Keeping King's Chapel's members and friends connected each week while we are 
Physically Closed but Spiritually Open.
Spotlight On: 

Partner Church Sunday and First Sunday Coffee Hour
King's Chapel will celebrate its partnership with the First Unitarian Congregation of Kolozsvár in a virtual worship service including communion in the Transylvanian tradition and honoring two founders of the Unitarian faith: Francis Dávid of Kolozsvár and James Freeman of Boston, who both embraced a Unitarianism exalting religious tolerance, passionate reason, and compassionate justice. Click here to read more
This year's service will be followed by our First Sunday Coffee Hour at noon, hosted by Cynthia Perkins.  

From the Minister

My Dear Friends--
This Sunday we celebrate our relationship with the First Unitarian Church of Kolozsvár in Transylvania. Each year we mark our partnership with a communion service in which we celebrate the Lord's Supper according to the Transylvanian tradition. The covering that adorns the Communion Table this week in our Morning Prayer service is a gift from our friends in Kolozsvár. It reminds us that though we are separated by geography and culture, we are united in a love of God and our neighbors. We unite in the spirit of the Jesus Christ who calls us to love and compassion--who bids us to be not afraid.
In this new year, our challenges and opportunities are many, though it can often seem as though the challenges are more numerous than the opportunities! Such is the case for those Isaiah addresses in this week's lesson: the people cry out to a God they feel doesn't hear them. The prophet channels the voice of a God at once mighty and merciful: a God who marshals the stars of the heavens, but knows each by name. As we celebrate communion this Sunday, we are reminded that however distant we may be, whatever the miles that separate us, we are united under the care of a God who sends a spirit of love over us like a curtain, a tent for us to live in.
In faith and love,
News and Announcements

2021 Budget Approval

On behalf of the Governance Leaders, the Ministers, and the Staff, I would like to thank you all for your overwhelming support of the budget presented last Sunday and commend the overall engagement with and quality of the conversation it engendered.  2021 will not be an easy year, but it can't be any more challenging than 2020, and we have tremendous esprit de corps to see us all through!  With gratitude - Kathe
Black History Month at King's Chapel - History Program on Zoom TONIGHT at 5:30PM
Understanding the Past: Exploring Black History through Primary Sources

Join King's Chapel History Program staff TONIGHT at 5:30PM on Zoom as we dive into the archives to explore Black history within King's Chapel's collections. In anticipation for the release of King's Chapel's new online exhibit on Friday, February 5, we will explore the exhibit content and themes. The presentation will focus on the process of examining primary sources within our archives and how this research enables us to uncover and bring light to stories from the church's Black community in the 18th and 19th centuries. Attendees will be able to preview the exhibit and have the opportunity to ask questions before it goes live the following day. 

Meeting to Discuss Next Phase of Environmental Action at King's Chapel on Tuesday, February 9 at 3:00 PM

The Environmental Action Initiative steering committee invites all interested parishioners to join us next Tuesday at 3pm to help shape our faith-in-action work to respond to climate change. This discussion will be a follow-up to Environmental Compassion Month, when we hosted Rev. Fred Small for a guest sermon and workshop as well as a month-long poetry workshop on the work of US Poet Laureate Joy Harjo. Join us next Tuesday to share what actions you are already taking in your own life, what impediments you have encountered, and what issues you would like to prioritize in the coming season.

Registration is required.  Click HERE for Zoom link and please contact the EAI steering committee to let us know you are coming.
Virtual Concert and Reception on Sunday, February 14

Please join us on Sunday, February 14 at 5:00 PM for A Virtual Valentine from the King's Chapel Choir. Our singers are currently hard at work behind the scenes selecting, practicing, and recording love songs of all sorts for your delectation. The program will take you from Monteverdi to Berlin, so do tune in - it will be a program just like the New England weather, if there's something you don't like, just wait a minute! Several selections will be recorded at the Parish House, using our lovely pianos, but we will also have some lovely nature footage, as well as of course cozy/zany At Homes with the choir members. 

The concert will premiere on King's Chapel's YouTube channel at 5:00 PM. A direct link will be provided once the final video is uploaded (we are still recording and editing!).

Following the concert, all are invited to join a festive Mardi Gras reception on Zoom at 6:00PM, hosted by the King's Chapel Music Committee.  Please register HERE for login access.  
Shrove Sunday Pancake Breakfast

Come join us for a virtual Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 14! At 10:30AM the Church School children will begin making pancakes together over Zoom, and at 11:00 the eating will commence! Feel free to join us for as much of the breakfast as you like.
The Nominating Committee Needs Your Help!

The Nominating Committee needs your help! We invite all parishioners to send suggestions, by phone or email, to any or all of us on the Nominating Committee.

There are, as always, three openings on the Vestry, our governing board. It has nine members who serve one three-year term, so that one-third of its members  turn over each year. On the Parish Council, we have openings for committee chairs for Adult Religious Education, Denominational and Ecumenical Affairs, Hospitality, and Music, and one member-at-large. 

We are also happy to talk with anyone who would like to learn more about ways to become more active in the KC community. Most of our committees could use more contributors!

2021 Nominating Committee
Community Action Committee: Sandwich Chefs and Shoppers Needed

We are honored to be among the many faith communities lending a hand to common cathedral as they continue their regular program of sandwiches and worship every Sunday of the year, rain or shine (or pandemic)!  You can help us deliver this meaningful gift to our unhoused neighbors by signing up as...

Sandwich makers: We need volunteers to make 50 sandwiches, and place them in lunch bags with hearty snacks for the following Sundays:
March 7th
April 4th (Easter Sunday)
June 6th
All supplies are provided.  Sandwich bags are to be delivered to the back of the church or picked up on Sunday by 10AM.  Instructions and COVID precautions will be explained upon signup.  To sign up to help, please email Amanda Pickett or Carol Genovese.

Costco and BJ's shoppers: Do you have a car and Costco or BJ's card? Then we need your help!  We need volunteers who can make a shopping run to Costco and/or BJ's to pick up sandwich ingredients on the Thursday or Friday morning before March 7th, April 4th, or June 6th.  Please contact Carol Genovese for more info or to volunteer.
Save The Date: Free Lecture, Thursday, February 18, 6-7 PM

Save the Date:  Free Lecture, Thursday, February 18, 6-7 PM: Slavery, Wealth Creation, and Intergenerational Wealth, Co-sponsored by King's Chapel, the MA Historical Society, and Northeastern Law School.  A panel of expert scholars explain how New England families and institutions benefit to this day from wealth gained from slavery; and conversely, how descendants of enslaved families continue to suffer from past injustices.  "The past is never dead; it is not even past." For more information and to register, click here
In This Issue
Sunday Services 

February 7, Morning Light | 9 AM on Zoom
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Skip Lewan, Piano
  • Denton Crews, Lector
February 7, Morning Prayer |  11 AM on YouTube
  • The Rev. Joy Fallon, Senior Minister
  • David Waters, Minister for Education and Membership
  • Heinrich Christensen, Music Director
  • Jennifer Webb, Sudeep Agarwala, and Brian Church, Soloists
  • Louise Perkins, Lay Readers 
  • Denton Crews, Lector
Scripture:  Isaiah 40:21-31
Did you miss last Sunday's service?  If so, click HERE to watch.
From the Bench
For Partner church Sunday, you will hear a repeat of the beautiful Transylvanian blessing "Szekely Aldas," as arranged in Hungarian and English by Beth Norton, and sung by Jennifer Webb and Sudeep Agarwala. 
Our hymns are "Find a Stillness," also from  Transylvania, as well as the more familiar favorite "God of Grace and God of Glory."
Upcoming on Zoom

Morning Prayer Worship Service
Sunday, February 7
Available to watch all day on our website and YouTube channel.

Morning Light Worship Service 
Sunday, February 7 | 9:00 AM 

First Sunday Coffee Hour
Sunday, February 7 | 12:00 PM

Environmental Action Initiative Open Meeting
Tuesday, February 9 | 3:00 PM

KC Kids Time
Tuesday, February 9 | 7:00 PM

Bible Study
Wednesday, Feb. 10 | 6:15 PM

Coffee with Clergy
Thursday, Feb. 4 | 10:00 AM
Giving to King's Chapel

Please consider a stewardship offering in a spirit of thanksgiving to help us through this challenging time.  Every single gift in any amount is equally valued and helps enormously.

Prayer Circle 

The King's Chapel Prayer Circle, led by Cynthia Perkins, stands ready to pray for any who request it, in complete confidence.  

To request prayers, contact one of the clergy: Joy or David
or Cynthia Perkins:
Internet Fraud - Protect Yourself

During the COVID-19 Pandemic, churches across the nation have seen a steep rise in incidents of internet fraud and scams, especially using ministers' names and targeting church members. Please watch out for these. I promise, we will never ask you to send us gift cards.  We will never ask for your personal identifying information or bank account info.  If we ever purport to say that we can't be reached by phone, be suspicious. Click the link below for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from internet crime. 
Contributing to Between Sundays

Our e-newsletter is sent each Thursday afternoon.  Want something in Between Sundays? Feel free to email Communications Coordinator Jennifer Roesch with a written piece and/or pictures before Wednesday at 5 PM.
Need to reach us?

While we are not physically at our offices, you can reach us via email. You can find our contact information with office hours on our website.
Lent 2021

Lenten Journey 2021

Stay tuned for the arrival of your Lenten booklet next week in the mail. An electronic (PDF) version of the booklet will also be available early next week on our websiteOrganized into weekly themes, the booklet sets out a rich and inspiring journey of the soul through scripture, reflections, readings, poetry, and prayer.  The booklet is the result of a collaborative adventure undertaken by the ministers and various members of the Adult Religious Education and Community Action Committees along with the Environment Action Initiative.  

Accompanying this offering will be a series of five Lenten fellowship hours to be held on Fridays at 5pm (via Zoom) to share reflections from the prior week. The first gathering is Friday, Feb. 26th at 5pm. Please register in advance here.
Ashes to Go and Ash Wednesday Service on February 17

On Ash Wednesday, David will continue our tradition of distributing ashes from Noon to 2:00PM in front of the Chapel on the corner of School and Tremont Streets. COVID safety precautions will include gloves, sanitizer, and alcohol wipes to be used by each recipient before receiving ashes. Masks are also required.

At 5:00 PM we will upload our special Ash Wednesday service to our YouTube channel.  
Theology on Tap 

Join us on Ash Wednesday at 6pm for a discussion of Lent as a season not only of preparation, but transformation! We'll explore how the church's traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are relevant our current moment and help (re)connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

We rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.                                                                                                                        ~Romans 12:15

We rejoice with Pam, Michael and Caroline Bergeron that Pam was able to return home yesterday after her surgery last week.  We continue to hold Pam and her family in our prayers, seeking her full recovery from her surgery, and her continued healing from cancer.
We hold in our prayers David Morse, who joined King's Chapel several years ago, after having worshipped for many years at his boyhood Unitarian Church in Milton.  David was diagnosed several months ago with late stage pancreatic cancer and is now receiving hospice care at the Beacon Hill home he shares with his wife of 25 years, Susan McWhinney-Morse. David has been a faithful worshipper with us, always arriving early and sitting near the front, off the central aisle. We pray for courage and peace for both David and Susan. May he rest well, knowing that he has blessed many with his gentle grace. And at the journey's end, may he know the welcome of God's love. It keeps us all.
We rejoice with Cliff Allen on the success of his daughter Kate Allen's young adult novel, The Line Tender, an award-winning book about the challenges young people can face, including death in their family, friendships and divorce.  The story is beautiful and moving. The Boston Public Library is hosting a zoom discussion of the book on February 18, from 4-5 PM. Go to for more information, including a book synopsis, and registration.  Joy has a copy of the book she's willing to lend out, and strongly recommends it.
We rejoice with Dave and Hillary Paul Metcalf on the birth of their second child, Murphy Harriet Metcalf on Monday this week, in the midst of the snow storm. Murphy joins her older brother Everett.  Dave and Hillary were married at King's Chapel and last year, just before the pandemic erupted, we baptized Everett at the church before you, and before his extended family. May all four Metcalfs know our love, and that of God, as they begin this new stage of their life journey.