additional information, please go to: or call
405-694-3774 and ask to speak with Luke Martin.

Dronedek is a comprehensive solution to all of the key areas of risk associated with drone delivery in one platform. The smart mailbox is the first utility patent issued for one package receiving and storage. It is for receiving or sending food, medicine, groceries or parcels. It is a secure porch, roof, window, house or building mounted box and may be secured to an existing device or mailbox post. To learn more about Dronedek, please visit: or call Neerav Shah at 317-531-7931.

To view a complete listing of the OML Corporate Partners and the services they provide, please visit our website.
2021 New Officials Institutes
The next date for the New Officials Institute will be in person! The next date is November 4th in the city of Lawton. We will also have two webinars on February 24th and one in March. Details are coming soon. Please note these will be the last dates until June 2022. Have a look at our website to find out more.

Space is limited so sign up today!
Sponsored By:
This event is in person or virtual. Register online via the ONLINE REGISTRATION button to attend in person or to attend virtually, click the link below.

Discount Codes: $85, “Member21” or to be invoiced use “Invoice21”.
In Person Joint Code Conference October 26th-29th
Please Join the CCECO (Construction Codes Education Coalition of Oklahoma) in attending the 2021 Joint Code Conference. The Coalition includes the IAEI, OMIA, OPIA and OBIA.  October 26th through October 29, 2021 in Ada, OK. More Information
Thank You To Our Corporate Partners
For Their Continued Support