Upcoming Agritourism Panels Aim to Share Findings on Growing WNC’s Agritourism Potential
EmPOWERING Mountain Food Systems (EMFS) announces two in-person Agritourism Panels to share the recommendations from an extensive assessment of WNC’s potential for economic opportunities in agriculture and tourism, free and open to the public. Local agritourism operators and researchers will share tips on how to establish initiatives and businesses that capitalize on existing resources and create opportunities to expand agritourism experiences in the region. Haywood Community College and Southwestern Community College Small Business Centers are hosting the series.
The two-year research project was conducted in partnership with Dr. Whitney Knollenberg, Carla Barbieri and students from the NC State University Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management department. It shares helpful anecdotes from interviews and seven specific key suggestions to maximize economic growth in the food and farm businesses of Western North Carolina. Along with recommendations for short-, medium- and long-term action steps our communities can make, the findings identify marketing and infrastructure resources Western NC needs to help its agritourism operations thrive.
Farmers are encouraged to cultivate and share their rich heritage and stories along with the beautiful farmland that WNC is known for, while increasing farm income to sustain family farms! Come to these sessions and learn about this growing opportunity to maintain the region's cultural agriculture heritage, inform consumers while learning about local resources to support your farm dreams.
Agritourism Panel
Thursday, February 09, 2023 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern
Location: Southwestern Community College Small Business Center Founders room #125
- Join us for a farm tour afterward at JAAR Farms- must pre-register for full session
Register here
Agritourism Panel
Thursday, February 16, 2023 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM Eastern
Location: Macon Campus, Groves Center Room 110
Facilitated by Southwestern Community College Small Business Center
- Join us for a farm tour afterward at Windingstair Farm, must pre-register for the full session
Register here